Repeal the 2nd Amendment

On July 4th, 2022 a crazed gunman on a tall building shot down on a group of people enjoying a parade. This sick creature had a record of mental health problems, but was still able to purchase firearms.
Why wasn't there some kind of red flag in place to stop him from buying those guns?
Kamala Harris was at a rally where she asked for a ban on AR-15s. This would be an EXCELLENT start.
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Names and ages of the people slaughtered on July 4, 2022 at the parade in Highland Park, Illinois.
1) Stephen Straus, 88 yrs old
2) Nicolas Toledo-Zaragosa, 78 yrs old
3) Katherine Goldstein, 64 yrs old
4) Jacquelyn Sundheim, 63 yrs old
5) Kevin McCarthy, 37 yrs old
6) Irinia McCarthy, 35 yrs old
7) Eduardo Uvaldo, 69 yrs old

Kevin and Irinia McCarthy were the parents of Aiden, a 2 yr old boy. Kevin covered his child's body with his own to save his life. Aiden was found later, wandering around covered in blood. Can you imagine the trauma this child is going to live with for the rest of his life?
Why wasn't there some kind of red flag in place to stop him from buying those guns?
There was. Illinois has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. They are only affecting law-abiding citizens--criminals and mentally ill don't care. Maybe you need to quit blaming the gun. As was evidenced near the first of the year, mass murder can be accomplished with an SUV at a parade just as easily as with a gun. Are you going to call for a ban on SUV's?
On July 4th, 2022 a crazed gunman on a tall building shot down on a group of people enjoying a parade. This sick creature had a record of mental health problems, but was still able to purchase firearms.
Why wasn't there some kind of red flag in place to stop him from buying those guns?
Kamala Harris was at a rally where she asked for a ban on AR-15s. This would be an EXCELLENT start.
The gun didn't do it and Kamala is an idiot. Ask Democrats why we no longer punish perps.
Names and ages of the people slaughtered on July 4, 2022 at the parade in Highland Park, Illinois.
1) Stephen Straus, 88 yrs old
2) Nicolas Toledo-Zaragosa, 78 yrs old
3) Katherine Goldstein, 64 yrs old
4) Jacquelyn Sundheim, 63 yrs old
5) Kevin McCarthy, 37 yrs old
6) Irinia McCarthy, 35 yrs old
7) Eduardo Uvaldo, 69 yrs old

Kevin and Irinia McCarthy were the parents of Aiden, a 2 yr old boy. Kevin covered his child's body with his own to save his life. Aiden was found later, wandering around covered in blood. Can you imagine the trauma this child is going to live with for the rest of his life?
Standing on dead bodies to make your dubvious point is disgusting.
Standing on dead bodies to make your dubvious point is disgusting.
I am honoring them. I want their names to be known. They were people who had lives and families just like us. You notice I didn't name the monster who killed them; he deserves no recognition.
If you think my honoring the victims is disgusting, don't read my post.
Well, I suppose I could've gone to war with the state of Florida, but it hardly seemed worth it...
That's the problem with the whole issue. People and the NRA are letting these morons wear us down. On multiple fronts in the US, we have paid CC permits, limited magazine capacities, assault weapon bans, etc. The SCOTUS just ruled that magazine limits are unconstitutional, but there is still a brand new law in WA that limits magazine sizes. That alone should negate the entire law, but it won't until someone takes them to court. These frivolous attacks should carry monetary penalties on every legislator in the nation for knowingly introducing/passing an unconstitutional law.
That's the problem with the whole issue. People and the NRA are letting these morons wear us down. On multiple fronts in the US, we have paid CC permits, limited magazine capacities, assault weapon bans, etc. The SCOTUS just ruled that magazine limits are unconstitutional, but there is still a brand new law in WA that limits magazine sizes. That alone should negate the entire law, but it won't until someone takes them to court. These frivolous attacks should carry monetary penalties on every legislator in the nation for knowingly introducing/passing an unconstitutional law.

So, what are you doing about it?

I don't ask that to be snarky, I'm asking you sincerely. Are you doing anything to change things?
You're just a gun-snatching little bitch.

My stance on background checks is no secret. I've shared it in various threads. Either this is the only thread you're reading or you're an idiot.

I believe someone should be able to obtain a background check without purchasing a gun. There's no reason that it couldn't be treated like a concealed carry permit. I have carry permit, and there was absolutely no requirement that I own a gun to obtain it.

Well, why not do the same with background checks? That way, a person could get a background check without the need to pay for a concealed carry permit (which requires a background check).

It could be done, and it could be done easily, and there wouldn't be a single reason to register anything.

So, before you wet yourself yet again, try to engage your brain a little bit and try to comprehend the reality that an alternative can be accomplished.

I realize gun haters like you have some difficulty with that, but give it a shot, dipshit...
Background checks = registration = confiscation. You support confiscation. You're the gun grabber.

You keep trying to call me a gun grabber? I am probably the only person on this board that fully defends the 2nd Amendment's "shall not be infringed". You'll never find a post from me that could ever be twisted to suggest I support banning guns.

Like a few other Fudds on this site, that's just your way of redirecting attention from your own anti-gun posts.
I am honoring them. I want their names to be known. They were people who had lives and families just like us. You notice I didn't name the monster who killed them; he deserves no recognition.
If you think my honoring the victims is disgusting, don't read my post.
More black people were killed in Chicago over the same weekend. Far more black people shot and wounded. But like all racist, anti-gun, leftists, you don't care at all about black babies. You really don't care about any of the dead; you only care about the guns that law-abiding people have.
More black people were killed in Chicago over the same weekend. Far more black people shot and wounded. But like all racist, anti-gun, leftists, you don't care at all about black babies. You really don't care about any of the dead; you only care about the guns that law-abiding people have.
I care about Black people very much. I'm Black. My love for Black people doesn't cancel my concern for people of other races.
The people who were killed in Buffalo, NY by that sick racist were Black.
The children who were slaughtered in Uvalde, TX last month were Hispanic.
The people who were killed on July 4th were a diverse group.
I care about ALL of them. It's not about race or political party for me.
It's kinda childish to attach labels to people.
Background checks = registration = confiscation. You support confiscation. You're the gun grabber.

Um, I've been pretty clear that I do not support registration at all. If you believe otherwise, you're a fucking retard.

Find me a post of mine in which I say I support registration and I'll buy you a house.

You (well, not a gun-grabbing pussy like you, but someone) should be able to walk into a gun dealer and say "I'd like to get a background check, please" and get a background check. Period. You shouldn't have to purchase a gun to get a background check. If you don't purchase a gun, there's nothing to register.

It's similar to getting a concealed carry permit. You can get one without even owning a gun. You get a background check but, since you don't own a gun, you have nothing to register.

Seriously, if that concept is above your head, that's sad, because it's pretty fucking simple...
I care about Black people very much. I'm Black. My love for Black people doesn't cancel my concern for people of other races.
The people who were killed in Buffalo, NY by that sick racist were Black.
The children who were slaughtered in Uvalde, TX last month were Hispanic.
The people who were killed on July 4th were a diverse group.
I care about ALL of them. It's not about race or political party for me.
It's kinda childish to attach labels to people.
Then why are you fighting against a gun that killed far less than 500 people in a year, considering that all rifle models kill fewer than 500 people in a year, nationwide? Why, instead, aren't you fighting the lack of law-enforcement that lets criminals loose on the streets and kill far, far, more than 500 black people, including black babies, in just Chicago, and many times that many dead black people nationwide?

No, being black is not evidence of compassion for black people. It should be, but it's not. You, IM2, and others here and across the nation are the proof. You don't care about black babies, white babies, or any baby. You care about the message your Democrat masters have ordered you to deliver: ban guns.

Welcome back to the plantation. Hundreds of thousands of Americans, white, black, and otherwise, died to get you off of the plantation and you just walked back under your own power. How sad for you and for the families of those who died trying to defend your ancestors.
Um, I've been pretty clear that I do not support registration at all. If you believe otherwise, you're a fucking retard.

Find me a post of mine in which I say I support registration and I'll buy you a house.
You said you support background checks. It's known to all who support gun rights that background checks = registration = confiscation. I need 4 bedrooms and at least 2.5 baths, thank you.

In order to enforce background checks it is mandatory that guns be registered. If guns aren't registered then how can the government know when a gun changed hands? It is impossible to support background checks without supporting registration. At a minimum, background checks require the registration of every new gun purchased.

You support gun registration. You are the gun grabber between the two of us.

By the way, how has background checks worked out in the past couple of months? Do you have any information at all of where a background check has prevented any criminal from getting a gun or any crazy person from going on a shooting spree?

Have you forgotten the basic and absolute tenet of gun rights advocates: Only the law abiding follow the law. Criminals, by definition, do not follow the law. Gun control doesn't stop a single crime.

Do you believe that a bad guy determined to do evil will stop and say, "Well, I was going to go to the bodega and shoot the owner to get 20 bucks but it's against the law for me to own a gun and I can't pass a background check. Guess I'll stay home and read the Bible instead"?

You're the gun grabber, idiot.
You (well, not a gun-grabbing pussy like you, but someone) should be able to walk into a gun dealer and say "I'd like to get a background check, please" and get a background check. Period. You shouldn't have to purchase a gun to get a background check. If you don't purchase a gun, there's nothing to register.
Why the fuck would someone go into a gun shop and ask to have a background check done? Maybe they forgot about that one time when they robbed a liquor store? Or forgot when they raped the 80-year-old woman while robbing her house?

And why the fuck would you expect a gun shop to be an agent of the FBI and do a background check for you? Why not go to Baskin-Robbins and say, "No, I don't want any ice cream but would you do a background check because I don't remember if I ever raped anybody?"
It's similar to getting a concealed carry permit. You can get one without even owning a gun. You get a background check but, since you don't own a gun, you have nothing to register.

A defender of the right to keep and bear arms and of the 2nd Amendment would, as I do, argue that you don't need a permit or license to exercise a fundamental human right that is explicitly protected by the United States Constitution.

A gun controller/grabber, like you, would use the fact that a license is required to exercise your right to keep and bear arms as a defense of even more onerous gun control measures.

Yet, just like all leftists, you project your gun control desires on to me, the most vocal, consistent, outspoken, gun rights defender on this, or any other, Internet site in the world.
You said you support background checks. It's known to all who support gun rights that background checks = registration = confiscation. I need 4 bedrooms and at least 2.5 baths, thank you.

I've already explained how one could get a background check without registering anything,

That you can't acknowledge that shows just how big a fucking retard you are...

In order to enforce background checks it is mandatory that guns be registered.

You truly are fucking a retard...

If guns aren't registered then how can the government know when a gun changed hands? It is impossible to support background checks without supporting registration. At a minimum, background checks require the registration of every new gun purchased.

No, it doesn't have to...

You support gun registration. You are the gun grabber between the two of us.

You're a fucking retard...

By the way, how has background checks worked out in the past couple of months? Do you have any information at all of where a background check has prevented any criminal from getting a gun or any crazy person from going on a shooting spree?

No system is going to be perfect. But the fact of the matter is that those who shouldn't have guns still get them, regardless of the law...

Have you forgotten the basic and absolute tenet of gun rights advocates: Only the law abiding follow the law. Criminals, by definition, do not follow the law. Gun control doesn't stop a single crime.

That's 100% true...

Do you believe that a bad guy determined to do evil will stop and say, "Well, I was going to go to the bodega and shoot the owner to get 20 bucks but it's against the law for me to own a gun and I can't pass a background check. Guess I'll stay home and read the Bible instead"?

No, mental retards like you believe such nonsense...

You're the gun grabber, idiot.

Why the fuck would someone go into a gun shop and ask to have a background check done? Maybe they forgot about that one time when they robbed a liquor store? Or forgot when they raped the 80-year-old woman while robbing her house?

Or maybe there's nothing nefarious in their past and they just want to have a background check conducted...

And why the fuck would you expect a gun shop to be an agent of the FBI and do a background check for you? Why not go to Baskin-Robbins and say, "No, I don't want any ice cream but would you do a background check because I don't remember if I ever raped anybody?"

You're a fucking retard. Are you ready for a diaper change, retard?

A defender of the right to keep and bear arms and of the 2nd Amendment would, as I do, argue that you don't need a permit or license to exercise a fundamental human right that is explicitly protected by the United States Constitution.

I've not argued that someone should have either.

But, you're a fucking retarded fuck, so you wouldn't know that...

A gun controller/grabber, like you, would use the fact that a license is required to exercise your right to keep and bear arms as a defense of even more onerous gun control measures.

I've not done that, retard...

Yet, just like all leftists, you project your gun control desires on to me, the most vocal, consistent, outspoken, gun rights defender on this, or any other, Internet site in the world.

You're retarded. That's why you shouldn't have a gun. You're a fucking retard...
Then why are you fighting against a gun that killed far less than 500 people in a year, considering that all rifle models kill fewer than 500 people in a year, nationwide? Why, instead, aren't you fighting the lack of law-enforcement that lets criminals loose on the streets and kill far, far, more than 500 black people, including black babies, in just Chicago, and many times that many dead black people nationwide?

No, being black is not evidence of compassion for black people. It should be, but it's not. You, IM2, and others here and across the nation are the proof. You don't care about black babies, white babies, or any baby. You care about the message your Democrat masters have ordered you to deliver: ban guns.

Welcome back to the plantation. Hundreds of thousands of Americans, white, black, and otherwise, died to get you off of the plantation and you just walked back under your own power. How sad for you and for the families of those who died trying to defend your ancestors.
That was a great rant. Let me answer you:
1) I don't have a Democrat master. I think for myself.
2) I don't live on a plantation. You folks need to come up with some new insults.
3) I give honor and respect to the people who died to free me and my people. The sad thing is that the powers against full freedom for Blacks have a strong system in place.
Wait---I thought this thread was about guns.
I've already explained how one could get a background check without registering anything,

That you can't acknowledge that shows just how big a fucking retard you are...

You truly are fucking a retard...

No, it doesn't have to...

You're a fucking retard...

No system is going to be perfect. But the fact of the matter is that those who shouldn't have guns still get them, regardless of the law...

That's 100% true...

No, mental retards like you believe such nonsense...

Or maybe there's nothing nefarious in their past and they just want to have a background check conducted...

You're a fucking retard. Are you ready for a diaper change, retard?

I've not argued that someone should have either.

But, you're a fucking retarded fuck, so you wouldn't know that...

I've not done that, retard...

You're retarded. That's why you shouldn't have a gun. You're a fucking retard...

Once again, why go to a gunshop for a background check if you're not buying a gun? Are gunshops supposed to be agents of the FBI? You also didn't say what kind of idiot needs a background check to tell them if they've committed a felony.

But why the gun shop? Why not go to Baskin Robbins for your background check? Are gunshops now slaves?

You've lost all credibility. Name calling and diversion is all you've got because the only honest answer you can give to anything I've asked you or posted in response to you is to admit that you're a gun controller.
Once again, why go to a gunshop for a background check if you're not buying a gun?

Why go to the DMV if you don't have a car?

Are gunshops supposed to be agents of the FBI?

Hey, I found your baby picture.

Nice tie...


You also didn't say what kind of idiot needs a background check to tell them if they've committed a felony.

Not surprisingly, you've completely missed the point...

But why the gun shop? Why not go to Baskin Robbins for your background check? Are gunshops now slaves?

You've lost all credibility.

Says the retard who just asked why we shouldn't go to Baskin Robbins to get a background check...

Name calling and diversion is all you've got because the only honest answer you can give to anything I've asked you or posted in response to you is to admit that you're a gun controller.

Insofar as I don't want violent felons or mental midgets like you to have a gun, yeah, I support such restrictions. Beyond that, I'm really pretty open.

When I got my concealed carry permit, a background check was performed. At no time was I ever asked if I owned a firearm. At no time was I ever asked if I intended to purchase a firearm. It merely shows a gun dealer that I have had a background check performed on me and there's nothing contained in that check which would preclude me from carrying a firearm.

So, essentially, what it did was make it so that I can walk into a gun dealer, purchase a gun and walk out with that the same day, simply because a background check has already been performed. The gun dealer needn't obtain another background check.

There's not a single reason in the world why a similar procedure cannot be developed for someone simply wanting a background check and who may wish, at some point in the future, to buy a gun but not carry it...
Insofar as I don't want violent felons or mental midgets like you to have a gun, yeah, I support such restrictions. Beyond that, I'm really pretty open.
I'm glad that is working out so well and repeat gun crime is virtually non-existent in the United States. You're such a fucking moron. Did you not read the post where I explained that criminals don't follow the law?

Background checks don't work. Felons get guns anyway. Those who haven't yet been caught buy guns and continue their in-progress crime sprees. Background checks never stopped a single felon from getting a gun in preparation of their next shooting or robbery.

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