Report: A FISA Warrant Was Issued in October to Investigate Russian Hacking

[And your alleged mind bleev's this means Obama personally ordered Trump's phone lines to be

You know the FISA court is not Obama...right, retard?

That's utterly irrelevant Guno. The OBAMA ADMINISTRATION did this hack, and this will have MAJOR repercussions for you fascists.

As Trump said, your disgrace of a party was bugging the opposition candidate.Yes, you'll lie and spin, you are a leftist hack with zero integrity, but this will bury your filthy party, you fascists have seriously fucked up.
Looking grim? How so ?

Trump hobnobbing with the Russian spies is looking grim.
Which "spies" were those? It appears that Obama was the only one doing any spying.

I don't know ... a lot of Russians hanging round Trump and his buddies .

Hey, do they get a discounted rate at Trump Tower .

If you look at the pictures of that Russian in Washington, he's always with democrats, and visited white house 22 times, was he hanging with Obabble and his friends?

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don't you know that dems don't have to abide by the same rules they place on everyone else? Don't ever focus attention on them, they are clean wheels. wink wink, nudge, nudge
[And your alleged mind bleev's this means Obama personally ordered Trump's phone lines to be

You know the FISA court is not Obama...right, retard?

That's utterly irrelevant Guno. The OBAMA ADMINISTRATION did this hack, and this will have MAJOR repercussions for you fascists.

As Trump said, your disgrace of a party was bugging the opposition candidate.Yes, you'll lie and spin, you are a leftist hack with zero integrity, but this will bury your filthy party, you fascists have seriously fucked up.
and have no ethical stand.
The OP link is not the original story. I can't tell you how many times I have told these tards to GO TO THE SOURCE.

You can read the source here: FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes

It turns out very badly for the tard who started this topic. In fact, the tard represents EXACTLY what they are talking about:

“We have people spouting off who don’t know the difference between FISA surveillance and a wiretap or a counterintelligence probe versus a special prosecutor, and it has hurts our ability to get to the truth and has wrongly created the impression that intelligence officials have a political agenda,” said one source directly familiar with the drama.

Many of the leaks have surfaced since former President Barack Obama in his waning days in office had his intelligence leadership brief a wider than normal audience about the sensitive Russia surveillance. Those leaks have created a false narrative that the FBI has been predominantly focused on Trump ties to Russia, officials said.

In fact, any FBI activity involving the president’s associates or advisers was mostly ancillary to a wider counterintelligence probe into Russian efforts to influence the election or curry favor with U.S. figures, the sources said.

So, you see, the story that Russia interfered in our election is valid. The claim by Trump that Obama tapped his phone is utter bullshit.

Everybody clear now?

Geeze... you're back. It's been so peaceful lately without your idiotic rants.
Holy shit how many times do Trumpbots need to be told that Presidents can not request wire taps? Seriously, every thread that talks about Obama requesting a wire tap needs to be put in conspiracy theories...

Who did the corrupt Obama DOJ report to? Bush?

You fascists are the DUMBEST creatures..
Holy shit how many times do Trumpbots need to be told that Presidents can not request wire taps? Seriously, every thread that talks about Obama requesting a wire tap needs to be put in conspiracy theories...

Who did the corrupt Obama DOJ report to? Bush?

You fascists are the DUMBEST creatures..

Do you understand the "Need to know" basis? The DOJ doesn't ALWAYS tell the President about every single investigation they do, and what they are doing. If give the President "plausible deniability."
Holy shit how many times do Trumpbots need to be told that Presidents can not request wire taps? Seriously, every thread that talks about Obama requesting a wire tap needs to be put in conspiracy theories...

Who did the corrupt Obama DOJ report to? Bush?

You fascists are the DUMBEST creatures..

Do you understand the "Need to know" basis? The DOJ doesn't ALWAYS tell the President about every single investigation they do, and what they are doing. If give the President "plausible deniability."

Please! Stop! LOLOL!!! That's fucking hilarious
Holy shit how many times do Trumpbots need to be told that Presidents can not request wire taps? Seriously, every thread that talks about Obama requesting a wire tap needs to be put in conspiracy theories...

you cant pound it through their concrete skull and penetrate their tiny pea brain ..
Holy shit how many times do Trumpbots need to be told that Presidents can not request wire taps? Seriously, every thread that talks about Obama requesting a wire tap needs to be put in conspiracy theories...

you cant pound it through their concrete skull and penetrate their tiny pea brain ..
So you're saying Obama can not go to the FBI, CIA, or some of his holdovers in his Intel agencies and say he wants Trump investigated?

The CIA 'explosion' just demonstrated that people are tapped / listened to / spied on all the time.....
This looks real bad for Obama, the former Constitutionally ineligible non-natural born Citizen president.
Holy shit how many times do Trumpbots need to be told that Presidents can not request wire taps? Seriously, every thread that talks about Obama requesting a wire tap needs to be put in conspiracy theories...

Who did the corrupt Obama DOJ report to? Bush?

You fascists are the DUMBEST creatures..

Do you understand the "Need to know" basis? The DOJ doesn't ALWAYS tell the President about every single investigation they do, and what they are doing. If give the President "plausible deniability."

Please! Stop! LOLOL!!! That's fucking hilarious

Holy shit how many times do Trumpbots need to be told that Presidents can not request wire taps? Seriously, every thread that talks about Obama requesting a wire tap needs to be put in conspiracy theories...

Who did the corrupt Obama DOJ report to? Bush?

You fascists are the DUMBEST creatures..

Do you understand the "Need to know" basis? The DOJ doesn't ALWAYS tell the President about every single investigation they do, and what they are doing. If give the President "plausible deniability."

Please! Stop! LOLOL!!! That's fucking hilarious


Huh? What does that have to do with getting a FISA warrant on anyone associated with Trump?
No reason to hope, both ALWAYS lie!!!

Yet it turns out that you fascists WERE bugging Trump Tower.. :eusa_whistle:

Wrong, Sean Spicer even said in his press briefing today that the White House has changed its tune on the wire tapping.
Even their MessiahRushie admitted it yesterday!
Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: What happened here is exactly what happened to Mike Flynn.
The NSA was surveilling that fat Russian ambassador. His phone calls are being tapped as are all foreign ambassadors and a bunch of other people, Russians, being monitored, and as they talked to Americans, deep state operatives overheard. But they were not investigating Trump. There has not been an investigation of Trump!
Holy shit how many times do Trumpbots need to be told that Presidents can not request wire taps? Seriously, every thread that talks about Obama requesting a wire tap needs to be put in conspiracy theories...

Who did the corrupt Obama DOJ report to? Bush?

You fascists are the DUMBEST creatures..

Do you understand the "Need to know" basis? The DOJ doesn't ALWAYS tell the President about every single investigation they do, and what they are doing. If give the President "plausible deniability."

Please! Stop! LOLOL!!! That's fucking hilarious


Huh? What does that have to do with getting a FISA warrant on anyone associated with Trump?

You think "Need to know Basis" and "Plausible Deniability" is a joke... it's real and has been used before by Reagan. It is real, and it happens.

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