
The government prints money.

And they never spend any more of it than when Republicans are in Office.

I don't see your ilk bitching and moaning when that happens. Not about spending anyways.

In fact, you tend to cheer it on. Did it w/Bush II and you did it w/Trump.

I don't wanna hear your BS.
You’re nuts…. Ignorant….entitled….and greedy to boot.

So because the government PRINTS money, it’s not costing anybody anything? It’s driving inflation, and making EVERYONE pay more for groceries, rent, gas, heat, etc., etc. etc.

You are not going to harm innocent white people by forcing us to pay more for everything, and struggle to pay for groceries and rent, so you can get money handed to you which you did not earn and do not deserve.
You’re nuts…. Ignorant….entitled….and greedy to boot.

So because the government PRINTS money, it’s not costing anybody anything? It’s driving inflation, and making EVERYONE pay more for groceries, rent, gas, heat, etc., etc. etc.

You are not going to harm innocent white people by forcing us to pay more for everything, and struggle to pay for groceries and rent, so you can get money handed to you which you did not earn and do not deserve.
I'm an immigrant, it's not about me.
I'm an immigrant, it's not about me.
Still doesn’t answer the point that printing money isn’t free.

And I’m the granddaughter of immigrants who arrived here, fortunately ahead of Hitler, long after slavery was abolished. It’s not about ME having to pay the costs of free money to blacks who were never slaves,
The Democratic Party was the Party of slavery, therefore they should pay any reparations.
So where in the article does it say reparations is part of the Dem platform?
I never said anything about a platform. YOU did. Democrats talk about it all the time. They want to do a study on it and California is actually on verge of doing it.
The Democratic Party was the Party of slavery, therefore they should pay any reparations.
Slavery was only practiced in certain states. Why should non slave states pay reparations for that original sin? Didn't they pay in blood?
Not sure this is about the slaves, but their decedents and the effects of redlining.
The govt should pay every American citizen reparations for all the Constitutional and Rule of Law violations, trampled Constiturional rights, crimes, scandals, abuses, wasted tax dollars, etc....
That is incorrect. You're hearing what you want to hear. Nobody wants everyone to have equal pay across the board.

I am 100% correct, and it goes beyond pay.

Equal outcomes, not equal opportunity is what the left wants, with the people in charge getting to decide the outcome.
Not at all.
The left is not as greedy or material, so in general does not want or care about how much others want or get.
In fact, the left wants less so that there is less harm to the environment.
What the left wants is equitable outcome, where you gain proportionally to your effort, and not where the wealthy-do-nothing owners take 90% because they can.

Look at unions for example.
Have you ever seen a union demand equal distribution?
Never happened.

Talk about word salad.

The Left craves power, power to decide what people should eat, do, think, where they should live, how they should drive, every little niggling detail.

Equitable is a weasel word, trying to mimic equality but implying someone in power putting their thumb on the scale to tip it to the side they want to win.

My sig provides my views on the wealthy vs. those who crave power over others like the progressive left does.
Democrats dont talk about it all the time. You are a straight up liar.
They have talked about it over and over and are doing it in California. But, now is the time for you to take a stand on the issue. Do you agree that we should not pay reparations?
They have talked about it over and over and are doing it in California. But, now is the time for you to take a stand on the issue. Do you agree that we should not pay reparations?
I already said where I stand, dummy. I said there shouldnt be reparations. And by the way, you dumb piece of shit, California created a TASK FORCE to look into the matter and has until July 1st 2023 to complete its final report. So no decision has been made. Again, you are a straight up liar.
I am 100% correct, and it goes beyond pay.

Equal outcomes, not equal opportunity is what the left wants, with the people in charge getting to decide the outcome.
You're fucked in the head. Show me ONE link where anyone in Congress is stating they want equal pay for everyone.
I already said where I stand, dummy. I said there shouldnt be reparations. And by the way, you dumb piece of shit, California created a TASK FORCE to look into the matter and has until July 1st 2023 to complete its final report. So no decision has been made. Again, you are a straight up liar.
My my my. I've noticed that every time a poster loses an argument, out comes the name calling. Democrats want to create a TASK FORCE for the entire country.
Wrong OP, the government is who pays, not individuals.
And who gets those payments. Based strictly on skin color? So a guy who was born in England and emigrated to the US who happens to be black and none of his ancestors were slaves,,,,,,he is worthy of payments? How about those from Jamaica? Bahamas?
Exactly how you determine who gets what?

And just an FYI....the government does not generate revenue on its own. That money they dole out comes from Americans.
And who gets those payments. Based strictly on skin color? So a guy who was born in England and emigrated to the US who happens to be black and none of his ancestors were slaves,,,,,,he is worthy of payments? How about those from Jamaica? Bahamas?
Exactly how you determine who gets what?

And just an FYI....the government does not generate revenue on its own. That money they dole out comes from Americans.
And….who has to pay? Should the whites fleeing European or Russian persecution 100 years ago, arriving penniless and certainly never having owned a slave, have to cough up money to hand over to blacks who were never slaves - and in fact have been favored in college admissions and job hiring and promotions?

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