Repeat after me: LYIN TED! THAT'S HIS NAME!

Nah, Trump is pathological.
And Hillary isnt?
Not even in the same league as Trump. All politicians get accused of lying, but often the so called lies are comments that are embellished, exaggerated or taken out of context. Trump tells full-fledged blatant lies habitually and that is what makes him a pathological liar.
Every claim she makes in this video has been shown to be a lie.

A fifteen-minute video with your say so, there are lies contained in it is probably a lot of speculation on your part. Plus, it has nothing to do with Cruz or even Trump. Seems to be a deflection.

There is zero speculation on my part. Literally every claim she makes there has been shown to be a lie. Not subject to opinion here.

OK, pick out your favorite ones and tell where they are on the 15-minute video.
Yes. Repeat your cultic brainwashing mantra. Ignore facts.
Funny that there is no defense for Trump or Cruz, but instead finger pointing at Clinton with no real specifics. Just long video's with the claim everything she says is a lie.
No one has lied during this campaign the way Trump has. There were never thousands of Americans dancing in the streets of New Jersey on 9/11 and the hijackers did not fly their families back to Saudi Arabia a few days before the attack. Big blatant and malicious lies.
Amanda Carpenter's husband deleted his Twitter! Amanda Carpenter's husband deleted his Twitter! Amanda Carpenter's husband deleted his Twitter!

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