Report: Hundreds Of Documents Conflict Biden's Account Of Why Ukraine Prosecutor Was Fired

Just a pro-tip from someone with Mensa level IQ, going after people's intellect with that sub 80 IQ of yours is not a smart move, makes you look even dumber than you are.
128 IQ here... ;)
so, defend your position.... I should have done so in my last post... I'm sorry for not doing so and just asking that question....

What Biden did, was NOT illegal, THAT is why he did brag about it, in public... he had nothing to hide about it...

it was because Shokin was NOT prosecuting anyone for their corruption....

he also came from the previous Russian puppet Ukrainian regime....whose President had to run to Russia once kicked out...

And all of our allies, the UK. the EU. the IMF supporting the Ukraine were sick and tired of seeing the corruption taking place, the stealing of their help, not being prosecuted by Shokin....

This was not Biden doing this to somehow help his son... Burissma or whatever the heck it was called, was NOT being prosecuted by this Shokin guy.... even if this company were corrupt...

A new replacement prosecutor, who was not corrupted like Shokin, likely would have prosecuted them if they were corrupt.... how does that help Joe, or his son?

The whole made up bull crap on that from Giuliani/solomon/trump is simply non sensible to me....

That being said, I don't think Hunter should have taken this job on with this company in the Ukraine... I do think he likely used his own last name to get the gig.... but I have seen absolutely no evidence that Joe showed or gave his son or this business any "favors".... and absolutely no evidence that he got Shokin fired because of his son.

And, this is a perfect example of why every one should follow strict ethics guidelines..... if there is even an appearance of impropriety, then you should recuse, or if a close relative, not take the job etc etc etc.

If you read the documents Solomon put together, they kind of give quid pro joe a black eye. Bidens son got more than 3 million from Burisma while joe was in charge of Ukraine, and a 1.5 billion investment form a subsidiary of the bank of China, when joe was running the show there. 1 instance might be a coincidence, 2, NO WAY.


not the first time someone monetizes their last name.... ivanka trump, Don jr Trump, Kushner's sister. donald trump himself....

As long as Joe Biden did nothing to get Hunter that $600k a year board member salary, then it was legal.... Did Joe promise Hunter's employer something, or ask for a ''favor''?

NO, he did not....

is there an ''appearance'' of impropriety? IMO there is, and this is why I think Hunter should not have taken the job.... but that still does not make it illegal or criminal...

Funny how you ignore the second instance with the Chinese bank and the billion dollar plus investment Hunter Biden got from them. The younger Biden had no expertise in either the gas industry or private equities. What are the chances he'd get either gig if his name was Clyde Smith?

Trump asking Ukraine to look into it and cooperate with US law enforcement is a legitimate request.

As for your example of the Trump family monetizing their name, that was a situation that existed prior to their entry into public service. The same can't be said for the Bidens.

What I find really strange is how you commies could care less how the maobama admin and the DNC went to the Ukraine to get dirt on the Trump campaign.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

I think it's time for you do as we say and not as we do commies to accept the election, Trump won despite your efforts to enlist assistance from foreign countries. Trump and his AG have every right to look into what occurred, in fact he is constitutionally obligated to do so.


Trump has been told over & over from his own staff that this Biden Ukraine stuff is bullshit.

Trump is lyin' & you assfucks be buyin'

Really, since Biden was maobamas point man on Ukraine, what involvement did he have in the admainistrations and DNC efforts to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign in Ukraine to aid the bitch? Questions, questions, soooooo many questions. LMAO

Funny how you ignore the second instance with the Chinese bank and the billion dollar plus investment Hunter Biden got from them. The younger Biden had no expertise in either the gas industry or private equities. What are the chances he'd get either gig if his name was Clyde Smith?
I already said, he likely got the gigs due to his last name...

Trump asking Ukraine to look into it and cooperate with US law enforcement is a legitimate request.
Bull crap! He used 3 personal lawyers to look in to it for political purposes and as president asked the Ukraine president ''for a favor though'' to look in to his own political quests... also, while holding back funds allocated by congress to help fight off the Russians who have killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians already.

THAT is illegal AND an abuse of power

What I find really strange is how you commies could care less how the maobama admin and the DNC went to the Ukraine to get dirt on the Trump campaign.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Trump is doing Russia's bidding by trying to equivocate the two... while at the same time trying to get the Ukraine involved in our election.... :rolleyes:

From your article link:

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine.
Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.

I think it's time for you do as we say and not as we do commies to accept the election, Trump won despite your efforts to enlist assistance from foreign countries. Trump and his AG have every right to look into what occurred, in fact he is constitutionally obligated to do so.

Why did he wait 3 years to do so,why did he use his own personal consiglieri fixer Giuliani, instead of following the normal protocol and legal procedures thru the DOJ


I do not buy in to your BS.

Withholding aid to new governments in volatile countries is not unusual til we get a feel for the new government. And the favor Trump asked for was related to the 2016 election. Biden's name camp up much later and was about 8 seconds of the 30 minute call. Why did he wait 3 years, I think he's been a bit busy with all the bullshit that has been brought against him and he may possibly think he now has an administration in Ukraine that will aid him in discovering what the genesis of that bullshit was. Ukraine was involved, the question is to what extent and who were the players.

WHISTLEBLOWER REQUIREMENTS RECENTLY AMENDED TO ALLOW HEARSAY: “I will never be so comfortable with a president that I don’t think he or she should be held accountable for wrongdoing. Political lynching via hearsay is a bit Soviet for my tastes, however.”
It's not hearsay. We have the conversation. We have the facts around all of it.

This hearsay objection is way too late and a dollar short.
The transcript in now way supports the claims that were made about it. You have no Quid for your Pro Quo
Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???

Just a pro-tip from someone with Mensa level IQ, going after people's intellect with that sub 80 IQ of yours is not a smart move, makes you look even dumber than you are.
128 IQ here... ;)
so, defend your position.... I should have done so in my last post... I'm sorry for not doing so and just asking that question....

What Biden did, was NOT illegal, THAT is why he did brag about it, in public... he had nothing to hide about it...

it was because Shokin was NOT prosecuting anyone for their corruption....

he also came from the previous Russian puppet Ukrainian regime....whose President had to run to Russia once kicked out...

And all of our allies, the UK. the EU. the IMF supporting the Ukraine were sick and tired of seeing the corruption taking place, the stealing of their help, not being prosecuted by Shokin....

This was not Biden doing this to somehow help his son... Burissma or whatever the heck it was called, was NOT being prosecuted by this Shokin guy.... even if this company were corrupt...

A new replacement prosecutor, who was not corrupted like Shokin, likely would have prosecuted them if they were corrupt.... how does that help Joe, or his son?

The whole made up bull crap on that from Giuliani/solomon/trump is simply non sensible to me....

That being said, I don't think Hunter should have taken this job on with this company in the Ukraine... I do think he likely used his own last name to get the gig.... but I have seen absolutely no evidence that Joe showed or gave his son or this business any "favors".... and absolutely no evidence that he got Shokin fired because of his son.

And, this is a perfect example of why every one should follow strict ethics guidelines..... if there is even an appearance of impropriety, then you should recuse, or if a close relative, not take the job etc etc etc.

If you read the documents Solomon put together, they kind of give quid pro joe a black eye. Bidens son got more than 3 million from Burisma while joe was in charge of Ukraine, and a 1.5 billion investment form a subsidiary of the bank of China, when joe was running the show there. 1 instance might be a coincidence, 2, NO WAY.


not the first time someone monetizes their last name.... ivanka trump, Don jr Trump, Kushner's sister. donald trump himself....

As long as Joe Biden did nothing to get Hunter that $600k a year board member salary, then it was legal.... Did Joe promise Hunter's employer something, or ask for a ''favor''?

NO, he did not....

is there an ''appearance'' of impropriety? IMO there is, and this is why I think Hunter should not have taken the job.... but that still does not make it illegal or criminal...

Getting the Prosecutor fired that was looking into his corruption certainly needs some looking into. You really think that the China and Ukraine seached the world for expertise and both just happened to come up with Hunter Biden, right after he got kicked out of the Navy for using campaign, and his father just happened to be point man for US Aid?

You guys swung at Trump and are taking out Biden, your front runner. Nice Work!
The truth is now being revealed. Simply put, these documents from Ukraine prove Biden lied. He strong armed and bribed the Ukrainian government.

Report: Documents Conflict with Biden's Ukrainian Prosecutor Story

Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???
We see you can. Biden bragged about strong arming another government. With Obama's permission. Your party is in trouble.

Trump does it all the time.
Give me an example.
Trump threatens Mexico with sanctions if they don' help with the border.

Now what?
you can't seriously be this dumb???

Just a pro-tip from someone with Mensa level IQ, going after people's intellect with that sub 80 IQ of yours is not a smart move, makes you look even dumber than you are.
128 IQ here... ;)
so, defend your position.... I should have done so in my last post... I'm sorry for not doing so and just asking that question....

What Biden did, was NOT illegal, THAT is why he did brag about it, in public... he had nothing to hide about it...

it was because Shokin was NOT prosecuting anyone for their corruption....

he also came from the previous Russian puppet Ukrainian regime....whose President had to run to Russia once kicked out...

And all of our allies, the UK. the EU. the IMF supporting the Ukraine were sick and tired of seeing the corruption taking place, the stealing of their help, not being prosecuted by Shokin....

This was not Biden doing this to somehow help his son... Burissma or whatever the heck it was called, was NOT being prosecuted by this Shokin guy.... even if this company were corrupt...

A new replacement prosecutor, who was not corrupted like Shokin, likely would have prosecuted them if they were corrupt.... how does that help Joe, or his son?

The whole made up bull crap on that from Giuliani/solomon/trump is simply non sensible to me....

That being said, I don't think Hunter should have taken this job on with this company in the Ukraine... I do think he likely used his own last name to get the gig.... but I have seen absolutely no evidence that Joe showed or gave his son or this business any "favors".... and absolutely no evidence that he got Shokin fired because of his son.

And, this is a perfect example of why every one should follow strict ethics guidelines..... if there is even an appearance of impropriety, then you should recuse, or if a close relative, not take the job etc etc etc.

If you read the documents Solomon put together, they kind of give quid pro joe a black eye. Bidens son got more than 3 million from Burisma while joe was in charge of Ukraine, and a 1.5 billion investment form a subsidiary of the bank of China, when joe was running the show there. 1 instance might be a coincidence, 2, NO WAY.


not the first time someone monetizes their last name.... ivanka trump, Don jr Trump, Kushner's sister. donald trump himself....

As long as Joe Biden did nothing to get Hunter that $600k a year board member salary, then it was legal.... Did Joe promise Hunter's employer something, or ask for a ''favor''?

NO, he did not....

is there an ''appearance'' of impropriety? IMO there is, and this is why I think Hunter should not have taken the job.... but that still does not make it illegal or criminal...

Getting the Prosecutor fired that was looking into his corruption certainly needs some looking into. You really think that the China and Ukraine seached the world for expertise and both just happened to come up with Hunter Biden, right after he got kicked out of the Navy for using campaign, and his father just happened to be point man for US Aid?

You guys swung at Trump and are taking out Biden, your front runner. Nice Work!
So now you assfucks claim Joe Biden was being investigated?
Funny how you ignore the second instance with the Chinese bank and the billion dollar plus investment Hunter Biden got from them. The younger Biden had no expertise in either the gas industry or private equities. What are the chances he'd get either gig if his name was Clyde Smith?
I already said, he likely got the gigs due to his last name...

Trump asking Ukraine to look into it and cooperate with US law enforcement is a legitimate request.
Bull crap! He used 3 personal lawyers to look in to it for political purposes and as president asked the Ukraine president ''for a favor though'' to look in to his own political quests... also, while holding back funds allocated by congress to help fight off the Russians who have killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians already.

THAT is illegal AND an abuse of power

What I find really strange is how you commies could care less how the maobama admin and the DNC went to the Ukraine to get dirt on the Trump campaign.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Trump is doing Russia's bidding by trying to equivocate the two... while at the same time trying to get the Ukraine involved in our election.... :rolleyes:

From your article link:

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine.
Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.

I think it's time for you do as we say and not as we do commies to accept the election, Trump won despite your efforts to enlist assistance from foreign countries. Trump and his AG have every right to look into what occurred, in fact he is constitutionally obligated to do so.

Why did he wait 3 years to do so,why did he use his own personal consiglieri fixer Giuliani, instead of following the normal protocol and legal procedures thru the DOJ


I do not buy in to your BS.

Withholding aid to new governments in volatile countries is not unusual til we get a feel for the new government. And the favor Trump asked for was related to the 2016 election. Biden's name camp up much later and was about 8 seconds of the 30 minute call. Why did he wait 3 years, I think he's been a bit busy with all the bullshit that has been brought against him and he may possibly think he now has an administration in Ukraine that will aid him in discovering what the genesis of that bullshit was. Ukraine was involved, the question is to what extent and who were the players.


So Biden kicking his ass in the polls has nothing to do with it. Got it.
Funny how you ignore the second instance with the Chinese bank and the billion dollar plus investment Hunter Biden got from them. The younger Biden had no expertise in either the gas industry or private equities. What are the chances he'd get either gig if his name was Clyde Smith?
I already said, he likely got the gigs due to his last name...

Trump asking Ukraine to look into it and cooperate with US law enforcement is a legitimate request.
Bull crap! He used 3 personal lawyers to look in to it for political purposes and as president asked the Ukraine president ''for a favor though'' to look in to his own political quests... also, while holding back funds allocated by congress to help fight off the Russians who have killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians already.

THAT is illegal AND an abuse of power

What I find really strange is how you commies could care less how the maobama admin and the DNC went to the Ukraine to get dirt on the Trump campaign.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Trump is doing Russia's bidding by trying to equivocate the two... while at the same time trying to get the Ukraine involved in our election.... :rolleyes:

From your article link:

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine.
Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.

I think it's time for you do as we say and not as we do commies to accept the election, Trump won despite your efforts to enlist assistance from foreign countries. Trump and his AG have every right to look into what occurred, in fact he is constitutionally obligated to do so.

Why did he wait 3 years to do so,why did he use his own personal consiglieri fixer Giuliani, instead of following the normal protocol and legal procedures thru the DOJ


I do not buy in to your BS.

Withholding aid to new governments in volatile countries is not unusual til we get a feel for the new government. And the favor Trump asked for was related to the 2016 election. Biden's name camp up much later and was about 8 seconds of the 30 minute call. Why did he wait 3 years, I think he's been a bit busy with all the bullshit that has been brought against him and he may possibly think he now has an administration in Ukraine that will aid him in discovering what the genesis of that bullshit was. Ukraine was involved, the question is to what extent and who were the players.


So Biden kicking his ass in the polls has nothing to do with it. Got it.

Quid pro joe has been slipping in the polls for a couple of months now, he's a two time loser for the commie nomination and a total gaff machine and a plagiarist. He should quit before he's humiliated again.

Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???
We see you can. Biden bragged about strong arming another government. With Obama's permission. Your party is in trouble.

Trump does it all the time.
Give me an example.
Trump threatens Mexico with sanctions if they don' help with the border.

Now what?

Numbers approaching the border are much lower and the wall is going in. Any more questions?

Funny how you ignore the second instance with the Chinese bank and the billion dollar plus investment Hunter Biden got from them. The younger Biden had no expertise in either the gas industry or private equities. What are the chances he'd get either gig if his name was Clyde Smith?
I already said, he likely got the gigs due to his last name...

Trump asking Ukraine to look into it and cooperate with US law enforcement is a legitimate request.
Bull crap! He used 3 personal lawyers to look in to it for political purposes and as president asked the Ukraine president ''for a favor though'' to look in to his own political quests... also, while holding back funds allocated by congress to help fight off the Russians who have killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians already.

THAT is illegal AND an abuse of power

What I find really strange is how you commies could care less how the maobama admin and the DNC went to the Ukraine to get dirt on the Trump campaign.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Trump is doing Russia's bidding by trying to equivocate the two... while at the same time trying to get the Ukraine involved in our election.... :rolleyes:

From your article link:

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine.
Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.

I think it's time for you do as we say and not as we do commies to accept the election, Trump won despite your efforts to enlist assistance from foreign countries. Trump and his AG have every right to look into what occurred, in fact he is constitutionally obligated to do so.

Why did he wait 3 years to do so,why did he use his own personal consiglieri fixer Giuliani, instead of following the normal protocol and legal procedures thru the DOJ


I do not buy in to your BS.

Withholding aid to new governments in volatile countries is not unusual til we get a feel for the new government. And the favor Trump asked for was related to the 2016 election. Biden's name camp up much later and was about 8 seconds of the 30 minute call. Why did he wait 3 years, I think he's been a bit busy with all the bullshit that has been brought against him and he may possibly think he now has an administration in Ukraine that will aid him in discovering what the genesis of that bullshit was. Ukraine was involved, the question is to what extent and who were the players.

first, you never answered why was his personal consiglieri involved, why was his personal lawyer, Giuliani involved?

And, 5 or so pages of this notes summary of the phone call takes up about 5 minutes of a 30 minute call....

the full transcript is under lock and key, on an ABOVE Top Secret Server, put there to hide it from his own staff.... let's see what was really said
Funny how you ignore the second instance with the Chinese bank and the billion dollar plus investment Hunter Biden got from them. The younger Biden had no expertise in either the gas industry or private equities. What are the chances he'd get either gig if his name was Clyde Smith?
I already said, he likely got the gigs due to his last name...

Trump asking Ukraine to look into it and cooperate with US law enforcement is a legitimate request.
Bull crap! He used 3 personal lawyers to look in to it for political purposes and as president asked the Ukraine president ''for a favor though'' to look in to his own political quests... also, while holding back funds allocated by congress to help fight off the Russians who have killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians already.

THAT is illegal AND an abuse of power

What I find really strange is how you commies could care less how the maobama admin and the DNC went to the Ukraine to get dirt on the Trump campaign.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Trump is doing Russia's bidding by trying to equivocate the two... while at the same time trying to get the Ukraine involved in our election.... :rolleyes:

From your article link:

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine.
Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.

I think it's time for you do as we say and not as we do commies to accept the election, Trump won despite your efforts to enlist assistance from foreign countries. Trump and his AG have every right to look into what occurred, in fact he is constitutionally obligated to do so.

Why did he wait 3 years to do so,why did he use his own personal consiglieri fixer Giuliani, instead of following the normal protocol and legal procedures thru the DOJ


I do not buy in to your BS.

Withholding aid to new governments in volatile countries is not unusual til we get a feel for the new government. And the favor Trump asked for was related to the 2016 election. Biden's name camp up much later and was about 8 seconds of the 30 minute call. Why did he wait 3 years, I think he's been a bit busy with all the bullshit that has been brought against him and he may possibly think he now has an administration in Ukraine that will aid him in discovering what the genesis of that bullshit was. Ukraine was involved, the question is to what extent and who were the players.

first, you never answered why was his personal consiglieri involved, why was his personal lawyer, Giuliani involved?

And, 5 or so pages of this notes summary of the phone call takes up about 5 minutes of a 30 minute call....

the full transcript is under lock and key, on an ABOVE Top Secret Server, put there to hide it from his own staff.... let's see what was really said

Giuliani has been working with Ukraine since before the Mueller investigation wrapped up, like I said they are trying to find the genesis of the Ukraines helping the DNC and the sham intel investigation. And they've been placing conversations with foreign leaders on that server since his conversation with the Australian PM and the Mexican president were leaked. Can you really blame them?

Funny how you ignore the second instance with the Chinese bank and the billion dollar plus investment Hunter Biden got from them. The younger Biden had no expertise in either the gas industry or private equities. What are the chances he'd get either gig if his name was Clyde Smith?
I already said, he likely got the gigs due to his last name...

Trump asking Ukraine to look into it and cooperate with US law enforcement is a legitimate request.
Bull crap! He used 3 personal lawyers to look in to it for political purposes and as president asked the Ukraine president ''for a favor though'' to look in to his own political quests... also, while holding back funds allocated by congress to help fight off the Russians who have killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians already.

THAT is illegal AND an abuse of power

What I find really strange is how you commies could care less how the maobama admin and the DNC went to the Ukraine to get dirt on the Trump campaign.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Trump is doing Russia's bidding by trying to equivocate the two... while at the same time trying to get the Ukraine involved in our election.... :rolleyes:

From your article link:

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine.
Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.

I think it's time for you do as we say and not as we do commies to accept the election, Trump won despite your efforts to enlist assistance from foreign countries. Trump and his AG have every right to look into what occurred, in fact he is constitutionally obligated to do so.

Why did he wait 3 years to do so,why did he use his own personal consiglieri fixer Giuliani, instead of following the normal protocol and legal procedures thru the DOJ


I do not buy in to your BS.

Withholding aid to new governments in volatile countries is not unusual til we get a feel for the new government. And the favor Trump asked for was related to the 2016 election. Biden's name camp up much later and was about 8 seconds of the 30 minute call. Why did he wait 3 years, I think he's been a bit busy with all the bullshit that has been brought against him and he may possibly think he now has an administration in Ukraine that will aid him in discovering what the genesis of that bullshit was. Ukraine was involved, the question is to what extent and who were the players.

first, you never answered why was his personal consiglieri involved, why was his personal lawyer, Giuliani involved?

And, 5 or so pages of this notes summary of the phone call takes up about 5 minutes of a 30 minute call....

the full transcript is under lock and key, on an ABOVE Top Secret Server, put there to hide it from his own staff.... let's see what was really said

Giuliani has been working with Ukraine since before the Mueller investigation wrapped up, like I said they are trying to find the genesis of the Ukraines helping the DNC and the sham intel investigation. And they've been placing conversations with foreign leaders on that server since his conversation with the Australian PM and the Mexican president were leaked. Can you really blame them?

They did not help the DNC, they released a public record on manafort, That could have been gotten from the public files by anyone... Is what I read....

Unlike hacking and stealing the DNC private emails and distributing them through wiki leaks drip by drip, that the Russians did... with Trump campaign's blessings.

Looks like Trump believes Vengence is his, not God's

The mission is TRUMP's vengeance against the handful of Ukrainians who worried about Russia's takeover of their Country because Trump was known to be in bed with Putin. And he's wasting our tax dollars for TRUMPs own personal vengeance.
Last edited:
Even Biden admitted, or well... bragged about it back when he thought it was not illegal.
you can't seriously be this dumb???
We see you can. Biden bragged about strong arming another government. With Obama's permission. Your party is in trouble.

Trump does it all the time.
Give me an example.
Trump threatens Mexico with sanctions if they don' help with the border.

Now what?
Lol, Trump is helping America. While Biden is helping his son. I know you hate America and you want as many illegals in America as can come. You're an idiot, try again.
you can't seriously be this dumb???
We see you can. Biden bragged about strong arming another government. With Obama's permission. Your party is in trouble.

Trump does it all the time.
Give me an example.
Trump threatens Mexico with sanctions if they don' help with the border.

Now what?
Lol, Trump is helping America. While Biden is helping his son. I know you hate America and you want as many illegals in America as can come. You're an idiot, try again.

Trump is helping Jared & Kusher & his corporation.

Joe was carrying out the US policy.
Funny how you ignore the second instance with the Chinese bank and the billion dollar plus investment Hunter Biden got from them. The younger Biden had no expertise in either the gas industry or private equities. What are the chances he'd get either gig if his name was Clyde Smith?
I already said, he likely got the gigs due to his last name...

Trump asking Ukraine to look into it and cooperate with US law enforcement is a legitimate request.
Bull crap! He used 3 personal lawyers to look in to it for political purposes and as president asked the Ukraine president ''for a favor though'' to look in to his own political quests... also, while holding back funds allocated by congress to help fight off the Russians who have killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians already.

THAT is illegal AND an abuse of power

What I find really strange is how you commies could care less how the maobama admin and the DNC went to the Ukraine to get dirt on the Trump campaign.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Trump is doing Russia's bidding by trying to equivocate the two... while at the same time trying to get the Ukraine involved in our election.... :rolleyes:

From your article link:

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine.
Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.

I think it's time for you do as we say and not as we do commies to accept the election, Trump won despite your efforts to enlist assistance from foreign countries. Trump and his AG have every right to look into what occurred, in fact he is constitutionally obligated to do so.

Why did he wait 3 years to do so,why did he use his own personal consiglieri fixer Giuliani, instead of following the normal protocol and legal procedures thru the DOJ


I do not buy in to your BS.

Withholding aid to new governments in volatile countries is not unusual til we get a feel for the new government. And the favor Trump asked for was related to the 2016 election. Biden's name camp up much later and was about 8 seconds of the 30 minute call. Why did he wait 3 years, I think he's been a bit busy with all the bullshit that has been brought against him and he may possibly think he now has an administration in Ukraine that will aid him in discovering what the genesis of that bullshit was. Ukraine was involved, the question is to what extent and who were the players.

first, you never answered why was his personal consiglieri involved, why was his personal lawyer, Giuliani involved?

And, 5 or so pages of this notes summary of the phone call takes up about 5 minutes of a 30 minute call....

the full transcript is under lock and key, on an ABOVE Top Secret Server, put there to hide it from his own staff.... let's see what was really said

Giuliani has been working with Ukraine since before the Mueller investigation wrapped up, like I said they are trying to find the genesis of the Ukraines helping the DNC and the sham intel investigation. And they've been placing conversations with foreign leaders on that server since his conversation with the Australian PM and the Mexican president were leaked. Can you really blame them?


Why are they search for how an investigation started on Russian interference when out intel agencies all agreed it happened?
you can't seriously be this dumb???
We see you can. Biden bragged about strong arming another government. With Obama's permission. Your party is in trouble.

Trump does it all the time.
Give me an example.
Trump threatens Mexico with sanctions if they don' help with the border.

Now what?

Numbers approaching the border are much lower and the wall is going in. Any more questions?


So we no longer need the stupid wall.
We see you can. Biden bragged about strong arming another government. With Obama's permission. Your party is in trouble.

Trump does it all the time.
Give me an example.
Trump threatens Mexico with sanctions if they don' help with the border.

Now what?
Lol, Trump is helping America. While Biden is helping his son. I know you hate America and you want as many illegals in America as can come. You're an idiot, try again.

Trump is helping Jared & Kusher & his corporation.

Joe was carrying out the US policy.
Like I said you're an idiot. Keeping his son from being investigated, isn't in our best interest.
We see you can. Biden bragged about strong arming another government. With Obama's permission. Your party is in trouble.

Trump does it all the time.
Give me an example.
Trump threatens Mexico with sanctions if they don' help with the border.

Now what?

Numbers approaching the border are much lower and the wall is going in. Any more questions?


So we no longer need the stupid wall.
No, we need it and Trump is getting it done.
This thread is foolish and misleading. It doesn't matter what Biden did or didn't do. It is not within a president's legitimate duties to pressure foreign governments to help investigate a private citizen merely because he is a potential political opponent of the president, and then try to hide it. This is another Breitbart attempt at deflection.
Funny how you ignore the second instance with the Chinese bank and the billion dollar plus investment Hunter Biden got from them. The younger Biden had no expertise in either the gas industry or private equities. What are the chances he'd get either gig if his name was Clyde Smith?
I already said, he likely got the gigs due to his last name...

Trump asking Ukraine to look into it and cooperate with US law enforcement is a legitimate request.
Bull crap! He used 3 personal lawyers to look in to it for political purposes and as president asked the Ukraine president ''for a favor though'' to look in to his own political quests... also, while holding back funds allocated by congress to help fight off the Russians who have killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians already.

THAT is illegal AND an abuse of power

What I find really strange is how you commies could care less how the maobama admin and the DNC went to the Ukraine to get dirt on the Trump campaign.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Trump is doing Russia's bidding by trying to equivocate the two... while at the same time trying to get the Ukraine involved in our election.... :rolleyes:

From your article link:

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine.
Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.

I think it's time for you do as we say and not as we do commies to accept the election, Trump won despite your efforts to enlist assistance from foreign countries. Trump and his AG have every right to look into what occurred, in fact he is constitutionally obligated to do so.

Why did he wait 3 years to do so,why did he use his own personal consiglieri fixer Giuliani, instead of following the normal protocol and legal procedures thru the DOJ


I do not buy in to your BS.

Withholding aid to new governments in volatile countries is not unusual til we get a feel for the new government. And the favor Trump asked for was related to the 2016 election. Biden's name camp up much later and was about 8 seconds of the 30 minute call. Why did he wait 3 years, I think he's been a bit busy with all the bullshit that has been brought against him and he may possibly think he now has an administration in Ukraine that will aid him in discovering what the genesis of that bullshit was. Ukraine was involved, the question is to what extent and who were the players.

first, you never answered why was his personal consiglieri involved, why was his personal lawyer, Giuliani involved?

And, 5 or so pages of this notes summary of the phone call takes up about 5 minutes of a 30 minute call....

the full transcript is under lock and key, on an ABOVE Top Secret Server, put there to hide it from his own staff.... let's see what was really said

Giuliani has been working with Ukraine since before the Mueller investigation wrapped up, like I said they are trying to find the genesis of the Ukraines helping the DNC and the sham intel investigation. And they've been placing conversations with foreign leaders on that server since his conversation with the Australian PM and the Mexican president were leaked. Can you really blame them?

They did not help the DNC, they released a public record on manafort, That could have been gotten from the public files by anyone... Is what I read....

Unlike hacking and stealing the DNC private emails and distributing them through wiki leaks drip by drip, that the Russians did... with Trump campaign's blessings.

Looks like Trump believes Vengence is his, not God's

The mission is TRUMP's vengeance against the handful of Ukrainians who worried about Russia's takeover of their Country because Trump was known to be in bed with Putin. And he's wasting our tax dollars for TRUMPs own personal vengeance.

Oh bullshit, Ukraine put out that Manafort was under investigation, only to backtrack on it after Manafort was fired from the campaign.

And whoever hacked the DNC was in their system a full year before Trump even announced. So to say it was done solely to assist Trump is total bull. And it's interesting how you seem to be discounting the Mueller report. There was no evidence Trump was in bed with anyone, that's just a lie.

And vengeance, hell yeah, you would be trying to find out who started a 3 year investigation on you base on lies. But since you refuse to come off the commiecrat talking points, this conversation is looking like a total waste of time, have a good day.


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