Report: Hundreds Of Documents Conflict Biden's Account Of Why Ukraine Prosecutor Was Fired

The truth is now being revealed. Simply put, these documents from Ukraine prove Biden lied. He strong armed and bribed the Ukrainian government.

Report: Documents Conflict with Biden's Ukrainian Prosecutor Story

Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???
We see you can. Biden bragged about strong arming another government. With Obama's permission. Your party is in trouble.

At this rate CaresForFreeShit will have to start living a productive life like the rest of Americans soon. Please be gentle on these difficult times.
Wow, I am not surprised whatso ever.

Report: Documents Conflict with Biden's Ukrainian Prosecutor Story

Solomon reported that, for instance, an official Ukrainian government memo shows that Burisma’s American legal representatives met with Ukrainian officials just days after Biden forced the firing of the chief prosecutor and offered “an apology for dissemination of false information by U.S. representatives and public figures” about Ukrainian prosecutors....

In other words — the company that employed Biden’s son apologized to the Ukrainian government after the firing of the chief prosecutor for the “U.S. representatives and public figures” actions or remarks.

Solomon also reported that Burisma’s American team offered to introduce Ukrainian prosecutors to Obama administration officials to make amends, according to the Ukrainian government memo and Burisma’s American legal team’s internal memos.

According to Solomon, the memos raise the following “troubling questions”:

1) If the Ukraine prosecutor’s firing involved only his alleged corruption and ineptitude, why did Burisma’s American legal team refer to those allegations as “false information?”

2) If the firing had nothing to do with the Burisma case, as Biden has adamantly claimed, why would Burisma’s American lawyers contact the replacement prosecutor within hours of the termination and urgently seek a meeting in Ukraine to discuss the case?

Solomon reported that in a “newly sworn affidavit prepared for a European court,” Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin testified that when he was fired in March 2016, he was told the reason was that Biden was unhappy about the Burisma investigation.

“The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was a member of the Board of Directors,” Shokin testified, according to Solomon.

“On several occasions President Poroshenko asked me to have a look at the case against Burisma and consider the possibility of winding down the investigative actions in respect of this company but I refused to close this investigation,” Shokin reportedly said.

Solomon said other documents show that as Biden’s efforts to fire Shokin picked up steam, Burisma’s American legal team “appeared to be moving into Ukraine with intensity.”​

Gosh, life sure is sweet when you are a Democrat....and out of jail.


Now we know who Giuliani has as a point man, to spread his propaganda dirt is... John Solomon

I was wondering who Solomon was getting his bull crap from the past few months.... now we know.....
Yeah, Solomon is reporting Shokin and Burisma's side of the story--Burisma's attorneys very understandably saying that all this about them being corrupt is FAKE NEWS, and Shokin denying that he had been ignoring yet another case of corruption rather than prosecute it. What does anyone expect them to say? Burisma's owner fled to Russia in 2016; he was a good friend of the ousted President who was so dirty the Ukrainians actually revolted. Anyone ever heard of Russian oligarchs?

It was NOT just the US who had "had it" with Shokin. He completely ignored/did not cooperate with Great Britain into their investigation of money laundering involving Burisma. The UK courts ordered the UK prosecutors to release the assets they had frozen since the case was unable to proceed. That pretty much tanked the investigation and the Ambassador to the Ukraine from the UK came out publicly with what an outrage it was. The World Bank and the other countries of the EU who wanted to help Ukraine repel the Russian advances were also worried about giving money to a government so full of officials that would just pocket it.

OF COURSE Shokin said he didn't do anything wrong. Is that supposed to be some sort of "damning" evidence? I've never met a crook yet who admitted his crime. Shokin was either buddies or being paid off by the crooks. Or he was completely inept. His own people were screaming it.
The truth is now being revealed. Simply put, these documents from Ukraine prove Biden lied. He strong armed and bribed the Ukrainian government.

Report: Documents Conflict with Biden's Ukrainian Prosecutor Story

Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???

Just a pro-tip from someone with Mensa level IQ, going after people's intellect with that sub 80 IQ of yours is not a smart move, makes you look even dumber than you are.
128 IQ here... ;)
so, defend your position.... I should have done so in my last post... I'm sorry for not doing so and just asking that question....

What Biden did, was NOT illegal, THAT is why he did brag about it, in public... he had nothing to hide about it...

it was because Shokin was NOT prosecuting anyone for their corruption....

he also came from the previous Russian puppet Ukrainian regime....whose President had to run to Russia once kicked out...

And all of our allies, the UK. the EU. the IMF supporting the Ukraine were sick and tired of seeing the corruption taking place, the stealing of their help, not being prosecuted by Shokin....

This was not Biden doing this to somehow help his son... Burissma or whatever the heck it was called, was NOT being prosecuted by this Shokin guy.... even if this company were corrupt...

A new replacement prosecutor, who was not corrupted like Shokin, likely would have prosecuted them if they were corrupt.... how does that help Joe, or his son?

The whole made up bull crap on that from Giuliani/solomon/trump is simply non sensible to me....

That being said, I don't think Hunter should have taken this job on with this company in the Ukraine... I do think he likely used his own last name to get the gig.... but I have seen absolutely no evidence that Joe showed or gave his son or this business any "favors".... and absolutely no evidence that he got Shokin fired because of his son.

And, this is a perfect example of why every one should follow strict ethics guidelines..... if there is even an appearance of impropriety, then you should recuse, or if a close relative, not take the job etc etc etc.
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Breitbart is a 'dark money' site paid for by the wealthy to keep red hatters looking in the wrong direction. It seems to work on some.

I realize most American Trump snowflakes do not read, but for the interested reader see links below. Understand how it is money plays the right wing and how they vote against themselves rather than help each other. Breitbart info at bottom. Learn.

Excellent piece on the white voter's vote against themselves.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

Overcoming Us vs. Them

How do elites manage to hijack voters’ ideas of themselves? | Aeon Essays

Group instinct & the white tribals of America | ORF

'The racism behind *Breitbart’s mission is explicit.'

2 big takeways from a scandalous report on internal Breitbart documents

Info on media see also:

Breitbart - Media Bias/Fact Check

Breitbart News Network - SourceWatch
'Biden is innocent because Trump supporters are deplorables.'

Yeah, great PR campaign, I think you should stick with that one.

The whole made up bull crap on that from Giuliani/solomon/trump is simply non sensible to me...

Of course it is nonsensible to you.

You are a Democrat and patronage networks are an essential element of every Democrat urban political machine. This whole thing where Hunter was hired and paid millions for doing nothing is totally normal to you. That is why you don't get it; one side of your brain realizes it is all a pay off to the Biden clan for their support, but the other side of your brain says 'This is just the way of the World, at least Biden is on our team.'

But for the rest of us, we see this as corruption, and a President who has committed himself to cleaning it up and who is now being targeted with Bullshit impeachment charges in order to stop him.

And it is plain and obvious to all of us that are not pro-Democrat partisans.

But that is OK, C4A, you have every right to be wrong just like I do. :D
OF COURSE Shokin said he didn't do anything wrong. Is that supposed to be some sort of "damning" evidence? I've never met a crook yet who admitted his crime. Shokin was either buddies or being paid off by the crooks. Or he was completely inept. His own people were screaming it.

So you contend that since Shokin was an alledged crook, his investigation into Burisma is illegit?

How does the prosecutor being a crook make Hunter Bidens accepting a pay off job on the Ukrainian Burisma board of directors suddenly become pure as the driven snow?

It doesn't.
OF COURSE Shokin said he didn't do anything wrong. Is that supposed to be some sort of "damning" evidence? I've never met a crook yet who admitted his crime. Shokin was either buddies or being paid off by the crooks. Or he was completely inept. His own people were screaming it.

So you contend that since Shokin was an alledged crook, his investigation into Burisma is illegit?

How does the prosecutor being a crook make Hunter Bidens accepting a pay off job on the Ukrainian Burisma board of directors suddenly become pure as the driven snow?

It doesn't.
I never touched on Hunter Biden's taking that job at Burisma. It was all brought up at the time and it's only being rehashed because it's an election year coming up. Okay, point taken. Hunter should never have taken that job. It doesn't "prove" that his father was protecting the company though. All evidence points in the opposite direction.
I notice you can't argue against my point that Shokin and Burisma's attorneys aren't exactly credible sources for what was going on. At least you got that straight.
OF COURSE Shokin said he didn't do anything wrong. Is that supposed to be some sort of "damning" evidence? I've never met a crook yet who admitted his crime. Shokin was either buddies or being paid off by the crooks. Or he was completely inept. His own people were screaming it.

So you contend that since Shokin was an alledged crook, his investigation into Burisma is illegit?

How does the prosecutor being a crook make Hunter Bidens accepting a pay off job on the Ukrainian Burisma board of directors suddenly become pure as the driven snow?

It doesn't.

I have to bud in here. Hunter Biden was never under investigation, the owner of the Burisma Group was. He quit in 2019 when his Dad decided to run for president and this summer he got married to a jewish girl. Hunter did global attorney work for them, they hired him, and paid him.

Are you saying Cofer Black is also corrupt, he went to work for Burisma in 2017 and still does?

Mr. Black stated “I was impressed to learn that Burisma Group is the fastest-growing private gas producer in Central Europe. International projects where the Group is involved require a more thorough analysis and risk assessment, not only in terms of conventional risks - financial or political but also in terms of security.”

Additionally, Mr. Black knows the difficulties in today’s time as more companies move to information technologies. Leveraging the knowledge of Joseph Cofer Black, Burisma would be able to deal with and prevent potential cybersecurity threats and other related risks. In turn, this will save the company a great deal of money over time. Moreover, Black has experience in a plethora of countries across the globe, which would help Burisma in expanding its business.
Former CIA Director Joins Burisma, and It Is Good News | HuffPost
Don't you think Black would of known if Biden was crooked , unless they are all crooked.
OF COURSE Shokin said he didn't do anything wrong. Is that supposed to be some sort of "damning" evidence? I've never met a crook yet who admitted his crime. Shokin was either buddies or being paid off by the crooks. Or he was completely inept. His own people were screaming it.

So you contend that since Shokin was an alledged crook, his investigation into Burisma is illegit?

How does the prosecutor being a crook make Hunter Bidens accepting a pay off job on the Ukrainian Burisma board of directors suddenly become pure as the driven snow?

It doesn't.
Shokin WASN'T looking into Burisma. He wouldn't even cooperate when the UK was trying to investigate them. All we have to show that Burisma was being investigated is SHOKIN's word. If there's more actual evidence that Burisma was being actively investigated, please show me.
The truth is now being revealed. Simply put, these documents from Ukraine prove Biden lied. He strong armed and bribed the Ukrainian government.

Report: Documents Conflict with Biden's Ukrainian Prosecutor Story

Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???
well if he were that dumb then you'd know cause you'd be seeing him at all the dumbass meetings y'all hold.
The truth is now being revealed. Simply put, these documents from Ukraine prove Biden lied. He strong armed and bribed the Ukrainian government.

Report: Documents Conflict with Biden's Ukrainian Prosecutor Story

Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???

Just a pro-tip from someone with Mensa level IQ, going after people's intellect with that sub 80 IQ of yours is not a smart move, makes you look even dumber than you are.
128 IQ here... ;)
so, defend your position.... I should have done so in my last post... I'm sorry for not doing so and just asking that question....

What Biden did, was NOT illegal, THAT is why he did brag about it, in public... he had nothing to hide about it...

it was because Shokin was NOT prosecuting anyone for their corruption....

he also came from the previous Russian puppet Ukrainian regime....whose President had to run to Russia once kicked out...

And all of our allies, the UK. the EU. the IMF supporting the Ukraine were sick and tired of seeing the corruption taking place, the stealing of their help, not being prosecuted by Shokin....

This was not Biden doing this to somehow help his son... Burissma or whatever the heck it was called, was NOT being prosecuted by this Shokin guy.... even if this company were corrupt...

A new replacement prosecutor, who was not corrupted like Shokin, likely would have prosecuted them if they were corrupt.... how does that help Joe, or his son?

The whole made up bull crap on that from Giuliani/solomon/trump is simply non sensible to me....

That being said, I don't think Hunter should have taken this job on with this company in the Ukraine... I do think he likely used his own last name to get the gig.... but I have seen absolutely no evidence that Joe showed or gave his son or this business any "favors".... and absolutely no evidence that he got Shokin fired because of his son.

And, this is a perfect example of why every one should follow strict ethics guidelines..... if there is even an appearance of impropriety, then you should recuse, or if a close relative, not take the job etc etc etc.

140 average here and you're full of shit and not very bright on any score if you've been taken in by the leftards yet again.
Breitbart is a 'dark money' site paid for by the wealthy to keep red hatters looking in the wrong direction. It seems to work on some.

I realize most American Trump snowflakes do not read, but for the interested reader see links below. Understand how it is money plays the right wing and how they vote against themselves rather than help each other. Breitbart info at bottom. Learn.

Excellent piece on the white voter's vote against themselves.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

Overcoming Us vs. Them

How do elites manage to hijack voters’ ideas of themselves? | Aeon Essays

Group instinct & the white tribals of America | ORF

'The racism behind *Breitbart’s mission is explicit.'

2 big takeways from a scandalous report on internal Breitbart documents

Info on media see also:

Breitbart - Media Bias/Fact Check

Breitbart News Network - SourceWatch
'Biden is innocent because Trump supporters are deplorables.'

Yeah, great PR campaign, I think you should stick with that one.


Midcan didn't say a single word about Biden. He just informed you about some characteristics of your favorite trough, providing you with the lies you love to hear. And what a click-bait catapult that one is. So, your mendacious paraphrase is just another instance of your brain - microwaved to walnut size by Breitbart - misfiring, including that drooling giggle at the end.

What an idiot you've become.
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So you contend that since Shokin was an alledged crook, his investigation into Burisma is illegit?

How does the prosecutor being a crook make Hunter Bidens accepting a pay off job on the Ukrainian Burisma board of directors suddenly become pure as the driven snow?

It doesn't.

Shokin's investigation into Burisma did happen, but just in Rightardia - also known as the destitute planet of UpIsDownistan - and not in this world. You've been informed about that several times now, but listening is out of the question, right? Because it would conflict with the alt-right propaganda you are routinely swallowing.

Oh, and are those millions Hunter got for that "pay off job" of the same kind as the "$1.5 billion" he got from the Chinese? I am pretty certain he'd like to learn about that, and where all that money is.

What a malignant idiot you've become.
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OF COURSE Shokin said he didn't do anything wrong. Is that supposed to be some sort of "damning" evidence? I've never met a crook yet who admitted his crime. Shokin was either buddies or being paid off by the crooks. Or he was completely inept. His own people were screaming it.

So you contend that since Shokin was an alledged crook, his investigation into Burisma is illegit?

How does the prosecutor being a crook make Hunter Bidens accepting a pay off job on the Ukrainian Burisma board of directors suddenly become pure as the driven snow?

It doesn't.
Shokin WASN'T looking into Burisma. He wouldn't even cooperate when the UK was trying to investigate them. All we have to show that Burisma was being investigated is SHOKIN's word. If there's more actual evidence that Burisma was being actively investigated, please show me.
Yes he was:

New Docs Contradict Biden Claim That Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Was Corrupt

"I was forced out because I was leading a wide-range corruption probe into Burisma Holdings."
The truth is now being revealed. Simply put, these documents from Ukraine prove Biden lied. He strong armed and bribed the Ukrainian government.

Report: Documents Conflict with Biden's Ukrainian Prosecutor Story

Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???

Just a pro-tip from someone with Mensa level IQ, going after people's intellect with that sub 80 IQ of yours is not a smart move, makes you look even dumber than you are.
128 IQ here... ;)
so, defend your position.... I should have done so in my last post... I'm sorry for not doing so and just asking that question....

What Biden did, was NOT illegal, THAT is why he did brag about it, in public... he had nothing to hide about it...

it was because Shokin was NOT prosecuting anyone for their corruption....

he also came from the previous Russian puppet Ukrainian regime....whose President had to run to Russia once kicked out...

And all of our allies, the UK. the EU. the IMF supporting the Ukraine were sick and tired of seeing the corruption taking place, the stealing of their help, not being prosecuted by Shokin....

This was not Biden doing this to somehow help his son... Burissma or whatever the heck it was called, was NOT being prosecuted by this Shokin guy.... even if this company were corrupt...

A new replacement prosecutor, who was not corrupted like Shokin, likely would have prosecuted them if they were corrupt.... how does that help Joe, or his son?

The whole made up bull crap on that from Giuliani/solomon/trump is simply non sensible to me....

That being said, I don't think Hunter should have taken this job on with this company in the Ukraine... I do think he likely used his own last name to get the gig.... but I have seen absolutely no evidence that Joe showed or gave his son or this business any "favors".... and absolutely no evidence that he got Shokin fired because of his son.

And, this is a perfect example of why every one should follow strict ethics guidelines..... if there is even an appearance of impropriety, then you should recuse, or if a close relative, not take the job etc etc etc.

If you are a liberal your logic part of the IQ would be very low

Without the logic you cannot understand

Memory intellect can be high and cover up the low logic part that makes a decent IQ score

But if you are a liberal you have low logic ability and could not pass a high logic ability test for voting
The truth is now being revealed. Simply put, these documents from Ukraine prove Biden lied. He strong armed and bribed the Ukrainian government.

Report: Documents Conflict with Biden's Ukrainian Prosecutor Story

Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???

Just a pro-tip from someone with Mensa level IQ, going after people's intellect with that sub 80 IQ of yours is not a smart move, makes you look even dumber than you are.
128 IQ here... ;)
so, defend your position.... I should have done so in my last post... I'm sorry for not doing so and just asking that question....

What Biden did, was NOT illegal, THAT is why he did brag about it, in public... he had nothing to hide about it...

it was because Shokin was NOT prosecuting anyone for their corruption....

he also came from the previous Russian puppet Ukrainian regime....whose President had to run to Russia once kicked out...

And all of our allies, the UK. the EU. the IMF supporting the Ukraine were sick and tired of seeing the corruption taking place, the stealing of their help, not being prosecuted by Shokin....

This was not Biden doing this to somehow help his son... Burissma or whatever the heck it was called, was NOT being prosecuted by this Shokin guy.... even if this company were corrupt...

A new replacement prosecutor, who was not corrupted like Shokin, likely would have prosecuted them if they were corrupt.... how does that help Joe, or his son?

The whole made up bull crap on that from Giuliani/solomon/trump is simply non sensible to me....

That being said, I don't think Hunter should have taken this job on with this company in the Ukraine... I do think he likely used his own last name to get the gig.... but I have seen absolutely no evidence that Joe showed or gave his son or this business any "favors".... and absolutely no evidence that he got Shokin fired because of his son.

And, this is a perfect example of why every one should follow strict ethics guidelines..... if there is even an appearance of impropriety, then you should recuse, or if a close relative, not take the job etc etc etc.

140 average here and you're full of shit and not very bright on any score if you've been taken in by the leftards yet again.

There is no liberal that has a high logic ability

A great memory intellect ability can bring a high IQ but that is parrot type intellect It's the logic part of the IQ the real intellect part

Logic decides correctly good from bad .. True from false and value from non value

Trump will bring a logic test for voting to save America

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