"Repeal The Second Amendment!"

We appear to actually be moving towards a tipping point here. Maybe we really have finally had enough.

If conservatives continue to play this libertarian all-or-nothing game, I suspect they're going to regret it.

What "all or nothing"

All the compromise so far has been done on or forced on 2nd amendment people.

It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

The problem is it shouldn't be decided at the ballot box unless the 2nd is repealed.

How about we let abortion and gay marriage go to the ballot box in places like Alabama?
Well, whether it should be or not, it will be. The Democrats will put the GOP directly in bed with the NRA, and will (including the press) remain absolutely fixated on it.

Dem politicians will run on it big time. GOP politicians will have to go one way or the other, and it will be suicide if they buck the NRA. That will play right into the Dems' hands.

I'm just observing the landscape. This is what's coming.
We don't need to repeal the second amendment

Just make gun ownership contingent on belonging to a well regulated militia

Other countries do it
We appear to actually be moving towards a tipping point here. Maybe we really have finally had enough.

If conservatives continue to play this libertarian all-or-nothing game, I suspect they're going to regret it.

What "all or nothing"

All the compromise so far has been done on or forced on 2nd amendment people.

It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

The problem is it shouldn't be decided at the ballot box unless the 2nd is repealed.

How about we let abortion and gay marriage go to the ballot box in places like Alabama?

The constitutional issues go to the ballot box all the time, when we elect presidents and Senators, because they get to decide who goes on the Supreme Court.
We appear to actually be moving towards a tipping point here. Maybe we really have finally had enough.

If conservatives continue to play this libertarian all-or-nothing game, I suspect they're going to regret it.

What "all or nothing"

All the compromise so far has been done on or forced on 2nd amendment people.

It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

The problem is it shouldn't be decided at the ballot box unless the 2nd is repealed.

How about we let abortion and gay marriage go to the ballot box in places like Alabama?

The constitutional issues go to the ballot box all the time, when we elect presidents and Senators, because they get to decide who goes on the Supreme Court.

If you think progressive end runs by 5 of 9 unelected lawyers are OK, and of course you do, because you are a progressive half-wit.
We appear to actually be moving towards a tipping point here. Maybe we really have finally had enough.

If conservatives continue to play this libertarian all-or-nothing game, I suspect they're going to regret it.

What "all or nothing"

All the compromise so far has been done on or forced on 2nd amendment people.

It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

The problem is it shouldn't be decided at the ballot box unless the 2nd is repealed.

How about we let abortion and gay marriage go to the ballot box in places like Alabama?

The constitutional issues go to the ballot box all the time, when we elect presidents and Senators, because they get to decide who goes on the Supreme Court.

If you think progressive end runs by 5 of 9 unelected lawyers are OK, and of course you do, because you are a progressive half-wit.

Judges are not 'unelected'. They are nominated by an elected President, and confirmed by an elected Senate.

Tell us your better method for determining the constitutionality of laws.
Repeal the Second Amendment, and replace it work something work-able for both sides of the Gun-Control argument.

The Constitution is a living, breathing document, so to speak.

When conditions change - when the needs of the Nation change - the Constitution changes.

Time for the Constitution to change, again.
The Constitution is a living, breathing document, so to speak.
Says the flaming stupid liberal(redundant statement I know) who wants to give up all his rights for a government who cant do shit except fail. The Constitution is the "FOUNDATION" of this country and is the only thing that keeps US free from tyranny, you stupid fuck.

FBI interviewed dead Boston bombing suspect years ago
San Bernardino shooters under FBI surveillance leading up to the attacks
FBI said it failed to act on warning about Florida shooter
Edmonds: FBI knew about 9/11 plot in April 2001 - 911Truth.Org

Only people with a fucking death wish want to give up their freedoms so some government can take care of them....Stupid fucking liberals deserve to be awarded the Darwin Awards..

Darwin Award definition
"A Darwin Award is a tongue-in-cheek "honor" named after evolutionary theorist Charles Darwin, given to people who seem to improve the human gene pool by accidentally, or intentionally killing or sterilizing themselves during a foolish or careless mistake.".
What is a Darwin Award - answers.com

We appear to actually be moving towards a tipping point here. Maybe we really have finally had enough.

If conservatives continue to play this libertarian all-or-nothing game, I suspect they're going to regret it.

What "all or nothing"

All the compromise so far has been done on or forced on 2nd amendment people.

It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

The problem is it shouldn't be decided at the ballot box unless the 2nd is repealed.

How about we let abortion and gay marriage go to the ballot box in places like Alabama?

The constitutional issues go to the ballot box all the time, when we elect presidents and Senators, because they get to decide who goes on the Supreme Court.

If you think progressive end runs by 5 of 9 unelected lawyers are OK, and of course you do, because you are a progressive half-wit.

Trump and his cult have spent a year listing as one of Trump's 'great accomplishment's getting a conservative on the Court.
It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The Constitution cannot be simply amended at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

Insufficient in itself to amend the Constitution.

The Democrats will put the GOP directly in bed with the NRA, and will (including the press) remain absolutely fixated on it.

Dem politicians will run on it big time. GOP politicians will have to go one way or the other, and it will be suicide if they buck the NRA. That will play right into the Dems' hands.

The Democrats have done that before. NRA membership tripled, and unconstitutional, restrictive gun laws fell nationwide.

I'm just observing the landscape. This is what's coming.

Who cares? There are more guns and gun owners now than ever. The Democrats will just have to deal with the reality of their misplaced blame.
What "all or nothing"

All the compromise so far has been done on or forced on 2nd amendment people.

It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

The problem is it shouldn't be decided at the ballot box unless the 2nd is repealed.

How about we let abortion and gay marriage go to the ballot box in places like Alabama?

The constitutional issues go to the ballot box all the time, when we elect presidents and Senators, because they get to decide who goes on the Supreme Court.

If you think progressive end runs by 5 of 9 unelected lawyers are OK, and of course you do, because you are a progressive half-wit.

Trump and his cult have spent a year listing as one of Trump's 'great accomplishment's getting a conservative on the Court.

try 59 he has set a record on the number of judges


List of federal judges appointed by Donald Trump - Wikipedia

all while you have been busy posting another "we really REALLY got him this time" post

ya dumb dumb
We appear to actually be moving towards a tipping point here. Maybe we really have finally had enough.

If conservatives continue to play this libertarian all-or-nothing game, I suspect they're going to regret it.

What "all or nothing"

All the compromise so far has been done on or forced on 2nd amendment people.

They are using a shooting that is a perfect example of systemic governmental failure ...
Offering a solution the government has already tried and utterly failed at accomplishing the desired goal ...
A solution that ultimately resulted in the proliferation of the exact thing it was intended to limit ...

And you think they actually have to capability to understand your simple analogy ... :dunno:


we do need to revamp our gun laws and background checks should be high on the list of immediate overhaul. we can work back from there but the background checks simply do not go far enough.

we do NOT need nofly and terror watch lists as there is no due process involved, but a stricter background check w/due process if denied the right to buy a gun, and keep on moving.

one step at a time.

Yeah, lets do what NYC does, expanding background checks to 3-6 months and $600 in fees just to get a home only revolver permit...

You can't trust gun control people not to exploit things in their goal to get an unarmed populace.
yea, cause that's EXACTLY what i said, isn't it?

this lack of trust bullshit is getting people killed. i agree 30 years ago no one gave a damn and had guns in the back of their truck but we've changed unfortunately as a country and while i'm 100% FOR defending our rights to have a gun, that doesn't mean someone like cruz ever should have had one now does it?

the background check can just go deeper but it doesn't have to take much longer. in texas i fill out a piece of paper, they make a call and in 2 minutes, i'm a gun owner. i'm not sure what they check for now but maybe just putting more flags into the checks we have now would work.

but this lack of even willing to talk about it sucks. and when people do, the suckage grows because people start feeding their own fears about it and we all get emotional when this shouldn't be an emotional issue.

Again, the issue is that RKBA people have compromised over and over and the gun controllers keep pushing. When you can't get them to even admit NYC's laws are infringement, you know what they want for the rest of the country.
then we need to get a different group of people together to resolve this and tell those who can't be reasonable to bugger off.

first and foremost our gov needs a month long training series to educate people on guns, laws on the books, history, their use, hands on, and so forth. but this isn't to buy a guy, this is to be on the committee to fix our gun laws. there should in NO WAY be any politizing this. no colorado senators saying magazines will be thrown away after being used. if you are not gun and gun laws/history educated, you need to sit the fuck down and shut up.

if you EVER tried to outlaw green tipped bullets as armor piercing, you need to sit the fuck down and shut up cause you lie and can't be trusted in this.

we need educated people to review what we can do to address the situation. from what i can tell deeper background checks are needed, not more laws. i'm pretty sure every person who's shot up a school was breaking the law so more laws are not going to help.

gun crimes need harsher penalties including losing the right to buy guns. caught w/an illegal gun after this jail time. period. let the pot smokers out and send them to colorado or california to go be happy and out of the way and use these resources to crack down on guns laws.

but we need to address how we educate our kids to and what happened along the way to become so desensitized to the value of life? this isn't just a gun issue it's a society issue and we have to address the problems that make kids reach for guns in as much as make them harder to get.
It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

The problem is it shouldn't be decided at the ballot box unless the 2nd is repealed.

How about we let abortion and gay marriage go to the ballot box in places like Alabama?

The constitutional issues go to the ballot box all the time, when we elect presidents and Senators, because they get to decide who goes on the Supreme Court.

If you think progressive end runs by 5 of 9 unelected lawyers are OK, and of course you do, because you are a progressive half-wit.

Trump and his cult have spent a year listing as one of Trump's 'great accomplishment's getting a conservative on the Court.

try 59 he has set a record on the number of judges


List of federal judges appointed by Donald Trump - Wikipedia

all while you have been busy posting another "we really REALLY got him this time" post

ya dumb dumb

Tell the other poster. He's the one demonizing unelected judges.

we do need to revamp our gun laws and background checks should be high on the list of immediate overhaul. we can work back from there but the background checks simply do not go far enough.

we do NOT need nofly and terror watch lists as there is no due process involved, but a stricter background check w/due process if denied the right to buy a gun, and keep on moving.

one step at a time.

Yeah, lets do what NYC does, expanding background checks to 3-6 months and $600 in fees just to get a home only revolver permit...

You can't trust gun control people not to exploit things in their goal to get an unarmed populace.
yea, cause that's EXACTLY what i said, isn't it?

this lack of trust bullshit is getting people killed. i agree 30 years ago no one gave a damn and had guns in the back of their truck but we've changed unfortunately as a country and while i'm 100% FOR defending our rights to have a gun, that doesn't mean someone like cruz ever should have had one now does it?

the background check can just go deeper but it doesn't have to take much longer. in texas i fill out a piece of paper, they make a call and in 2 minutes, i'm a gun owner. i'm not sure what they check for now but maybe just putting more flags into the checks we have now would work.

but this lack of even willing to talk about it sucks. and when people do, the suckage grows because people start feeding their own fears about it and we all get emotional when this shouldn't be an emotional issue.

Again, the issue is that RKBA people have compromised over and over and the gun controllers keep pushing. When you can't get them to even admit NYC's laws are infringement, you know what they want for the rest of the country.
then we need to get a different group of people together to resolve this and tell those who can't be reasonable to bugger off.

first and foremost our gov needs a month long training series to educate people on guns, laws on the books, history, their use, hands on, and so forth. but this isn't to buy a guy, this is to be on the committee to fix our gun laws. there should in NO WAY be any politizing this. no colorado senators saying magazines will be thrown away after being used. if you are not gun and gun laws/history educated, you need to sit the fuck down and shut up.

if you EVER tried to outlaw green tipped bullets as armor piercing, you need to sit the fuck down and shut up cause you lie and can't be trusted in this.

we need educated people to review what we can do to address the situation. from what i can tell deeper background checks are needed, not more laws. i'm pretty sure every person who's shot up a school was breaking the law so more laws are not going to help.

gun crimes need harsher penalties including losing the right to buy guns. caught w/an illegal gun after this jail time. period. let the pot smokers out and send them to colorado or california to go be happy and out of the way and use these resources to crack down on guns laws.

but we need to address how we educate our kids to and what happened along the way to become so desensitized to the value of life? this isn't just a gun issue it's a society issue and we have to address the problems that make kids reach for guns in as much as make them harder to get.
How about we ENFORCE the existing gun laws.
Punish the criminals with DEATH instead of life with parole.
Let law abiding citizens carry weapons where ever they go, as they can be the 1st line of defense thus stopping the mentally ill from harming others..
We appear to actually be moving towards a tipping point here. Maybe we really have finally had enough.

If conservatives continue to play this libertarian all-or-nothing game, I suspect they're going to regret it.

What "all or nothing"

All the compromise so far has been done on or forced on 2nd amendment people.

It will ultimately be decided at the ballot box.

The direction of public sentiment right now is pretty clear.

You're just hearing the loudmouth left...the silent majority keeps things on balance. Nov 2016 is an example

we do need to revamp our gun laws and background checks should be high on the list of immediate overhaul. we can work back from there but the background checks simply do not go far enough.

we do NOT need nofly and terror watch lists as there is no due process involved, but a stricter background check w/due process if denied the right to buy a gun, and keep on moving.

one step at a time.

Yeah, lets do what NYC does, expanding background checks to 3-6 months and $600 in fees just to get a home only revolver permit...

You can't trust gun control people not to exploit things in their goal to get an unarmed populace.
yea, cause that's EXACTLY what i said, isn't it?

this lack of trust bullshit is getting people killed. i agree 30 years ago no one gave a damn and had guns in the back of their truck but we've changed unfortunately as a country and while i'm 100% FOR defending our rights to have a gun, that doesn't mean someone like cruz ever should have had one now does it?

the background check can just go deeper but it doesn't have to take much longer. in texas i fill out a piece of paper, they make a call and in 2 minutes, i'm a gun owner. i'm not sure what they check for now but maybe just putting more flags into the checks we have now would work.

but this lack of even willing to talk about it sucks. and when people do, the suckage grows because people start feeding their own fears about it and we all get emotional when this shouldn't be an emotional issue.

Again, the issue is that RKBA people have compromised over and over and the gun controllers keep pushing. When you can't get them to even admit NYC's laws are infringement, you know what they want for the rest of the country.
then we need to get a different group of people together to resolve this and tell those who can't be reasonable to bugger off.

first and foremost our gov needs a month long training series to educate people on guns, laws on the books, history, their use, hands on, and so forth. but this isn't to buy a guy, this is to be on the committee to fix our gun laws. there should in NO WAY be any politizing this. no colorado senators saying magazines will be thrown away after being used. if you are not gun and gun laws/history educated, you need to sit the fuck down and shut up.

if you EVER tried to outlaw green tipped bullets as armor piercing, you need to sit the fuck down and shut up cause you lie and can't be trusted in this.

we need educated people to review what we can do to address the situation. from what i can tell deeper background checks are needed, not more laws. i'm pretty sure every person who's shot up a school was breaking the law so more laws are not going to help.

gun crimes need harsher penalties including losing the right to buy guns. caught w/an illegal gun after this jail time. period. let the pot smokers out and send them to colorado or california to go be happy and out of the way and use these resources to crack down on guns laws.

but we need to address how we educate our kids to and what happened along the way to become so desensitized to the value of life? this isn't just a gun issue it's a society issue and we have to address the problems that make kids reach for guns in as much as make them harder to get.

Again, the other side can't be trusted to be reasonable, so anything more we give them will be exploited towards their overall goal of an unarmed populace.
The problem is it shouldn't be decided at the ballot box unless the 2nd is repealed.

How about we let abortion and gay marriage go to the ballot box in places like Alabama?

The constitutional issues go to the ballot box all the time, when we elect presidents and Senators, because they get to decide who goes on the Supreme Court.

If you think progressive end runs by 5 of 9 unelected lawyers are OK, and of course you do, because you are a progressive half-wit.

Trump and his cult have spent a year listing as one of Trump's 'great accomplishment's getting a conservative on the Court.

try 59 he has set a record on the number of judges


List of federal judges appointed by Donald Trump - Wikipedia

all while you have been busy posting another "we really REALLY got him this time" post

ya dumb dumb

Tell the other poster. He's the one demonizing unelected judges.

Un-elected progressive judges. Ones that one to legislate, not interpret.

we do need to revamp our gun laws and background checks should be high on the list of immediate overhaul. we can work back from there but the background checks simply do not go far enough.

we do NOT need nofly and terror watch lists as there is no due process involved, but a stricter background check w/due process if denied the right to buy a gun, and keep on moving.

one step at a time.

Yeah, lets do what NYC does, expanding background checks to 3-6 months and $600 in fees just to get a home only revolver permit...

You can't trust gun control people not to exploit things in their goal to get an unarmed populace.
yea, cause that's EXACTLY what i said, isn't it?

this lack of trust bullshit is getting people killed. i agree 30 years ago no one gave a damn and had guns in the back of their truck but we've changed unfortunately as a country and while i'm 100% FOR defending our rights to have a gun, that doesn't mean someone like cruz ever should have had one now does it?

the background check can just go deeper but it doesn't have to take much longer. in texas i fill out a piece of paper, they make a call and in 2 minutes, i'm a gun owner. i'm not sure what they check for now but maybe just putting more flags into the checks we have now would work.

but this lack of even willing to talk about it sucks. and when people do, the suckage grows because people start feeding their own fears about it and we all get emotional when this shouldn't be an emotional issue.

Again, the issue is that RKBA people have compromised over and over and the gun controllers keep pushing. When you can't get them to even admit NYC's laws are infringement, you know what they want for the rest of the country.
then we need to get a different group of people together to resolve this and tell those who can't be reasonable to bugger off.

first and foremost our gov needs a month long training series to educate people on guns, laws on the books, history, their use, hands on, and so forth. but this isn't to buy a guy, this is to be on the committee to fix our gun laws. there should in NO WAY be any politizing this. no colorado senators saying magazines will be thrown away after being used. if you are not gun and gun laws/history educated, you need to sit the fuck down and shut up.

if you EVER tried to outlaw green tipped bullets as armor piercing, you need to sit the fuck down and shut up cause you lie and can't be trusted in this.

we need educated people to review what we can do to address the situation. from what i can tell deeper background checks are needed, not more laws. i'm pretty sure every person who's shot up a school was breaking the law so more laws are not going to help.

gun crimes need harsher penalties including losing the right to buy guns. caught w/an illegal gun after this jail time. period. let the pot smokers out and send them to colorado or california to go be happy and out of the way and use these resources to crack down on guns laws.

but we need to address how we educate our kids to and what happened along the way to become so desensitized to the value of life? this isn't just a gun issue it's a society issue and we have to address the problems that make kids reach for guns in as much as make them harder to get.

Again, the other side can't be trusted to be reasonable, so anything more we give them will be exploited towards their overall goal of an unarmed populace.
again - then where do we go from here? sitting around saying WE DON'T TRUST YOU is only going to go so far.

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