Repeal the 2nd Amendment

No, I didn't listen well. Because I used to think all those documents covered me and my people (African-Americans). It wasn't until I was older that I learned "We hold these truths to become self-evident" didn't include me.
It is crystal clear now. You are a racist that is defined by your bigotry. Run along, your ulterior motives have been exposed. You aren't concerned in the slightest with the second amendment, your motives are driven by racial hatred.
These mass shootings would stop fast if we could repeal the 2nd Amendment.
Actually not.

Absent the Second Amendment, states and local jurisdictions would be at liberty to regulate firearms as they see fit – and the great majority wouldn’t ‘ban’ AR 15s.

Likewise at the Federal level – the states control the Senate, not the people; there would never be enough votes in the Senate to enact a new AWB.
I say let's open it up. The first 12 amendments didn't cover enslaved Africans or Native Americans.
It needs to be re-written.


Ain't no slavery and hasn't been any for 150 years...

Where in the first 12 Amendments does it specify that they don't cover Africans or Native Americans?


In the original Constitution the rights of slaveowners were codified into the document. That was important for the southern slaveowning men who signed the document.
So, when the northern abolitionist started talking about freeing their property, those slaveowners got upset. Eventually the Constitution was amended to free the slaves, allow them to have citizenship and to vote.
So---the Constitution can be amended. Even if it some folks don't like it.
Let's repeal the 2nd Amendment.
In the March 27, 2018 issue of the New York Times, retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote a wonderful article advocating for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Reason: We do not need a militia today. The 2nd Amendment is just a propaganda weapon of the NRA---they use it to block debate in Congress and stop real gun control. (I am paraphrasing Justice Stevens here).

These mass shootings would stop fast if we could repeal the 2nd Amendment.
Ya, no thanks.
It is crystal clear now. You are a racist that is defined by your bigotry. Run along, your ulterior motives have been exposed. You aren't concerned in the slightest with the second amendment, your motives are driven by racial hatred.
Is it hatred because I'm telling you the truth about US history? No.
Was Justice Stevens a racist for wanting to repeal the 2nd Amendment? No.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, when serving in the Militia shall not be infringed"---Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens re-wording of the 2nd Amendment.
This would repeal the original 2nd Amendment.
No, it wouldn’t ‘repeal’ the Second Amendment.

Justice Stevens was advocating for retaining the collective interpretation of the Second Amendment, that it’s a collective – not individual – right to possess a firearm.

And because there was no need for private citizens to be armed to participate in ‘militia’ that no longer exist, prohibiting citizens from possessing certain firearms – military weapons in particular – would be Constitutional.

That’s why Scalia contrived the individual right in Heller, unconnected to militia service – to preempt government from prohibiting citizens from possessing handguns.

So, your argument should be that you want to see the Supreme Court overturn Heller in favor of the collective interpretation of the Second Amendment – no need for its ‘repeal.’
You’re talking about the United States Military. If they want your guns, they’ll take em. I don’t see what you are going to do about it.
Well first off the members of the United States military are also citizens of the United States. Secondly they will have to take those guns from their brothers, fathers, sisters,moms and friends. Third off the US military is not good at fighting asymmetrical wars.
Once again, for those too slow to grasp. You cannot just "repeal" an amendment. If the document is opened, the entire document is subject to change or repeal--including the amendments that you hold dear. SMFH.
Not true. When the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments were added it didn't change anything about the previous Amendments.
Stop trying to throw salt.
Forgive me for not answering a STUPID question.
Why? You've posted up one of the least well-thought out, disingenuous threads today. It begs for stupid questions to show the stupidity of your premise. It is disingenuous in that your premise is just a cover to grieve what you perceive as racism in the US founding document. In so doing, you have just exposed your own racist bigotry.
Well first off the members of the United States military are also citizens of the United States. Secondly they will have to take those guns from their brothers, fathers, sisters,moms and friends. Third off the US military is not good at fighting asymmetrical wars.
I never said it was a good idea. I never said i support it. All I'm saying is IF THEY WANTED TO DO IT, THEY COULD.
/end of line.
Why? You've posted up one of the least well-thought out, disingenuous threads today. It begs for stupid questions to show the stupidity of your premise. It is disingenuous in that your premise is just a cover to grieve what you perceive as racism in the US founding document. In so doing, you have just exposed your own racist bigotry.
No, I've exposed YOUR bigotry. And your fear. Thank you for your cooperation.
Not true. When the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments were added it didn't change anything about the previous Amendments.
Stop trying to throw salt.
This is getting old. You are not talking about "amendments." You are discussing the "REPEAL" of an amendment. They are not the same thing, nor are the mechanisms that are in place for the accomplishment of either. Quit trying to cover your own stupidity under the guise of racism.

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