Repeal the 2nd Amendment

That's a wonderful article? It's a sick article! The Bill of Rights are first of all handed to us as unalienable rights from our Creator, God. They aren't given by the President, Congress nor the Supreme Court. So, they cannot be taken away by them either. If they are, we are no better off than China or Russia. We will have no rights at all
How's about we repeal your American citizenship instead?
Sorry. My citizenship is guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.
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That's a wonderful article? It's a sick article! The Bill of Rights are first of all handed to us as unalienable rights from our Creator, God. They aren't given by the President, Congress nor the Supreme Court. So, they cannot be taken away by them either. If they are, we are no better off than China or Russia. We will have no rights at all.
The Bill of Rights came from MEN. Flesh and blood human beings. The Bill of Rights did not come from God.
I doubt the enslavement of Africans and the genocide of Native Americans would have been allowed if the Bill of Rights had came from God.
What a stretch... holy cow man.... You have gone over the edge now.... LMAO... I've never owned a slave and a slave can't defend my home and my loved ones.... A slave can't shoot game to feed my family or protect from bears and wildlife intent on killing me....

If you dems are going to make any headway in gun control you first must stop calling for defunding cops and emptying prisons and removing bail....
A pertinent point just crossed my mind with your post re: protection. During the 80's and 90's, there were all kinds of feel good programs worldwide to rid the world of land mines. That being said, I submit that if guns were confiscated, the prevalence of land mines would increase for the sake of protection.
Its amazing to me that people could support taking guns away when those very people support defunding cops and releasing criminals...
It doesn't make any sense....


It does if they're criminals...


What a stretch... holy cow man.... You have gone over the edge now.... LMAO... I've never owned a slave and a slave can't defend my home and my loved ones.... A slave can't shoot game to feed my family or protect from bears and wildlife intent on killing me....

If you dems are going to make any headway in gun control you first must stop calling for defunding cops and emptying prisons and removing bail....
I was just making a comparison. Slavemasters were very firm in their beliefs, just like you are in yours.
Democrats scream for gun control and confiscation of some weapons but when you ask them how they would go about it they are dumbfounded... when you push them they go right to the US military forcibly taking them.... TYRANTS......
You asked how the guns could be taken away from you, then when Hellbilly said the military could possibly take them, you wanted to argue.
I was just making a comparison. Slavemasters were very firm in their beliefs, just like you are in yours.
The era and the time and conditions in the nation were so different from today that the comparison is laughable...
I'll give you this... Slave owners were all democrats and we know how stubborn dems can be....
They sure could. Thank you. Well said.

You do realize that only 10% of the military actually see combat right?
We have 1.4 million people in our military and only 10% fight. Now,get rid of a bunch of those since they'll refuse to shoot their family and friends and if they did what do you think their fellow military members would do?

Now we get to Americans that own firearms.
About 40% of Americans own firearms thats thats around 132 million Americans
Compare those numbers 132 million vs. 140'000. While a lot of Americans wont fight back just like a lot of US service men wouldnt shoot their friends and family the numbers dont lie.
The US military would be vastly outnumbered.

Next you're going to tell me the military has jets and bombs!!!!!
How are they going to use these weapons? You cant just bomb cities willy nilly that will turn everyone against you.
Perhaps you've heard of Vietnam or Afghanistan...In Vietnam they fought us to a standstill because the military wasnt supported back home in the US.
Sure we could have won but it would of entalled bombing the living shit out of them which of course wouldnt have been very popular back in the US.
So,how do you think the people in the US react if the military were to bomb our own citizens?

You're obviously not a deep thinker....
You do realize that only 10% of the military actually see combat right?
We have 1.4 million people in our military and only 10% fight. Now,get rid of a bunch of those since they'll refuse to shoot their family and friends and if they did what do you think their fellow military members would do?

Now we get to Americans that own firearms.
About 40% of Americans own firearms thats thats around 132 million Americans
Compare those numbers 132 million vs. 140'000. While a lot of Americans wont fight back just like a lot of US service men wouldnt shoot their friends and family the numbers dont lie.
The US military would be vastly outnumbered.

Next you're going to tell me the military has jets and bombs!!!!!
How are they going to use these weapons? You cant just bomb cities willy nilly that will turn everyone against you.
Perhaps you've heard of Vietnam or Afghanistan...In Vietnam they fought us to a standstill because the military wasnt supported back home in the US.
Sure we could have won but it would of entalled bombing the living shit out of them which of course wouldnt have been very popular back in the US.
So,how do you think the people in the US react if the military were to bomb our own citizens?

You're obviously not a deep thinker....
I know a lot of Marines and Navy personnel and I can't think of one of them that doesn't own multiple guns....

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