Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Holy shit how many times do Trumpbots need to be told that Presidents can not request wire taps? Seriously, every thread that talks about Obama requesting a wire tap needs to be put in conspiracy theories...
And your alleged mind bleev's this means Obama personally ordered Trump's phone lines to be

You know the FISA court is not Obama...right, retard?
It doesn't matter whether he ordered it. One of his servile toadies could have ordered it without being asked, there's no doubt that new knew about it. He failed to do anything about it, and then he took steps to make sure the information was leaked. It doesn't look good for him.
No one ordered Trump's phone to be tapped. Got it yet? Read your own damn link, for chrissakes, instead of IMAGINING shit.

Trump heard a fucking SPECULATION and repeated it as fact. Because he is as retarded as you.
Sure they did
The retard's link in the OP confirms what I said. The dumb fuck kicked himself in the mouth.

Man, you guys are fucking stupid beyond belief.

NYT ran a big story on Trump's aides being wire tapped. Trump used the same phrase. Big f'n deal.
The latest tactic of the snowflakes is to claim that Trump didn't personally perform the wire tap or order it, as if that mattered somehow.
NYT ran a big story on Trump's aides being wire tapped.
The NY Times said that RUSSIAN business contacts in UKRAINE and RUSSIA were wiretapped, not Trump, his aides or Trump Tower!!!

From the NY Times:
"The counterintelligence investigation centers at least in part on the business dealings that some of the president-elect’s past and present advisers have had with Russia. Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."
Looking grim? How so ?

Trump hobnobbing with the Russian spies is looking grim.
When did it become illegal to talk to foreign diplomats?
Oh.....I know.
When Hillary lost the election.
You had better HOPE that Trump is LYING. You had better HOPE that Sean Hannity is LYING too.
No reason to hope, both ALWAYS lie!!!
It's pretty hilarious how we constantly see Democrat voters that don't like lying, yet they have voted for a string of world-class liars for the last 30+ years. The most recent is Hillary.
You had better HOPE that Trump is LYING. You had better HOPE that Sean Hannity is LYING too.
No reason to hope, both ALWAYS lie!!!
It's pretty hilarious how we constantly see Democrat voters that don't like lying, yet they have voted for a string of world-class liars for the last 30+ years. The most recent is Hillary.
The problem with that is that it is pathological liars who make that claim!!!!!
You had better HOPE that Trump is LYING. You had better HOPE that Sean Hannity is LYING too.
No reason to hope, both ALWAYS lie!!!
It's pretty hilarious how we constantly see Democrat voters that don't like lying, yet they have voted for a string of world-class liars for the last 30+ years. The most recent is Hillary.
The problem with that is that it is pathological liars who make that claim!!!!!
Sounds like a circular argument to me.
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."
They can still pull a Sandy Berger. Don't put it past them.

It's why Trump needs to get rid of the Obama holdovers, immediately.
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."
FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization -

Federal investigators and computer scientists continue to examine whether there was a computer server connection between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, sources close to the investigation tell CNN.

Questions about the possible connection were widely dismissed four months ago. But the FBI's investigation remains open, the sources said, and is in the hands of the FBI's counterintelligence team -- the same one looking into Russia's suspected interference in the 2016 election.

CNN is told there was no Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant on the server.

The FBI declined to comment. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

In addition, companies involved have provided CNN with new explanations that at times conflict with each other and still don't fully explain what happened.

But for those who have studied the data, the activity could suggest an intent to communicate by email during a period of time when ties between the Trump Organization and Russia are being closely scrutinized because of Russia's alleged involvement in hacking the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chief John Podesta.
It doesn't matter whether he ordered it. One of his servile toadies could have ordered it without being asked, there's no doubt that new knew about it. He failed to do anything about it, and then he took steps to make sure the information was leaked. It doesn't look good for him.
No one ordered Trump's phone to be tapped. Got it yet? Read your own damn link, for chrissakes, instead of IMAGINING shit.

Trump heard a fucking SPECULATION and repeated it as fact. Because he is as retarded as you.
Sure they did
The retard's link in the OP confirms what I said. The dumb fuck kicked himself in the mouth.

Man, you guys are fucking stupid beyond belief.

NYT ran a big story on Trump's aides being wire tapped. Trump used the same phrase. Big f'n deal.
The latest tactic of the snowflakes is to claim that Trump didn't personally perform the wire tap or order it, as if that mattered somehow.
Bri, did you mean to write obummer rather than trump? I'm confused with your post.
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."
FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization -

Federal investigators and computer scientists continue to examine whether there was a computer server connection between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, sources close to the investigation tell CNN.

Questions about the possible connection were widely dismissed four months ago. But the FBI's investigation remains open, the sources said, and is in the hands of the FBI's counterintelligence team -- the same one looking into Russia's suspected interference in the 2016 election.

CNN is told there was no Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant on the server.

The FBI declined to comment. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

In addition, companies involved have provided CNN with new explanations that at times conflict with each other and still don't fully explain what happened.

But for those who have studied the data, the activity could suggest an intent to communicate by email during a period of time when ties between the Trump Organization and Russia are being closely scrutinized because of Russia's alleged involvement in hacking the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chief John Podesta.
What's truly amazing is the true partisanship of the intelligence agencies. Going so far with Trump and his aides to stretch their investigations to freaking Jared Kushner's mothers bank account while nothing is done with the Podestas.

Nothing at all has come up with the Trump investigations meanwhile the Podestas are getting paid by the Kremlins favorite bank in Russia to lobby against the sanction WHILE the campaigns are in swing.

Unfreaking real.
well we now know who the traitors really are in this country and the left looks mighty treasonous, just saying. It started with that obummer dude who deliberately allowed the dissemination of classified material across 17 intelligence agency to which it is all being leaked by the parrots.
Time to drag the shit out and try and firing squad the spies in this country all of them are dimshits. Every dimshit needs to be investigated and charged with espionage-treason. Of course they will be convicted, they thought they were going to have shitbitch to cover their ass. Trump needs to make sure that any person in any office who deletes any records of the oshitass regime or from any clinton communication is executed for treason in short order. TIME HAS COME TODAY <><> TIME HAS COME TODAY<><> NO PLACE TO RUN,, ILL HAVE MY FUN <><> WOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.
I hear ya...
Congress Warns Donald Trump: Stop Deleting Your Tweets | The Huffington Post
what difference does it make the precedence was set with hitlery deleting 33k emails that were under subpoena.
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."
This has been known for weeks....

Have you been on a Vision Quest, or something?
Then why did clapper state there was none Sunday? Does he think our country is a joke? No ethics? So libturdy
Clapper stated that there was no wire tapping of Trump's phones and no wire tapping in Trump Tower, period.

And is correct, so far....

No Fisa warrant for Trump or Trump tower
But there was
no, there was not JC.... even if it is confirmed that a trump computer and the Russian Banks communicating with each other had a FISA warrant,

Trump's server was located in Pennsylvania, NOT IN Trump Tower! So Clapper was telling the truth!
it still isn't what clapper said though dude. so you're still wrong.
Time to drag the shit out and try and firing squad the spies in this country all of them are dimshits. Every dimshit needs to be investigated and charged with espionage-treason. Of course they will be convicted, they thought they were going to have shitbitch to cover their ass. Trump needs to make sure that any person in any office who deletes any records of the oshitass regime or from any clinton communication is executed for treason in short order. TIME HAS COME TODAY <><> TIME HAS COME TODAY<><> NO PLACE TO RUN,, ILL HAVE MY FUN <><> WOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.
I hear ya...
Congress Warns Donald Trump: Stop Deleting Your Tweets | The Huffington Post
what difference does it make the precedence was set with hitlery deleting 33k emails that were under subpoena.
You should familiarize yourself with the definition of "precedent".....

Roughly 22 million White House e-mails exchanged via private servers during the G.W. Bush administration were deleted instead of being archived in accordance with the Presidential Records Act.
Looking grim? How so ?

Trump hobnobbing with the Russian spies is looking grim.
Which "spies" were those? It appears that Obama was the only one doing any spying.

I don't know ... a lot of Russians hanging round Trump and his buddies .

Hey, do they get a discounted rate at Trump Tower .

If you look at the pictures of that Russian in Washington, he's always with democrats, and visited white house 22 times, was he hanging with Obabble and his friends?

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