
You can take your red herring elsewhere ....

Why do you feel it's a requirement to give a raise? Why would a business owner give "an average Joe" a raise when other employees outperform him?
Because there is something called inflation. If you dont get a raise every year, you're getting a pay cut. Are you really this stupid?
You notice a person climbing a mountain to where the other person already was, right and not a person climbing down a mountain. Did I actually have to explain it to you?
Do you know what equitable outcomes mean? (hint .. you just described it). Cheers!
Because there is something called inflation. If you dont get a raise every year, you're getting a pay cut. Are you really this stupid?
Yes .. I understand inflation (it's recently been at a 40+ year high). Again, why should employers be required to give raises? Using your scenario, if the rate of increase equals the rate of inflation, they really aren't getting a pay raise, now are they big brain? Nothing is keeping "average Joe" from seeking other opportunities paying a higher wage.
But it's ok that pay for CEO's has outpaced gains in the stock market while the average Joe's pay has remained stagnant for 30 years? You're insane.

That's part of the free market. Spare me your quasi-marxist rabble rousing.

Pay Stagnation is also impacted by inflation, which is being caused by Dems in power.
Do you know what equitable outcomes mean? (hint .. you just described it). Cheers!
First you said if people improve themselves, they can make more money. Which is what Kamala's tweet is suggesting. Now you're saying that it's bad to improve oneself to try to make as much as someone that has had more advantage, because people will then earn the same amount. You're an idiot.
Yes .. I understand inflation (it's recently been at a 40+ year high). Again, why should employers be required to give raises? Using your scenario, if the rate of increase equals the rate of inflation, they really aren't getting a pay raise, now are they big brain? Nothing is keeping "average Joe" from seeking other opportunities paying a higher wage.
First off, most people arent even getting raises that keep up with inflation. Then you turn around and defend employers for not giving raises that even keep up with inflation. The fact is over the past 30 years 95% of workers salaries have remained stagnant. Evidently you are fine with that. Most people arent. Evidently you think pay should never increase based on factors outside of work performance, which is just idiotic. Your grandiose idea that everyone can just go out and get a higher paying job to cover the increase in inflation is complete nonsense. So what is everyone supposed to do, look for a new job every year? Completely impractical. But I'd expect that dumb idea from a Red Hat.
That's part of the free market. Spare me your quasi-marxist rabble rousing.

Pay Stagnation is also impacted by inflation, which is being caused by Dems in power.
Pay stagnation has been ongoing for 30+ years. It has nothing to do with who is sitting in the White House, you dumb piece of shit.
It does now, but not the prior 30 years? Or are you saying all Presidents control wage stagnation, including republicans? You're a dumb piece of shit.

Wage stagnation is one of those concepts you can manipulate via selective data use.

The real issue is governments trying to force companies to pay people more than they add in value to the end product or service. A company that has to pay someone $15 an hour for $8 an hour of added value has limited options.
First you said if people improve themselves, they can make more money. Which is what Kamala's tweet is suggesting. Now you're saying that it's bad to improve oneself to try to make as much as someone that has had more advantage, because people will then earn the same amount. You're an idiot.
Sigh .. you get an A+ in the fallacy department by attempting to convey how I feel. I'll translate again .. your sitting VP has advocated for equality (everyone having the same starting point) and equitable outcomes (everyone should be in the same place - her quote). Equitable outcomes includes the same outcomes socially and financially, and is a liberal pipe dream. I DO NOT support equitable outcomes. Take your red herring elsewhere.

Shall I speak slower next time so you can understand?
First off, most people arent even getting raises that keep up with inflation. Then you turn around and defend employers for not giving raises that even keep up with inflation. The fact is over the past 30 years 95% of workers salaries have remained stagnant. Evidently you are fine with that. Most people arent. Evidently you think pay should never increase based on factors outside of work performance, which is just idiotic. Your grandiose idea that everyone can just go out and get a higher paying job to cover the increase in inflation is complete nonsense. So what is everyone supposed to do, look for a new job every year? Completely impractical. But I'd expect that dumb idea from a Red Hat.
Sigh .. Employers aren't required to give raises to align with inflation .. I defend common sense, instead of the entitled position leftist lunatics support. I am fine with employers recognizing those who are not "average Joes" and exceed -- instead of demanding employers to give one a raise regardless of their performance. It is very common to switch jobs and get higher wages .. my second grade daughter understands this basic concept.

I'd suggest you read a book on Macro economics so you don't continue making a fool of yourself on basic economic principles.
Wage stagnation is one of those concepts you can manipulate via selective data use.

The real issue is governments trying to force companies to pay people more than they add in value to the end product or service. A company that has to pay someone $15 an hour for $8 an hour of added value has limited options.
Explain why big macs are only a few cents more expensive in Scandanavian countries where McDonalds pay their employees $20 an hour and dont pay their CEO's 300X their average employee salary.

The real problem is corps using profits to buy back stock, increase dividends, and pay CEO's and upper management excessive salaries instead of paying the rest of their employees a decent salary.

So you dont believe in a minimum wage? Just go back to the old days when workers had no rights?

It appears I'm never going to change your mind and lol I will never agree with you. I view people like you defending corporations over people an enemy of America.
That's part of the free market. Spare me your quasi-marxist rabble rousing.

Pay Stagnation is also impacted by inflation, which is being caused by Dems in power.
Pay stagnation is a liberal go-to, and they demand for employers to give raises outside of merit and high-performance. The expectation of John Doe is a lackluster employee who doesn't understand their role and doesn't do the basic responsibilities, should be rewarded with a pay increase. Entitlement .. Betcha John Doe doesn't own a business. Lol
Explain why big macs are only a few cents more expensive in Scandanavian countries where McDonalds pay their employees $20 an hour and dont pay their CEO's 300X their average employee salary.

The real problem is corps using profits to buy back stock, increase dividends, and pay CEO's and upper management excessive salaries instead of paying the rest of their employees a decent salary.

So you dont believe in a minimum wage? Just go back to the old days when workers had no rights?

It appears I'm never going to change your mind and lol I will never agree with you. I view people like you defending corporations over people an enemy of America.
McDonalds has multiple CEOs? Scandinavian countries have high community based taxes to support social safety nets . .. the baby steps to socialism. The real problem is people like you that don't understand basic economics and then complain about things you don't understand.
Explain why big macs are only a few cents more expensive in Scandanavian countries where McDonalds pay their employees $20 an hour and dont pay their CEO's 300X their average employee salary.

The real problem is corps using profits to buy back stock, increase dividends, and pay CEO's and upper management excessive salaries instead of paying the rest of their employees a decent salary.

So you dont believe in a minimum wage? Just go back to the old days when workers had no rights?

It appears I'm never going to change your mind and lol I will never agree with you. I view people like you defending corporations over people an enemy of America.

You can't compare the two values considering people have so much more of their income taken in taxes, as well as the exchange impacts and employee costs due to said Bismark style welfare State.

A minimum wage isn't what we are seeing now, it's the propped up concept of a "living wage" for jobs that were never meant to be careers.

Take your Proto-Marxist class war bullshit and cram it up your ass.
Pay stagnation is a liberal go-to, and they demand for employers to give raises outside of merit and high-performance. The expectation of John Doe is a lackluster employee who doesn't understand their role and doesn't do the basic responsibilities, should be rewarded with a pay increase. Entitlement .. Betcha John Doe doesn't own a business. Lol

They also forget that with automation added to many jobs, the value added by the employee is decreased, with the cost of automation added to the value the company gets from their infrastructure as opposed to labor.
Sigh .. Employers aren't required to give raises to align with inflation .. I defend common sense, instead of the entitled position leftist lunatics support. I am fine with employers recognizing those who are not "average Joes" and exceed -- instead of demanding employers to give one a raise regardless of their performance. It is very common to switch jobs and get higher wages .. my second grade daughter understands this basic concept.

I'd suggest you read a book on Macro economics so you don't continue making a fool of yourself on basic economic principles.

Pay stagnation is a liberal go-to, and they demand for employers to give raises outside of merit and high-performance. The expectation of John Doe is a lackluster employee who doesn't understand their role and doesn't do the basic responsibilities, should be rewarded with a pay increase. Entitlement .. Betcha John Doe doesn't own a business. Lol
Where did I ever say that employees that dont do their job responsibilities should get a raise? If you're doing your job, why shouldnt you get a raise at least equal to inflation? THAT is the average Joe I'm talking about. You somehow misconstrue an average Joe as being a lazy worker that doesnt do their job. Evidently you think 95% of Americans dont do their jobs and dont deserve a raise.

You cant justify workers in essence not getting a raise for over 30 years while CEO pay increases are greater than the stock market gains during the same period. That is unjustifiable.

And no, it isnt very common for people to change jobs every year.
You can't compare the two values considering people have so much more of their income taken in taxes, as well as the exchange impacts and employee costs due to said Bismark style welfare State.

A minimum wage isn't what we are seeing now, it's the propped up concept of a "living wage" for jobs that were never meant to be careers.

Take your Proto-Marxist class war bullshit and cram it up your ass.
Take a look at minimum wage history and hourly minimum wages for tipped workers. Federal minimum wage hasnt increased since 2009. For tipped workers, it hasnt increased since 1991.

As far as tax rate comparison, evidently you dont understand the simple concept that $1 is more meaningful to someone making $20k than someone making $10 million.

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