Report: Hundreds Of Documents Conflict Biden's Account Of Why Ukraine Prosecutor Was Fired

There's more to come! Biden is on his way out.
So, it's all about Biden's campaign, just as we thought..... Rudy tutti' s purpose in the Ukraine...

Trump withholding the money we allotted to fight off Russia, till Ukraine helped to get rid of his political opponent, Biden...

Thanks for spelling it out for us....
There's more to come! Biden is on his way out.
So, it's all about Biden's campaign, just as we thought..... Rudy tutti' s purpose in the Ukraine...

Trump withholding the money we allotted to fight off Russia, till Ukraine helped to get rid of his political opponent, Biden...

Thanks for spelling it out for us....

That’s funny. Did you come up with that all on your own. Biden started this when he was VP. The proof was released two days ago.

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Don't you think Black would of known if Biden was crooked , unless they are all crooked.

I find it funny the Senate and House (all republicans during tramp admin) for 2 years and could care less about anything about Biden, is that because he didn't run for 2016, I know it is, but oh how they denigrated Clinton.

Almost every one of the politicians in Congress are corrupt and hoping to become millionaires like Ryan, Pelosi and Hastert did.

It would be better if we just threw them all in jail and gave them trials to see if they should remain in jail for bribery or let out.
Don't you think Black would of known if Biden was crooked , unless they are all crooked.

I find it funny the Senate and House (all republicans during tramp admin) for 2 years and could care less about anything Biden, is that because he didn't run for 2016, I know it is, but oh how they denigrated Clinton.

You just admitted it because he is running for president and tramp finds him threatening. Thank you!!
Trump shills are real busy fabricating fake evidence.

Who said manufacturing in the USA is dead? Manufacturing of fake evidence and excuses is thriving under Trump.
The truth is now being revealed. Simply put, these documents from Ukraine prove Biden lied. He strong armed and bribed the Ukrainian government.

Report: Documents Conflict with Biden's Ukrainian Prosecutor Story

Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???

Just a pro-tip from someone with Mensa level IQ, going after people's intellect with that sub 80 IQ of yours is not a smart move, makes you look even dumber than you are.
128 IQ here... ;)
so, defend your position.... I should have done so in my last post... I'm sorry for not doing so and just asking that question....

What Biden did, was NOT illegal, THAT is why he did brag about it, in public... he had nothing to hide about it...

it was because Shokin was NOT prosecuting anyone for their corruption....

he also came from the previous Russian puppet Ukrainian regime....whose President had to run to Russia once kicked out...

And all of our allies, the UK. the EU. the IMF supporting the Ukraine were sick and tired of seeing the corruption taking place, the stealing of their help, not being prosecuted by Shokin....

This was not Biden doing this to somehow help his son... Burissma or whatever the heck it was called, was NOT being prosecuted by this Shokin guy.... even if this company were corrupt...

A new replacement prosecutor, who was not corrupted like Shokin, likely would have prosecuted them if they were corrupt.... how does that help Joe, or his son?

The whole made up bull crap on that from Giuliani/solomon/trump is simply non sensible to me....

That being said, I don't think Hunter should have taken this job on with this company in the Ukraine... I do think he likely used his own last name to get the gig.... but I have seen absolutely no evidence that Joe showed or gave his son or this business any "favors".... and absolutely no evidence that he got Shokin fired because of his son.

And, this is a perfect example of why every one should follow strict ethics guidelines..... if there is even an appearance of impropriety, then you should recuse, or if a close relative, not take the job etc etc etc.

If you read the documents Solomon put together, they kind of give quid pro joe a black eye. Bidens son got more than 3 million from Burisma while joe was in charge of Ukraine, and a 1.5 billion investment form a subsidiary of the bank of China, when joe was running the show there. 1 instance might be a coincidence, 2, NO WAY.

OF COURSE Shokin said he didn't do anything wrong. Is that supposed to be some sort of "damning" evidence? I've never met a crook yet who admitted his crime. Shokin was either buddies or being paid off by the crooks. Or he was completely inept. His own people were screaming it.

So you contend that since Shokin was an alledged crook, his investigation into Burisma is illegit?

How does the prosecutor being a crook make Hunter Bidens accepting a pay off job on the Ukrainian Burisma board of directors suddenly become pure as the driven snow?

It doesn't.
Shokin WASN'T looking into Burisma. He wouldn't even cooperate when the UK was trying to investigate them. All we have to show that Burisma was being investigated is SHOKIN's word. If there's more actual evidence that Burisma was being actively investigated, please show me.
Yes he was:

New Docs Contradict Biden Claim That Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Was Corrupt

"I was forced out because I was leading a wide-range corruption probe into Burisma Holdings."
Zorro, this is the same article that's been spread all over Alt-Right Land that I've read at least ten times now. Nothing new here and there is no evidence. If Solomon has some, he needs to show it to us. But even Solomon said the documents he has MAY indicate something fishy. He hasn't got anything solid, either.
There's more to come! Biden is on his way out.
So, it's all about Biden's campaign, just as we thought..... Rudy tutti' s purpose in the Ukraine...

Trump withholding the money we allotted to fight off Russia, till Ukraine helped to get rid of his political opponent, Biden...

Thanks for spelling it out for us....

That’s funny. Did you come up with that all on your own. Biden started this when he was VP. The proof was released two days ago.

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I missed the proof. Can you give me a link?
The truth is now being revealed. Simply put, these documents from Ukraine prove Biden lied. He strong armed and bribed the Ukrainian government.

Report: Documents Conflict with Biden's Ukrainian Prosecutor Story

Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???

Just a pro-tip from someone with Mensa level IQ, going after people's intellect with that sub 80 IQ of yours is not a smart move, makes you look even dumber than you are.
128 IQ here... ;)
so, defend your position.... I should have done so in my last post... I'm sorry for not doing so and just asking that question....

What Biden did, was NOT illegal, THAT is why he did brag about it, in public... he had nothing to hide about it...

it was because Shokin was NOT prosecuting anyone for their corruption....

he also came from the previous Russian puppet Ukrainian regime....whose President had to run to Russia once kicked out...

And all of our allies, the UK. the EU. the IMF supporting the Ukraine were sick and tired of seeing the corruption taking place, the stealing of their help, not being prosecuted by Shokin....

This was not Biden doing this to somehow help his son... Burissma or whatever the heck it was called, was NOT being prosecuted by this Shokin guy.... even if this company were corrupt...

A new replacement prosecutor, who was not corrupted like Shokin, likely would have prosecuted them if they were corrupt.... how does that help Joe, or his son?

The whole made up bull crap on that from Giuliani/solomon/trump is simply non sensible to me....

That being said, I don't think Hunter should have taken this job on with this company in the Ukraine... I do think he likely used his own last name to get the gig.... but I have seen absolutely no evidence that Joe showed or gave his son or this business any "favors".... and absolutely no evidence that he got Shokin fired because of his son.

And, this is a perfect example of why every one should follow strict ethics guidelines..... if there is even an appearance of impropriety, then you should recuse, or if a close relative, not take the job etc etc etc.

If you read the documents Solomon put together, they kind of give quid pro joe a black eye. Bidens son got more than 3 million from Burisma while joe was in charge of Ukraine, and a 1.5 billion investment form a subsidiary of the bank of China, when joe was running the show there. 1 instance might be a coincidence, 2, NO WAY.


Where do we find those documents, Texas?
OF COURSE Shokin said he didn't do anything wrong. Is that supposed to be some sort of "damning" evidence? I've never met a crook yet who admitted his crime. Shokin was either buddies or being paid off by the crooks. Or he was completely inept. His own people were screaming it.

So you contend that since Shokin was an alledged crook, his investigation into Burisma is illegit?

How does the prosecutor being a crook make Hunter Bidens accepting a pay off job on the Ukrainian Burisma board of directors suddenly become pure as the driven snow?

It doesn't.
Shokin WASN'T looking into Burisma. He wouldn't even cooperate when the UK was trying to investigate them. All we have to show that Burisma was being investigated is SHOKIN's word. If there's more actual evidence that Burisma was being actively investigated, please show me.
Yes he was:

New Docs Contradict Biden Claim That Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Was Corrupt

"I was forced out because I was leading a wide-range corruption probe into Burisma Holdings."
Zorro, this is the same article that's been spread all over Alt-Right Land that I've read at least ten times now. Nothing new here and there is no evidence. If Solomon has some, he needs to show it to us. But even Solomon said the documents he has MAY indicate something fishy. He hasn't got anything solid, either.
Hundreds of documents obtained by The Hill's John Solomon contradict Joe Biden's claim that a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son's employer was corrupt and inept.


Biden infamously bragged about threatening to withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees unless Ukraine's previous government immediately fired Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin - who was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into Burisma Holdings; a Ukrainian oil and gas firm which paid Hunter Biden $50,000 per month to sit on its board.

In a sworn affidavit, Shokin says "I was forced out because I was leading a wide-range corruption probe into Burisma Holdings, a natural gas firm active in Ukraine, and Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was a member of the board of directors."

And according to Solomon, "Hundreds of pages of never-released memos and documents — many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles — conflict with Biden’s narrative."

Moreover, US officials "may have painted a false picture in Ukraine that helped ease Burisma’s legal troubles and stop prosecutors’ plans to interview Hunter Biden during the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

These documents show that the very day that Joe Biden managed to get that Ukraine prosecutor fired, that very day his son’s company’s lawyers, the American company lawyers helping Burisma trying to fight this investigation were trying to urgently reach the new prosecutor, the replacement prosecutor.

New Docs Contradict Biden Claim That Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Was Corrupt
Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???

Just a pro-tip from someone with Mensa level IQ, going after people's intellect with that sub 80 IQ of yours is not a smart move, makes you look even dumber than you are.
128 IQ here... ;)
so, defend your position.... I should have done so in my last post... I'm sorry for not doing so and just asking that question....

What Biden did, was NOT illegal, THAT is why he did brag about it, in public... he had nothing to hide about it...

it was because Shokin was NOT prosecuting anyone for their corruption....

he also came from the previous Russian puppet Ukrainian regime....whose President had to run to Russia once kicked out...

And all of our allies, the UK. the EU. the IMF supporting the Ukraine were sick and tired of seeing the corruption taking place, the stealing of their help, not being prosecuted by Shokin....

This was not Biden doing this to somehow help his son... Burissma or whatever the heck it was called, was NOT being prosecuted by this Shokin guy.... even if this company were corrupt...

A new replacement prosecutor, who was not corrupted like Shokin, likely would have prosecuted them if they were corrupt.... how does that help Joe, or his son?

The whole made up bull crap on that from Giuliani/solomon/trump is simply non sensible to me....

That being said, I don't think Hunter should have taken this job on with this company in the Ukraine... I do think he likely used his own last name to get the gig.... but I have seen absolutely no evidence that Joe showed or gave his son or this business any "favors".... and absolutely no evidence that he got Shokin fired because of his son.

And, this is a perfect example of why every one should follow strict ethics guidelines..... if there is even an appearance of impropriety, then you should recuse, or if a close relative, not take the job etc etc etc.

If you read the documents Solomon put together, they kind of give quid pro joe a black eye. Bidens son got more than 3 million from Burisma while joe was in charge of Ukraine, and a 1.5 billion investment form a subsidiary of the bank of China, when joe was running the show there. 1 instance might be a coincidence, 2, NO WAY.


Where do we find those documents, Texas?

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Ukraine PGO Memo Translation

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