Report: 90% of youth in Philly cannot serve

Liberals will probably call on them to lower their standards, this is obviously discrimination and racism.

Oops, too late Wingbutt, Repubicans already did it:

Military Accepting More Ex-Cons

WASHINGTON - More recruits with criminal records, including felony convictions, are being allowed to join the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, as the armed services cope with a dwindling pool of volunteers during wartime.

Of course you don't realize that the waivers are approved by military personell and not politicians, right?
Military Lowers Standards To Fill Ranks - CBS Evening News - CBS News

The number of incoming soldiers with prior felony arrests or convictions has more than tripled in the past five years. This year alone, the Army accepted an estimated 8,000 recruits with rap sheets, reports CBS News correspondent Kimberly Dozier.
Same as above
Bushs War Against the Military -- In These Times

Bush has failed the military on almost every level. While Halliburton and Boeing went to the bank this year with about $10 billion each, undermanned U.S. forces went into Iraq without armored vests and driving unarmored vehicles. The fatal results were hidden from public view as the dead were secreted home and the Department of Defense (DOD) obscured and juggled the numbers of maimed and wounded.

The U.S. Army pay scale is about half that of the British, which is why there is a major crisis in military recruitment. (More mess for Obama to clean up)
What does this have to do with the thread?
U S Military Allows White Supremacists | America For Purchase

Tom Metzger is the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and current leader of the White Aryan Resistance. He tells me the military has never been more tolerant of racial extremists. “Now they are letting everybody in,” he says.

Good for the military for not kowtowing to a KKK member's desires.......
200 teachers didn't show up for work in Philly last September. Can anyone blame them? It's a sewer.
Liberals will probably call on them to lower their standards, this is obviously discrimination and racism.

Oops, too late Wingbutt, Repubicans already did it:

Military Accepting More Ex-Cons

WASHINGTON - More recruits with criminal records, including felony convictions, are being allowed to join the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, as the armed services cope with a dwindling pool of volunteers during wartime.

Military Lowers Standards To Fill Ranks - CBS Evening News - CBS News

The number of incoming soldiers with prior felony arrests or convictions has more than tripled in the past five years. This year alone, the Army accepted an estimated 8,000 recruits with rap sheets, reports CBS News correspondent Kimberly Dozier.

Bushs War Against the Military -- In These Times

Bush has failed the military on almost every level. While Halliburton and Boeing went to the bank this year with about $10 billion each, undermanned U.S. forces went into Iraq without armored vests and driving unarmored vehicles. The fatal results were hidden from public view as the dead were secreted home and the Department of Defense (DOD) obscured and juggled the numbers of maimed and wounded.

The U.S. Army pay scale is about half that of the British, which is why there is a major crisis in military recruitment. (More mess for Obama to clean up)

U S Military Allows White Supremacists | America For Purchase

Tom Metzger is the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and current leader of the White Aryan Resistance. He tells me the military has never been more tolerant of racial extremists. “Now they are letting everybody in,” he says.

Well if the military has ALREADY lowered it's standards and still 90% of Philly youth do not meet the minimum standard, what the fuck does that say about them?

They got some low life lazy young people in Philly.
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Liberals will probably call on them to lower their standards, this is obviously discrimination and racism.

Oops, too late Wingbutt, Repubicans already did it:

Military Accepting More Ex-Cons

WASHINGTON - More recruits with criminal records, including felony convictions, are being allowed to join the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, as the armed services cope with a dwindling pool of volunteers during wartime.

Of course you don't realize that the waivers are approved by military personell and not politicians, right?

Same as above
Bushs War Against the Military -- In These Times

Bush has failed the military on almost every level. While Halliburton and Boeing went to the bank this year with about $10 billion each, undermanned U.S. forces went into Iraq without armored vests and driving unarmored vehicles. The fatal results were hidden from public view as the dead were secreted home and the Department of Defense (DOD) obscured and juggled the numbers of maimed and wounded.

The U.S. Army pay scale is about half that of the British, which is why there is a major crisis in military recruitment. (More mess for Obama to clean up)
What does this have to do with the thread?
U S Military Allows White Supremacists | America For Purchase

Tom Metzger is the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and current leader of the White Aryan Resistance. He tells me the military has never been more tolerant of racial extremists. “Now they are letting everybody in,” he says.

Good for the military for not kowtowing to a KKK member's desires.......

Uh, do the words, "Commander in Chief" mean anything to you?

Because it's one of the reasons why they had to lower their standards?

Good for the military for not kowtowing to a KKK member's desires???????????Hello, they are IN the Military.

Three for three. You're not doing too well Sparky. You want to send in another batter.
Oops, too late Wingbutt, Repubicans already did it:

Military Accepting More Ex-Cons

WASHINGTON - More recruits with criminal records, including felony convictions, are being allowed to join the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, as the armed services cope with a dwindling pool of volunteers during wartime.

Of course you don't realize that the waivers are approved by military personell and not politicians, right?

Same as above

What does this have to do with the thread?
U S Military Allows White Supremacists | America For Purchase

Tom Metzger is the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and current leader of the White Aryan Resistance. He tells me the military has never been more tolerant of racial extremists. “Now they are letting everybody in,” he says.

Good for the military for not kowtowing to a KKK member's desires.......

Uh, do the words, "Commander in Chief" mean anything to you?

Because it's one of the reasons why they had to lower their standards?

Good for the military for not kowtowing to a KKK member's desires???????????Hello, they are IN the Military.

Three for three. You're not doing too well Sparky. You want to send in another batter.

Are you saying the military ignored Sen Robert Byrd (D-VW and Grand Kleagle)?
Oops, too late Wingbutt, Repubicans already did it:

Military Accepting More Ex-Cons

WASHINGTON - More recruits with criminal records, including felony convictions, are being allowed to join the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, as the armed services cope with a dwindling pool of volunteers during wartime.

Of course you don't realize that the waivers are approved by military personell and not politicians, right?

Same as above

What does this have to do with the thread?
U S Military Allows White Supremacists | America For Purchase

Tom Metzger is the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and current leader of the White Aryan Resistance. He tells me the military has never been more tolerant of racial extremists. “Now they are letting everybody in,” he says.

Good for the military for not kowtowing to a KKK member's desires.......

Uh, do the words, "Commander in Chief" mean anything to you?
Commander in Chief =/= makes all decisions
Because it's one of the reasons why they had to lower their standards?

You better reread your our source pal, no standards were lowered, waivers were given. They were not given by the President personally.
Good for the military for not kowtowing to a KKK member's desires???????????Hello, they are IN the Military.
Hey, if a KKK member is otherwise eligible and wants to serve, let him, you disagree?
Three for three. You're not doing too well Sparky. You want to send in another batter.

One of us is failing hard here, I think we both realize that's you.
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Report: 90% of youth in Philly cannot serve - Air Force News, news from Iraq - Air Force Times

PHILADELPHIA — A nonprofit group says that up to 90 percent of young Philadelphians are ineligible for military service because of criminal records, obesity or lack of education.

Pennsylvania-based Mission: Readiness released its report Monday. It says 1 million Pennsylvanians are ineligible for the same reasons.

Mission: Readiness is made up of more than 150 retired generals and admirals. The group wants state and federal funding for pre-kindergarten programs that it says give children a solid foundation for academic and personal success.

The report says 145,000 Philadelphians ages 18 to 24 cannot meet the military’s medical, moral and mental standards.

Nationally, the Defense Department estimates that 75 percent of young adults are disqualified from military service.

These are quite the eye-popping numbers. Thoughts USMB?

I must be the 10% ers..I am from Philly and I did serve...for 20 years...

The only thing this shows is, the military has standards. Whats new?
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Of course you don't realize that the waivers are approved by military personell and not politicians, right?

Same as above

What does this have to do with the thread?

Good for the military for not kowtowing to a KKK member's desires.......

Uh, do the words, "Commander in Chief" mean anything to you?
Commander in Chief =/= makes all decisions

You better reread your our source pal, no standards were lowered, waivers were given. They were not given by the President personally.
Good for the military for not kowtowing to a KKK member's desires???????????Hello, they are IN the Military.
Hey, if a KKK member is otherwise eligible and wants to serve, let him, you disagree?
Three for three. You're not doing too well Sparky. You want to send in another batter.

One of us is failing hard here, I think we both realize that's you.[/QUOTE]

You must not know much about the military, but the KKK cannot serve in the miliary. If they went up to their skipper (or boss) and told them they were KKK, they would be helped out the door. I saw this happen once when an idiot got himself on film at a kkk rally and he was in full costume.

Are you new to this military thing? (and yes, i know you served.....)
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Liberals will probably call on them to lower their standards, this is obviously discrimination and racism.

Oops, too late Wingbutt, Repubicans already did it:

Military Accepting More Ex-Cons

WASHINGTON - More recruits with criminal records, including felony convictions, are being allowed to join the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, as the armed services cope with a dwindling pool of volunteers during wartime.

Military Lowers Standards To Fill Ranks - CBS Evening News - CBS News

The number of incoming soldiers with prior felony arrests or convictions has more than tripled in the past five years. This year alone, the Army accepted an estimated 8,000 recruits with rap sheets, reports CBS News correspondent Kimberly Dozier.

Bushs War Against the Military -- In These Times

Bush has failed the military on almost every level. While Halliburton and Boeing went to the bank this year with about $10 billion each, undermanned U.S. forces went into Iraq without armored vests and driving unarmored vehicles. The fatal results were hidden from public view as the dead were secreted home and the Department of Defense (DOD) obscured and juggled the numbers of maimed and wounded.

The U.S. Army pay scale is about half that of the British, which is why there is a major crisis in military recruitment. (More mess for Obama to clean up)

U S Military Allows White Supremacists | America For Purchase

Tom Metzger is the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and current leader of the White Aryan Resistance. He tells me the military has never been more tolerant of racial extremists. “Now they are letting everybody in,” he says.

[COLOR="Navy[B]"]Well if the military has ALREADY lowered it's standards and still 90% of Philly youth do not meet the minimum standard, what the fuck does that say about them? [/B]
They got some low life lazy young people in Philly. [/COLOR]

That is pretty damn bad now that you mention it. :eusa_eh:
[COLOR="Navy[B]"]Well if the military has ALREADY lowered it's standards and still 90% of Philly youth do not meet the minimum standard, what the fuck does that say about them? [/B]
They got some low life lazy young people in Philly. [/COLOR]

That is pretty damn bad now that you mention it. :eusa_eh:

What it is is SAD. SAD that the youth of this country have slipped so far down into the trash. The youth there have no ambition or desire to better their lives.

Liberals will probably call on them to lower their standards, this is obviously discrimination and racism.

Lower standards?!? Gone are the days the judge would give convicts a choice: jail or the Army.

Of course in those days a DI could literally beat your ass if you didn't conform. Nowadays they can't even push the recruits too hard, if a recruit reaches a point they have a time out card they can use if they feel stressed. :lol:

when I went to boot camp in 1988 they couldn't hit you, but they damn sure could get in your face and curse at you until you wished they'd just hit you and get it over with. There was no " I can't do this" nope. We had a kid who about 80 lbs overweight when we started, they took the weight off him. We had another guy who didn't think a DI could tell him what to do, by the end, he did what he was told........................

I think a summer of boot camp would be a great thing for any child. My son went through a mini boot camp (4 weeks) last summer and came home with a profound understanding of the sacrifices those who choose to serve make. Not to mention being in better shape than when he left.

I can only imagine how disappointed you must be that the Royal Navy abolished flogging.
These are quite the eye-popping numbers. Thoughts USMB?
Perhaps this is because there are no longer career-paths built on brawn?


What will physical strength get the young American man in 2010?

An unemployment check.

What it is is SAD. SAD that the youth of this country have slipped so far down into the trash. The youth there have no ambition or desire to better their lives.

It is SAD that the older generations have killed what few quality manual-labor jobs were left in this nation.

Physical fitness will not get you a degree, will not get you a career, will not get you a woman anymore.
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200 teachers didn't show up for work in Philly last September. Can anyone blame them? It's a sewer.

I'd like to know more about this. Got a link?

PHILADELPHIA (AP) ― School officials in Philadelphia are irate about the number of teachers who are suddenly resigning or not showing up for work, just days before school starts.

More than 110 instructors quit this week alone, failing to put in the required 60 days notice; another 100 left last month. Some are taking long-term sick leave.

More Than 110 Teachers Quit Jobs In Philly School District This Week -

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