Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

The OP link is not the original story. I can't tell you how many times I have told these tards to GO TO THE SOURCE.

You can read the source here: FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

It turns out very badly for the tard who started this topic. In fact, the tard represents EXACTLY what they are talking about:

“We have people spouting off who don’t know the difference between FISA surveillance and a wiretap

---- And he's in charge of the damn country. How fucked up is that.

What's most alarming to me is not so much that we somehow got stuck with a POTUS who has no clue how FISA works --- or his own FBI. I'm actually more concerned that we have a POTUS who thinks listening to hair-on-fore right wing talk radio, where he apparently got this cockamamie idea, even vaguely resembles something akin to the real world..

Rump's gotta be the most clueless media zombie ever
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

And your alleged mind bleev's this means Obama personally ordered Trump's phone lines to be

You know the FISA court is not Obama...right, retard?
It doesn't matter whether he ordered it. One of his servile toadies could have ordered it without being asked, there's no doubt that new knew about it. He failed to do anything about it, and then he took steps to make sure the information was leaked. It doesn't look good for him.
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."
This has been known for weeks....

Have you been on a Vision Quest, or something?
Then why did clapper state there was none Sunday? Does he think our country is a joke? No ethics? So libturdy
Clapper stated that there was no wire tapping of Trump's phones and no wire tapping in Trump Tower, period.

And is correct, so far....

No Fisa warrant for Trump or Trump tower
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."
This has been known for weeks....

Have you been on a Vision Quest, or something?
Then why did clapper state there was none Sunday? Does he think our country is a joke? No ethics? So libturdy
Clapper stated that there was no wire tapping of Trump's phones and no wire tapping in Trump Tower, period.

And is correct, so far....

No Fisa warrant for Trump or Trump tower
The Washington Post reported a few days ago that the FISA warrant was likely related to a tip from a 3rd country's security apparatus. it involved the possible violation of the sanctions regime against Russia put in place after Crimea.
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."
This has been known for weeks....

Have you been on a Vision Quest, or something?
Then why did clapper state there was none Sunday? Does he think our country is a joke? No ethics? So libturdy
Clapper stated that there was no wire tapping of Trump's phones and no wire tapping in Trump Tower, period.

And is correct, so far....

No Fisa warrant for Trump or Trump tower
Clapper also claimed there was no wholesale gathering of intelligence against the American public. He lied.
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."
This has been known for weeks....

Have you been on a Vision Quest, or something?
Then why did clapper state there was none Sunday? Does he think our country is a joke? No ethics? So libturdy
Because Clapper is not FBI...
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

And your alleged mind bleev's this means Obama personally ordered Trump's phone lines to be

You know the FISA court is not Obama...right, retard?
It doesn't matter whether he ordered it. One of his servile toadies could have ordered it without being asked, there's no doubt that new knew about it. He failed to do anything about it, and then he took steps to make sure the information was leaked. It doesn't look good for him.

Once again Finger Boi --- where did Rump's libelous tweet mention 'his servile toadies"?


Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

And your alleged mind bleev's this means Obama personally ordered Trump's phone lines to be

You know the FISA court is not Obama...right, retard?
It doesn't matter whether he ordered it. One of his servile toadies could have ordered it without being asked, there's no doubt that new knew about it. He failed to do anything about it, and then he took steps to make sure the information was leaked. It doesn't look good for him.
Oh they were asked. Probably pretty much ordered with a wink and a nod as not to break the law.
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."
This has been known for weeks....

Have you been on a Vision Quest, or something?
Then why did clapper state there was none Sunday? Does he think our country is a joke? No ethics? So libturdy
Clapper stated that there was no wire tapping of Trump's phones and no wire tapping in Trump Tower, period.

And is correct, so far....

No Fisa warrant for Trump or Trump tower
But there was
For instance, the FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
You said earlier there was no FISA but then posted this saying there was.
The lie is now out
Yeah, the left is just CYA at his point. They wiretapped before they didn't wiretap and all the spin that goes along with that.

And all of their effort came up with nothing. But it did expose their actions which now they are desperate to not be known.
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

And your alleged mind bleev's this means Obama personally ordered Trump's phone lines to be

You know the FISA court is not Obama...right, retard?
It doesn't matter whether he ordered it. One of his servile toadies could have ordered it without being asked, there's no doubt that new knew about it. He failed to do anything about it, and then he took steps to make sure the information was leaked. It doesn't look good for him.
No one ordered Trump's phone to be tapped. Got it yet? Read your own damn link, for chrissakes, instead of IMAGINING shit.

Trump heard a fucking SPECULATION and repeated it as fact. Because he is as retarded as you.
For instance, the FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
You said earlier there was no FISA but then posted this saying there was.
The lie is now out
Yeah, the left is just CYA at his point. They wiretapped before they didn't wiretap and all the spin that goes along with that.

And all of their effort came up with nothing. But it did expose their actions which now they are desperate to not be known.


Who the fuck is "they"?

Exactly how many people is "bad (or sick) guy"?
For instance, the FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
You said earlier there was no FISA but then posted this saying there was.
The lie is now out
Yeah, the left is just CYA at his point. They wiretapped before they didn't wiretap and all the spin that goes along with that.

And all of their effort came up with nothing. But it did expose their actions which now they are desperate to not be known.


Who the fuck is "they"?

Exactly how many people is "bad (or sick) guy"?
They is you. Did I confuse you in some way here?
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

Investigative journalists Sara Carter (formerly of the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, and The Blaze) and John Solomon (formerly of the the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and AP) spoke to sources close to the investigation who have been "watching in horror" at the politicization of intelligence since the election, and wanted to set the record straight.

"What we don't know is who was connected to that FISA," Carter said on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. "What was that FISA looking at? That is very highly classified. Nobody wants to talk about that particular FISA, right now. They said it did have to do with the Russian hacking on a very broad level, but it didn't hone in directly on Trump is what I was told," she said.

In addition to the FISA warrant in October, the FBI obtained a separate warrant that same month to look into a computer server tied to then-candidate Donald Trump's businesses in Trump Towers (but not located in Trump Towers). According to the report, the feds used traditional investigative techniques to examine allegations of computer activity tied to two Russian banks and there had been no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.

The FBI quickly concluded that "the computer activity in question involved no nefarious contacts, bank transactions or encrypted communications with the Russians."
This has been known for weeks....

Have you been on a Vision Quest, or something?
Then why did clapper state there was none Sunday? Does he think our country is a joke? No ethics? So libturdy
Because Clapper is not FBI...
Things are looking grim for Obama and the Dims. Evidence of the October FISA warrant has turned up. It won't be long until the actual thing is published, and then Obama's goose is cooked.

And your alleged mind bleev's this means Obama personally ordered Trump's phone lines to be

You know the FISA court is not Obama...right, retard?
It doesn't matter whether he ordered it. One of his servile toadies could have ordered it without being asked, there's no doubt that new knew about it. He failed to do anything about it, and then he took steps to make sure the information was leaked. It doesn't look good for him.
No one ordered Trump's phone to be tapped. Got it yet? Read your own damn link, for chrissakes, instead of IMAGINING shit.

Trump heard a fucking SPECULATION and repeated it as fact. Because he is as retarded as you.
Sure they did

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