Repeal the 2nd Amendment

How will you confiscate all of the guns??? That's the question I haven't heard an answer to... can you give it a try?....

How will you confiscate all of the guns??? That's the question I haven't heard an answer to... can you give it a try?....
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, when serving in the Militia shall not be infringed"---Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens re-wording of the 2nd Amendment.
This would repeal the original 2nd Amendment.
I have no problem with anyone who thinks the 2nd Amendment needs to be repealed trying to accomplish that as long as they comply with the constitutional requirements for doing so. I take comfort in the fact that I don't believe it is doable with the present American electorate.
In the March 27, 2018 issue of the New York Times, retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote a wonderful article advocating for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Reason: We do not need a militia today. The 2nd Amendment is just a propaganda weapon of the NRA---they use it to block debate in Congress and stop real gun control. (I am paraphrasing Justice Stevens here).

These mass shootings would stop fast if we could repeal the 2nd Amendment.
I have no problem with anyone who thinks the 2nd Amendment needs to be repealed trying to accomplish that as long as they comply with the constitutional requirements for doing so. I take comfort in the fact that I don't believe it is doable with the present American electorate.
They are decades away maybe centuries from ever having the majority support for doing that....
Its amazing to me that people could support taking guns away when those very people support defunding cops and releasing criminals...
It doesn't make any sense....
In the March 27, 2018 issue of the New York Times, retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote a wonderful article advocating for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Reason: We do not need a militia today. The 2nd Amendment is just a propaganda weapon of the NRA---they use it to block debate in Congress and stop real gun control. (I am paraphrasing Justice Stevens here).

These mass shootings would stop fast if we could repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Maybe if Stevens were to run for Congress, he could hope to change something.
You’re talking about the United States Military. If they want your guns, they’ll take em. I don’t see what you are going to do about it.
How will they take them?... will they bust down my door and shoot me?..... if you think they would or should than you support a very different kind of country than we currently live in.... you are talking about a tyrannical government like China or north Korea....
There would be bloodshed... we all know this but few will admit it...
if people think everyone will line up and hand over their guns peacefully they are crazy.... A minority stripping the 2nd amendment from the majority would mean an instant civil war....
It's interesting that you mention a civil war. I am currently reading a book about the lead up to the first Civil War. The Southern slaveowners were absolutely against giving up their slaves. I guess they felt the same way you feel about giving up your guns.
Wonder why I thought of that?
How will they take them?... will they bust down my door and shoot me?..... if you think they would or should than you support a very different kind of country than we currently live in.... you are talking about a tyrannical government like China or north Korea....
Please show me where I support this. ALL I SAID WAS THE MILITARY COULD ACCOMPLISH IT. Nothing more.

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