Zone1 Reparations Scammers Are At It Again


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Here we go again. This time it's in Boston, with a group calling themselves the Boston Task Force on Reparations. And what exactly is their "task" ? The shakedown is aimed at what they call "white churches" (do they have signs posted saying Whites Only ?). They are calling for these churches to shell out money to the "Black Community" and to black churches. Got it ? Money out of white pockets, and into black pockets.

Can't help likening this to a simple street mugging, masquerading as a social justice endeavor, however laughable the MO may be.

This expose' would not be complete without naming names of the screwball scammers pushing this lunacy. They are radically liberal Boston mayor Michelle Wu, who launched the task force in 2022, John Gibbons, a unitarian church minister, and Rev. Kevin Peterman.

According to "Reverend" Kevin Peterman. they're also calling for the city of Boston to write checks and give $15 Billion in >>
  • $5 Billion in cash directly to Boston's Black residents
  • $5 Billion for new financial institutions (you can imagine the guidelines)
  • $5 Billion to address what he calls "racial disparities in education & anti-crime measures"
  • I wonder if Kooky Kenny would include the racial disparities in education that have given blacks first shot at college admissions & college financial aid, in Affirmative Action programs, that have bounced whites & Asians out of careers for the past 59 years. Not a high probability.
16 "religious" leaders signed a letter sent to 4 churches that date back to slavery days, these being >>
1. Arlington Street Church
2. Trinity Church
3. Old South Church in Back Bay
4. King's Chapel in downtown Boston

Well, in the bottom line look at this fiasco, what we have here are a bunch of shakedown scammers talking to what I'm guessing are liberal "white" churches (because conservatives would just laugh at them), and trying to guilt-trip white liberal churches, and Boston city officials, into coughing up money, under the pressure to them of being called a racist.

Nothing seems to be too low anymore for liberals. :icon_rolleyes:

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Here we go again. This time it's in Boston, with a group calling themselves the Boston Task Force on Reparations. And what exactly is their "task" ? The shakedown is aimed at what they call "white churches" (do they have signs posted saying Whites Only ?). They are calling for these churches to shell out money to the "Black Community" and to black churches. Got it ? Money out of white pockets, and into black pockets.

Can't help likening this to a simple street mugging, masquerading as a social justice endeavor, however laughable the MO may be.

This expose' would not be complete without naming names of the screwball scammers pushing this lunacy. They are radically liberal Boston mayor Michelle Wu, who launched the task force in 2022, John Gibbons, a unitarian church minister, and Rev. Kevin Peterman.

According to "Reverend" Kevin Peterman. they're also calling for the city of Boston to write checks and give $15 Billion in >>
  • $5 Billion in cash directly to Boston's Black residents
  • $5 Billion for new financial institutions (you can imagine the guidelines)
  • $5 Billion to address what he calls "racial disparities in education & anti-crime measures"
  • I wonder if Kooky Kenny would include the racial disparities in education that have given blacks first shot at college admissions & college financial aid, in Affirmative Action programs, that have bounced whites & Asians out of careers for the past 59 years. Not a high probability.
16 "religious" leaders signed a letter sent to 4 churches that date back to slavery days, these being >>
1. Arlington Street Church
2. Trinity Church
3. Old South Church in Back Bay
4. King's Chapel in downtown Boston

Well, in the bottom line look at this fiasco, what we have here are a bunch of shakedown scammers talking to what I'm guessing are liberal "white" churches (because conservatives would just laugh at them), and trying to guilt-trip white liberal churches, and Boston city officials, into coughing up money, under the pressure to them of being called a racist.

Nothing seems to be too low anymore for liberals. :icon_rolleyes:

have any reparations ever been paid?

i wonder what the compound interest on 1865 40 acres and a mule would be in 2024 dollars?
Whatever it would be, 2024 taxpayers need not have any interest in paying it to thousands of dead people.
there will be no reparations as imagined by the right.

have you ever won one of those class action law suits, where after years of post cards filled with microscopic print, each litigant got an oil change and the lawyers made bank?

the reparations advocates have a point. "seperate but equal" was a real stretch of the 14th amendment. many government policies have been administered unfairly, but dna shows that the ancestors of today's aftican americans inclulude their families' masters. immigration records show that most american families arrived at ellis island long after the civil war.

"by the time we determine who owes what to whom there won't be anything left for anyone.
So, if the left is all about reparations does that mean they'll welcome all of the reparations that will come at them once Trump is president again?
have any reparations ever been paid?

i wonder what the compound interest on 1865 40 acres and a mule would be in 2024 dollars?
And for the lack of 40 acres and a mule, you can thank President Andrew Jackson. A democrat who reversed Gen. Sherman's Special Order 15 that promised land to be given to some freed slaves. It never mentioned a mule though. This guy was a piece of work. Opposed the 14th Amendment to give citizenship to slaves after the Civil War. Allowed the old leaders to regain power in the South, which led to the codification of the Black Codes.
And for the lack of 40 acres and a mule, you can thank President Andrew Jackson. A democrat who reversed Gen. Sherman's Special Order 15 that promised land to be given to some freed slaves. It never mentioned a mule though. This guy was a piece of work. Opposed the 14th Amendment to give citizenship to slaves after the Civil War. Allowed the old leaders to regain power in the South, which led to the codification of the Black Codes.
andrew JOHNSON and lincoln ran as a "constitutional union party." 1n 1864.

he was impeached over the "tenure in office act" and not much to do with the republican desire to give the property of america to the railroads.
andrew JOHNSON and lincoln ran as a "constitutional union party." 1n 1864.

he was impeached over the "tenure in office act" and not much to do with the republican desire to give the property of america to the railroads.
Okay, I got the last name wrong. However, he was a democrat that ran under the constitutional union party in 1864 as a show of unity by Lincoln. Also, the other things I said about him in post #6 are true. So why did Johnson lose the 1868 Democratic presidential nomination if he wasn't a democrat?
Okay, I got the last name wrong. However, he was a democrat that ran under the constitutional union party in 1864 as a show of unity by Lincoln. Also, the other things I said about him in post #6 are true. So why did Johnson lose the 1868 Democratic presidential nomination if he wasn't a democrat?
could johnson have been called a "copperhead?" i will have to look up that thrilling 1868 democratic race to the white house.

grant was a national hero. even sourtherners admired his chivalry at appomattox (and probably grateful for his provision of targets at the cold harbor rifle range.) was there any chance he could be beaten?

so this is a guess. (the big question , which southern states had/had not been restored to the union by then?

the politics: the guy had been impeached. his fault, my fault, nobody';s fault ,the guy had been impeached and the party bosses in a smoke filled room decided who was best to further our greater objectives.

did the republican bosses, faced with similar decisions about choosing the best path forward make the correct decision in 2020? in 2024? correct for whom?

ok. virginia, texas, and mississippi were not yet restored to full statehood.

johnson was a "war democrat" who chose union over slavery. the more dominant faction might be "coppereads" who did not care about slavery or the union and opposed the war.

wikipedia indicates i'm in the ball park and that the nominee , gov seymour of new york, was probably a tammany man.

grant would have been hard to beat, and began a dynasty of former union officers inc haves, garfield, arthur, and mckinley who handed america to wall st in the "gilded age."

I’ve come around on the reparations argument. If it will shut them up then cut a check to every person who was a slave. Their decedents get nothing but cut a check to any person who can prove they were a slave prior to Republicans ending the Democratic Party institution. Those directly involved should apply
I’ve come around on the reparations argument. If it will shut them up then cut a check to every person who was a slave. Their decedents get nothing but cut a check to any person who can prove they were a slave prior to Republicans ending the Democratic Party institution. Those directly involved should apply
You need to shut your mouth period. Reparations are not just for slavery. Now since other groups have got reparations why the big stink now? And you can stop taking about how Repubicans ended it because the Emancipation Proclamation only freed the slaves who were in states in rebellion against the Union.
You need to shut your mouth period. Reparations are not just for slavery. Now since other groups have got reparations why the big stink now? And you can stop taking about how Repubicans ended it because the Emancipation Proclamation only freed the slaves who were in states in rebellion against the Union.
Poor little guy feel better now. You’re still an asshole but hope being a little bitch makes you feel better

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