
Wrong OP, the government is who pays, not individuals.

If the government owned slaves, that might be fair for them to pay reparations to those who they enslaved. They could sell off some of their assets to pay for it, it would be unfair to tax non-slave holders to compensated for their own tort.

But if it was the act of private individuals, they should be the ones to pay.
My my my. I've noticed that every time a poster loses an argument, out comes the name calling. Democrats want to create a TASK FORCE for the entire country.
I was correct in everything I said. LOL at me losing the argument. You, on the other hand, continue to spout lies. I disproved what you said. Just sit down and shut up, boy.
Smells like post de facto laws ... do we have white people taking black wealth as government policy since 1964 or whenever this behavior was made illegal ...

Or is this about these behaviors when they were ... in fact ... perfectly legal ... c.f Plessy v Ferguson ...

If The Netherlands were given back New York City ... we could get rid of all the guns there ... cut crime by 99% ... the Dutch aren't troublemakers like the filthy English ...
You mean ex post facto perhaps?
And who gets those payments. Based strictly on skin color? So a guy who was born in England and emigrated to the US who happens to be black and none of his ancestors were slaves,,,,,,he is worthy of payments? How about those from Jamaica? Bahamas?
Exactly how you determine who gets what?

And just an FYI....the government does not generate revenue on its own. That money they dole out comes from Americans.
Obama is the perfect example. His father was from Africa but no one in his family was ever a slave. Does he get reparations?
Wrong OP, the government is who pays, not individuals.

The Government doesn't have any money it hasn't taken from individuals. Governments dont generate wealth, they have no ability to do so only take that wealth from the people. So the idea that it's the Government and not individuals who pay for anything the Government funds including reparations is a fantasy.
Wealthy easily creates more wealth, so it is passed on like a dynasty.
So reparations are only appropriate from those dynasties built upon slavery, to those who are still being economically discriminated against.
I am not sure how many of those categories still exist.
But there have to be some.
There have to be come rural areas in the South without proper schools, health care, etc.?
The entire world was "built on slavery". Can you name a place on earth where slavery didnt exist at some point in it's history?
The Government doesn't have any money it hasn't taken from individuals. Governments dont generate wealth, they have no ability to do so only take that wealth from the people. So the idea that it's the Government and not individuals who pay for anything the Government funds including reparations is a fantasy.
Also, most tax revenues comes from whites. So whites would be the ones being punished.
Yes, and it's government who is responsible for reparations.
Is the US Government solely responsible for reparations or should it be a shared approach; namely, the African Nations who rounded up and traded slaves should be accountable.
Yeah because "whites" make up the majority of the population. What's your point?
Even on a per capita basis, whites are more likely to pay taxes than blacks.

But that aside, my point is that the majority of taxes being used to give “reparations” to blacks who didn’t earn it and don’t deserve it IS coming from whites (who didn’t do anything to deserve the additional tax burden).
I was correct in everything I said. LOL at me losing the argument. You, on the other hand, continue to spout lies. I disproved what you said. Just sit down and shut up, boy.
You didn't disprove anything. Of course, a lot of the reparations talk was in the Democratic House, which voters have voted out.
I guess they would qualify because of Momma.
Momma got into the Ivy League due to her race, most likely, and is now a multi-millionaire, certainly due to her race. I don’t see how the mailman and the firefighter should pitch in to pay her reparations.

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