"Repeal The Second Amendment!"


we do need to revamp our gun laws and background checks should be high on the list of immediate overhaul. we can work back from there but the background checks simply do not go far enough.

we do NOT need nofly and terror watch lists as there is no due process involved, but a stricter background check w/due process if denied the right to buy a gun, and keep on moving.

one step at a time.
The background checks do go far enough. No background check will reveal what a person is going to do in the future.
so a kid who's had the FBI called on him 20 times isn't an issue and shouldn't ever be flagged?

i can think of no laws that would have stopped almost any of the shootings in the last decade plus. so anything done to limit access should be met with scrutiny yes, but not total disdain and distrust. but again we need to figure out what happened along the way to make kids so willing to pick up a gun and shoot them at people they've known for years. that was unheard of when i was in high school and yet, far too common today.

there isn't an easy way out of this but we do need to start doing more than we are today, which is a big FUCK YOU to the other side.
Thats a rather separate issue. That was a failure on the part of the FBI, and Law Enforcement.
But as far as how often the cops are called... any one can call the cops on anyone, for anything. How would this effect those with neighbors who repeatedly call the cops on someone simply because of some petty fued?
dunno. but with any solution there will be things to work out along the way. to point those out as a way of not having to do anything is pretty strange to me. but at what point do we go from these calls are annoying to the kid is about to buy guns and go postal?
The second amendment is archaic and no longer applies to our society. As useless as the third amendment

We haven't relied on well regulated militias in150 years. We do not need armed civilians rushing to their local militia to defend us

Gun rights should be established at the state level with each state determining the gun protections they need
The second amendment is archaic and no longer applies to our society. As useless as the third amendment

We haven't relied on well regulated militias in150 years. We do not need armed civilians rushing to their local militia to defend us

Gun rights should be established at the state level with each state determining the gun protections they need

Again, the issue is that RKBA people have compromised over and over and the gun controllers keep pushing. When you can't get them to even admit NYC's laws are infringement, you know what they want for the rest of the country.
then we need to get a different group of people together to resolve this and tell those who can't be reasonable to bugger off.

first and foremost our gov needs a month long training series to educate people on guns, laws on the books, history, their use, hands on, and so forth. but this isn't to buy a guy, this is to be on the committee to fix our gun laws. there should in NO WAY be any politizing this. no colorado senators saying magazines will be thrown away after being used. if you are not gun and gun laws/history educated, you need to sit the fuck down and shut up.

if you EVER tried to outlaw green tipped bullets as armor piercing, you need to sit the fuck down and shut up cause you lie and can't be trusted in this.

we need educated people to review what we can do to address the situation. from what i can tell deeper background checks are needed, not more laws. i'm pretty sure every person who's shot up a school was breaking the law so more laws are not going to help.

gun crimes need harsher penalties including losing the right to buy guns. caught w/an illegal gun after this jail time. period. let the pot smokers out and send them to colorado or california to go be happy and out of the way and use these resources to crack down on guns laws.

but we need to address how we educate our kids to and what happened along the way to become so desensitized to the value of life? this isn't just a gun issue it's a society issue and we have to address the problems that make kids reach for guns in as much as make them harder to get.

Again, the other side can't be trusted to be reasonable, so anything more we give them will be exploited towards their overall goal of an unarmed populace.
again - then where do we go from here? sitting around saying WE DON'T TRUST YOU is only going to go so far.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- can't do much , GunOwners have RIGHTS . Stand on those Legal RIGHTS and don't give an inch , be ready and see what happens .
those rights are there because we agree to them and do in fact, defend them. but *we the people* can and do change our rights all the time. there is no god given right to anything, rights are what man has put up and chosen to defend. you can either work to resolve issues you're perceived to be a part of or you can stand that ground until they take that ground away.
------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm not dealing with you progressives . [if i recall you are a lefty] Anyway , Americans have RIGHTS and that should be where the line is and i am willing to test Legal RIGHTS and see what happens . Lefties can't be trusted as they always want more Iceberg . [are you going to the NRA Convention in Dallas in a couple of weeks Iceberg]
there is no god given right to anything, rights are what man has put up and chosen to defend

Not according to America's foundational documents.
great. then take our "god given rights" to another country, say n korea, and demand they honor them.

let me know how that goes.

What a silly, childish response. Do you deny the Founders considered certain rights as inalienable and God-given as part of the founding philosophy?
what recommendations has the NRA or the pro gun crowd made to help resolve this then? if they get to drive and make the decisions, what have they done besides say we can't trust the other side?

What makes you think we want the government to do anything ... :dunno:

You are like the mother of a junkie that bitches about the fact her son won't stay clean ...
But hands him $100, the keys to the car and a map to the drug dealers house.

Just outlaw bullets, there’s no Constitutional protection for bullets, as bullets as we know them didn’t exist back then, so the FFs couldn’t have protected them.
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We appear to actually be moving towards a tipping point here. Maybe we really have finally had enough.

If conservatives continue to play this libertarian all-or-nothing game, I suspect they're going to regret it.

What "all or nothing"

All the compromise so far has been done on or forced on 2nd amendment people.

It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

You're just hearing the loudmouth left...the silent majority keeps things on balance. Nov 2016 is an example

It was actually the silent minority, remember? The electoral college put the less popular candidate in office.
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We appear to actually be moving towards a tipping point here. Maybe we really have finally had enough.

If conservatives continue to play this libertarian all-or-nothing game, I suspect they're going to regret it.

What "all or nothing"

All the compromise so far has been done on or forced on 2nd amendment people.

It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

You're just hearing the loudmouth left...the silent majority keeps things on balance. Nov 2016 is an example
I can tell you, after 2016, I'm no longer into making concrete predictions on politics...

nope. going to get worse before it gets better due to all the distrust from both sides. the people getting hurt as usual are the ones in the middle who will be the tipping point factor if you push them too far in either direction.

a gun neutral person who went through a shooting won't stay neutral for long.

Well ... I suppose that could lead to a situation of figuring out who can push harder ...
And who was better prepared to defend their position.

It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The Constitution cannot be simply amended at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

Insufficient in itself to amend the Constitution.

The Democrats will put the GOP directly in bed with the NRA, and will (including the press) remain absolutely fixated on it.

Dem politicians will run on it big time. GOP politicians will have to go one way or the other, and it will be suicide if they buck the NRA. That will play right into the Dems' hands.

The Democrats have done that before. NRA membership tripled, and unconstitutional, restrictive gun laws fell nationwide.

I'm just observing the landscape. This is what's coming.

Who cares? There are more guns and gun owners now than ever. The Democrats will just have to deal with the reality of their misplaced blame.
The Constitution can be amended, and laws can be passed, based on what happens at the ballot box.

we do need to revamp our gun laws and background checks should be high on the list of immediate overhaul. we can work back from there but the background checks simply do not go far enough.

we do NOT need nofly and terror watch lists as there is no due process involved, but a stricter background check w/due process if denied the right to buy a gun, and keep on moving.

one step at a time.
The background checks do go far enough. No background check will reveal what a person is going to do in the future.
so a kid who's had the FBI called on him 20 times isn't an issue and shouldn't ever be flagged?

i can think of no laws that would have stopped almost any of the shootings in the last decade plus. so anything done to limit access should be met with scrutiny yes, but not total disdain and distrust. but again we need to figure out what happened along the way to make kids so willing to pick up a gun and shoot them at people they've known for years. that was unheard of when i was in high school and yet, far too common today.

there isn't an easy way out of this but we do need to start doing more than we are today, which is a big FUCK YOU to the other side.
Thats a rather separate issue. That was a failure on the part of the FBI, and Law Enforcement.
But as far as how often the cops are called... any one can call the cops on anyone, for anything. How would this effect those with neighbors who repeatedly call the cops on someone simply because of some petty fued?
dunno. but with any solution there will be things to work out along the way. to point those out as a way of not having to do anything is pretty strange to me. but at what point do we go from these calls are annoying to the kid is about to buy guns and go postal?
The idea that we “need to do something”, every time something bad happens; is a knee jerk reaction akin to virtue signaling, which seldom alleviates the sorrow from the incident which prompted it. Sometimes people just need to realize that shit happens. When they secure their children with as much effort as they do their money, and courthouses; and still encounter these tragedies... Then we can talk about me giving up my property, and rights. Till then it’s a non starter.
It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The Constitution cannot be simply amended at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

Insufficient in itself to amend the Constitution.

The Democrats will put the GOP directly in bed with the NRA, and will (including the press) remain absolutely fixated on it.

Dem politicians will run on it big time. GOP politicians will have to go one way or the other, and it will be suicide if they buck the NRA. That will play right into the Dems' hands.

The Democrats have done that before. NRA membership tripled, and unconstitutional, restrictive gun laws fell nationwide.

I'm just observing the landscape. This is what's coming.

Who cares? There are more guns and gun owners now than ever. The Democrats will just have to deal with the reality of their misplaced blame.
The Constitution can be amended, and laws can be passed, based on what happens at the ballot box.

There's a bit of a process before any of that can happen.
It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The Constitution cannot be simply amended at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

Insufficient in itself to amend the Constitution.

The Democrats will put the GOP directly in bed with the NRA, and will (including the press) remain absolutely fixated on it.

Dem politicians will run on it big time. GOP politicians will have to go one way or the other, and it will be suicide if they buck the NRA. That will play right into the Dems' hands.

The Democrats have done that before. NRA membership tripled, and unconstitutional, restrictive gun laws fell nationwide.

I'm just observing the landscape. This is what's coming.

Who cares? There are more guns and gun owners now than ever. The Democrats will just have to deal with the reality of their misplaced blame.
The Constitution can be amended, and laws can be passed, based on what happens at the ballot box.

There's a bit of a process before any of that can happen.
Obviously. But the point remains.
Just outlaw bullet, there’s no Constitutional protection for bullets, as bullets as we know them didn’t exist back then, so the FFs couldn’t have protected them.

The Supreme Court has already ruled actions that hinder the ability to exercise a Constitutionally protected right are also Unconstitutional ... :thup:

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

No it’s not. The sentiment of the media and air headed celebrities is clear.
How do you sheep watch TV and come away with the idea you’ve got your finger on the pulse of the American people?
Serious question.
there is no god given right to anything, rights are what man has put up and chosen to defend

Not according to America's foundational documents.
great. then take our "god given rights" to another country, say n korea, and demand they honor them.

let me know how that goes.

What a silly, childish response. Do you deny the Founders considered certain rights as inalienable and God-given as part of the founding philosophy?

That was nothing more than invoking a supernatural justification for having a government that would protect certain rights...

...rights whose existence would be decided by Men, not God,

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