Repealing ObamaCare would add $353 billion to deficits, CBO says

think about what you just said. Its only part of the equation.
Me contributing to someone else's health care is not in my best interest.

If you believe that, why have you been buying health insurance for 40 years? Those premium dollars didn't go into a savings account for you somewhere, they went to pay other people's medical expenses.
not to the extend that obamacare does. Insurance should be for only those that purchase it, those that don't need to pay as they go or go without. Its really a rather simple concept.
not to the extend that obamacare does. Insurance should be for only those that purchase it, those that don't need to pay as they go or go without. Its really a rather simple concept.

...commercial insurance is only for those who purchase it. That's hasn't changed.
they will do everything in this thread but refute the figures

Figures from the CBO are a laugher and hardly ever accurate. Why do y'all have so much faith in govt?
Why do you have so much faith in the right wing? Foreign policy, domestic policy, economic policy, they have been wrong about everything for the last 30 years. I can't get a single Republican to name a GOP policy that has helped the majority of Americans going back 30 years. Can you?
not to the extend that obamacare does. Insurance should be for only those that purchase it, those that don't need to pay as they go or go without. Its really a rather simple concept.

...commercial insurance is only for those who purchase it. That's hasn't changed.
and the other taxes that have been and will be implemented to help cove the cost for ACA?
do I get out of paying that? you know, my shared responsibility tax?
just another distribution of wealth program from the socialists
The government caused a market distortion and now even more government is going to reduce the distortion?

Shrinking that half century old tax subsidy isn't really "more government."

Shrinking that half century old tax subsidy isn't really "more government."

Forcing people to buy a policy, taxing them if they don't and subsidizing them if they don't earn enough isn't really less government.
they will do everything in this thread but refute the figures

Figures from the CBO are a laugher and hardly ever accurate. Why do y'all have so much faith in govt?
Why do you have so much faith in the right wing? Foreign policy, domestic policy, economic policy, they have been wrong about everything for the last 30 years. I can't get a single Republican to name a GOP policy that has helped the majority of Americans going back 30 years. Can you?

Every road block they put up against Obama has helped the majority of Americans, and that's just the last 4.5 years.
Read this-

CBO Obamacare will add to deficit, 2 million fewer full time jobs, Combined deficit just under $1.2 trillion, Creates reluctant work force, No…

Tuesday, February 4, 2014 13:34

19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.
19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.
lmao Rderp do you even bother reading your links?

From the same link....

While CBO’s report notes that the deficit impact of repealing the law is highly uncertain, and could even reduce the deficit, it does show that repealing this law will boost nationwide employment and grow the economy,” Enzi said in a statement.
Read it again fool. That quote is a paraphrase from Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.). And if you are able, think about it. Part time jobs with no benefits? That's what it might create. But entrepreneurs like affordable care. Try to figure out why.

Obamacare Is An Entrepreneur s Best Friend - Forbes
19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

This is parallel-universe material. Obamacare is such a train wreck that 34 states have refused to set up the exchanges. Obamacare is already costing way, way more than was advertised. Millions of people have *lost* their health insurance because of Obamacare. A large chunk of the millions who have obtained health insurance via Obamacare have done so with the help of *federal subsidies," and the Obamacare Medicaid subsidies last only a few years, after which the cost gets thrown onto the states. The exchanges that have been set up are *not* self-sustaining, contrary to what we were told--not even close.

Are the liberals here just a bunch of college students or something? Do they have any idea what it's like in the real world?
Republicans believe in such nonsense as "trickle down" and "they hate us for our freedom" and "the world is 6,000 years old" and "vaccines cause autism" and so much more. And you question if Democrats live in the "real world"?????? You certainly have a lot of fucking nerve.
19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

This is parallel-universe material. Obamacare is such a train wreck that 34 states have refused to set up the exchanges. Obamacare is already costing way, way more than was advertised. Millions of people have *lost* their health insurance because of Obamacare. A large chunk of the millions who have obtained health insurance via Obamacare have done so with the help of *federal subsidies," and the Obamacare Medicaid subsidies last only a few years, after which the cost gets thrown onto the states. The exchanges that have been set up are *not* self-sustaining, contrary to what we were told--not even close.

Are the liberals here just a bunch of college students or something? Do they have any idea what it's like in the real world?
Republicans believe in such nonsense as "trickle down" and "they hate us for our freedom" and "the world is 6,000 years old" and "vaccines cause autism" and so much more. And you question if Democrats live in the "real world"?????? You certainly have a lot of fucking nerve.
Looky heah, Andy....

GAO Report Obamacare Adds 6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit National Review Online
19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

This is parallel-universe material. Obamacare is such a train wreck that 34 states have refused to set up the exchanges. Obamacare is already costing way, way more than was advertised. Millions of people have *lost* their health insurance because of Obamacare. A large chunk of the millions who have obtained health insurance via Obamacare have done so with the help of *federal subsidies," and the Obamacare Medicaid subsidies last only a few years, after which the cost gets thrown onto the states. The exchanges that have been set up are *not* self-sustaining, contrary to what we were told--not even close.

Are the liberals here just a bunch of college students or something? Do they have any idea what it's like in the real world?
Republicans believe in such nonsense as "trickle down" and "they hate us for our freedom" and "the world is 6,000 years old" and "vaccines cause autism" and so much more. And you question if Democrats live in the "real world"?????? You certainly have a lot of fucking nerve.

Democrats believe in such nonsense as "government creates useful jobs" and "they attacked our embassy because of a video" and "the sea level will stop rising, because we nominated a half-black candidate" and "vaccines cause autism" and "GMOs are poison"
Repealing ObamaCare would add $353 billion to deficits, CBO says

And not repealing it will cost trillions, DUH!!
Not true. As America ages, using the emergency room as the primary source of health care will bankrupt this country. Try to figure out why.

As America ages, using the emergency room as the primary source of health care will bankrupt this country.

If only we could somehow evict several million illegal aliens who are currently overloading our emergency rooms.
Repealing ObamaCare would add $353 billion to deficits, CBO says

And not repealing it will cost trillions, DUH!!
Not true. As America ages, using the emergency room as the primary source of health care will bankrupt this country. Try to figure out why.

As America ages, using the emergency room as the primary source of health care will bankrupt this country.

If only we could somehow evict several million illegal aliens who are currently overloading our emergency rooms.

The illegals are stealing over $4 billion a year from taxpayers via filing for fraudulent tax refunds you would think they could buy their own damn insurance.
19 million people would lose health insurance in 2016, the report said.

From 2021 to 2025, 24 million more people would lose insurance, including 22 million who had been enrolled in the law’s exchanges and 14 million who had been on Medicaid.

On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Repealing ObamaCare would add 353 billion to deficits CBO says TheHill


I think Republicans should finally come out and just run on a policy of "let them die".

Seriously, could you imagine 19 million Americans losing health care just before the next election? We know that such a thing is fine with Republicans. In fact, it makes them giddy. Until they discover that isn't 19 million Democrats.

And you have to admit, this part is hilarious on so many levels: On the question of ObamaCare subsidies, House Republicans have been uniting around a plan that would give states the option of keeping them if the Supreme Court rules against the healthcare law.

Probably true. Remember when the nit wit Obama spent $22 billion more shutting down government than keeping it open? I'm sure he could waste way more than that shutting down Obamacare
Wow, the GOP depressed that millions can continue to receive health care.

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