Reparations, or else!

You believe in nationalist United States which you promote as evil for social justice however you believe in globalism for everything else. It means much more. That cannot endure.
I did not understand a thing you wrote.
I did not understand a thing you wrote.
Nationalism promoted as evil fascism from Progressive with Trump. We lived in that for a couple of hundred years. Progs took over the government and media several decades ago. Changed traditional ways near completely with no thinking of damage for social justice rights legalized. This with everything within our borders. Progs with their agendas and RINOS do not support those same orders with immigration for over a half century. You are supporting globalists and the decline of the United States..
If you give blacks reparations you have to give them to everyone, jews, chinese, women, and poor whites.

Italians, we were wops, dagos -- it was horrible

There's never been an Italian President. There was a black President, granted he was born in Kenya, but still
Nationalism promoted as evil fascism from Progressive with Trump. We lived in that for a couple of hundred years. Progs took over the government and media several decades ago. Changed traditional ways near completely with no thinking of damage for social justice rights legalized. This with everything within our borders. Progs with their agendas and RINOS do not support those same orders with immigration for over a half century. You are supporting globalists and the decline of the United States..
You believe in any fairy tale the losers in the MAGA/Tea Party have to sell you.

I have a bridge for sale I have kept for people just like you.

It would do you good to read Bill Krystol, David Frum, Michael Steele, Steve Schmidt, George Will and others. Remember them? Republicans !!!!
You believe in any fairy tale the losers in the MAGA/Tea Party have to sell you.

I have a bridge for sale I have kept for people just like you.

It would do you good to read Bill Krystol, David Frum, Michael Steele, Steve Schmidt, George Will and others. Remember them? Republicans !!!!
I did. And believed in them until they showed their true colors.
I did. And believed in them until they showed their true colors.
No, YOU showed your ignorance of history and law and the ability to believe anything anyone who comes along says, as long as it fits with the way you have ended up looking at the world and how you want things to be.
Let's pony up folks. Who owned a cotton farm in here?
Well, my impoverished great-grandparents, who were in Eastern Europe in the 19th century, each owned a couple of cotton shirts, maybe two pairs of pants or skirts, and, I assume, underwear.

How much do I owe?
The real problem would be that a factory in China would have thousands of employees producing products for us for the same price that a ghetto lock of people receives in reparations. Do you not see what the propaganda that the white dominated globalists have pushed on us are doing? They want our nation under control. Their control.

Those uppity white proles tend toward Christian values and work ethic, things completely alien to Wall Street and Harvard elites. They have to be wiped out and replaced by uneducated pagan latino drudge workers so America can be safe for monopolists and billionaire parasites once again. The GOP is competing with the Democrats to serve that need.
Here's a link if you can still add it to the OP
I find it ironic that a state that didn't practice slavery with black people who weren't slaves (in California will) most likely be getting handouts at state and local level (San Francisco) by taxpayer dollars of residents who weren't slave owners in California.
I find it ironic that a state that didn't practice slavery with black people who weren't slaves (in California will) most likely be getting handouts at state and local level (San Francisco) by taxpayer dollars of residents who weren't slave owners in California.
Especially since CA is basically broke. People and businesses are bailing on CA for safer and saner states.
Especially since CA is basically broke. People and businesses are bailing on CA for safer and saner states.
For a state that brags about it's progressive politics, they sure didn't think through the role out of the new EV mandate for new vehicles starting in 2026, while simultaneously rolling out new mandates on the production of energy using renewable resources by 2045. They already struggle with the electrical infrastructure with blackouts, and now they will be introducing millions of EV vehicles using less reliable renewable energy sources.
For a state that brags about it's progressive politics, they sure didn't think through the role out of the new EV mandate for new vehicles starting in 2026, while simultaneously rolling out new mandates on the production of energy using renewable resources by 2045. They already struggle with the electrical infrastructure with blackouts, and now they will be introducing millions of EV vehicles using less reliable renewable energy sources.
… you captured it in four words: “they sure didn’t think.”

If Democrats thought, they wouldn’t have voted for a man with dementia who had used his political office to enrich his family, via payoffs from adversaries.
The solution is to print up special money, like monopoly money. Call it black people's money. Give every black a trillion dollar bill.

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