Reparations, or else!

Here's a link if you can still add it to the OP

Idiotic on any level.

African slavery was the tradition in Africa for many centuries before whites ever walked on this country.

When slaves came to this country they were sold to the slave traders by the slave owners in Africa. One way or another, they would be slaves, either here or in Africa.

These slaves might have actually be slave owners who’s tribe was defeated, freeing a different tribes people, before they became the slaves sent here

So California could be paying reparations to those who’s ancestors were slave traders.

And if left in Africa, these same people would have made, on average $1.7 million less in their lifetimes.

No reparations are entitled.

Lets start current and work our way back...

We can start with the DOJ /FBI paying reparations to all the US citizens whose rights they violated by violating the US Constitutuon, US law, the Patriot Act, defrauding the FISA Court, etc... to illegally spy on them

Next, reparations to US tax payers for the tax dollars Democrats spent on 6 years planning / supporting / running Hillary's Russian Collusion scandal, Obama's and his administration's intentional, known failed coup attempt, Pelosi's criminal failed coup Impeachment attempts, and every other failed tax payer-funded 'We've got him this time' scheme

Next, reparations for the American people who have had to pay financially, physically, and with their lives for Joe's Un-Constitutional, illegal Open Border illegal immigration invasion facilitation and policies

Next, reparations for every US citizen who lost their businesses, lives,property, communities during the govt-suppoeted domestic terrorist BLM / antifa 'mostly peaceful protests' that caused 2 BILLION in damage.

Next, reparations for every American who suffered physically, mentally, and financially during the Democrats' extremevl fascist authoritarian lockdowns and mandates during the COVID pandemic

Once we finish with those we can start covering reparations for Japanese US citizens who families had to suffer the internment camps, US military member's who were expetimented on by their own govt with LSD / plutonium, etc...

Don't worry - we'll eventually get to the blacks after we have addressed all the other 'injustices' our govt has engaged in.

And if we have to orint Trillions of more dollars to do it.all then so be it.

Lets start current and work our way back...

We can start with the DOJ /FBI paying reparations to all the US citizens whose rights they violated by violating the US Constitutuon, US law, the Patriot Act, defrauding the FISA Court, etc... to illegally spy on them

Next, reparations to US tax payers for the tax dollars Democrats spent on 6 years planning / supporting / running Hillary's Russian Collusion scandal, Obama's and his administration's intentional, known failed coup attempt, Pelosi's criminal failed coup Impeachment attempts, and every other failed tax payer-funded 'We've got him this time' scheme

Next, reparations for the American people who have had to pay financially, physically, and with their lives for Joe's Un-Constitutional, illegal Open Border illegal immigration invasion facilitation and policies

Next, reparations for every US citizen who lost their businesses, lives,property, communities during the govt-suppoeted domestic terrorist BLM / antifa 'mostly peaceful protests' that caused 2 BILLION in damage.

Next, reparations for every American who suffered physically, mentally, and financially during the Democrats' extremevl fascist authoritarian lockdowns and mandates during the COVID pandemic

Once we finish with those we can start covering reparations for Japanese US citizens who families had to suffer the internment camps, US military member's who were expetimented on by their own govt with LSD / plutonium, etc...

Don't worry - we'll eventually get to the blacks after we have addressed all the other 'injustices' our govt has engaged in.

And if we have to orint Trillions of more dollars to do it.all then so be it.
What about all the smart white boys who didn’t get accepted to medical school in order to let a less-qualified black in instead?
You believe in any fairy tale the losers in the MAGA/Tea Party have to sell you.

I have a bridge for sale I have kept for people just like you.

It would do you good to read Bill Krystol, David Frum, Michael Steele, Steve Schmidt, George Will and others. Remember them? Republicans !!!!

Rino's so piss off old man. These people are the reason Pubs are losing Conservatives.
What about all the smart white boys who didn’t get accepted to medical school in order to let a less-qualified black in instead?
Or the smart native American whose scholarship was stolen by Woowoo Warren?
Blackmail, anyone? Seven degrees of RACISM.
Good post. Thank you the idea of reparations is racist.

It’s all nonsense because we are all descendants of slaves and slaveowners my friend. Black Americans and white Americans today descend from slaves and slave owners. Reparations is a nonstarter everywhere in the world.

We have millions of white people and Black people homeless, starving to death, depressed. They need help. And “white lives matter “ or “Black Lives Matter” type of ideology is destructive and has no place in America.

Race division is done for a reason. It’s benefits rich people. Black Lives Matter leaders are rich and have stolen money from poor people to buy mansions.

The middle class is not what it used to be. So all of this has been done for a reason to destroy American prestige but don’t worry we’re gonna get it back because our countries been through worse. America will prevail and Black Lives Matter will be defeated. Glory to God
We can discuss reparations only after you get (1) the descendants of the Muslim-Arab slavers who wholesaled the Blacks and (2) the descendants of the Africans who hunted and captured and sold their Black brethren to the Arab slavers and (3) the descendants of the Euro-trash slave-traders who brought those Blacks to the New World and (4) the descendants of the slave-buyers in other New World countries who originated the trade and who created the initial markets... you bring them all to the table and get them to agree to Reparation Talks and then American Whites might consider coming to the table as well... no point in American Honkies takin' all the heat and forkin'-out all the dough. :cool:
Reparations, or we will burn this bitch down.

Not the Korean neighborhoods ...

Let me get this straight: I have to pay people...for something I never did, to people that that never had it done to them in ever. Yeah, Like that. Excuse me, what?

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