Report: Iran Already Intimidated By Trump


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
If we have to take N. Korea out with limited tactical nukes we should at the same time do Iran...

Middle Eastern analysts say a vicious regime is being brought to heel.
March 23, 2017

P. David Hornik

An analysis by MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute) finds that the Trump administration’s tough stance toward Iran is already having an effect.

Analyses of the very complex Middle Eastern chessboard abound, and assessments by knowledgeable people not infrequently contradict each other. What makes MEMRI’s investigations especially interesting, though, is that they’re based on very close observation of Middle Eastern countries themselves, including both their media and their actions (or inactions) on the ground.

The three authors of the analysis in question include Yigal Carmon, president of MEMRI and a former counterterrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers. These authors write that since the Trump administration took office, Tehran has come to feel “that it is besieged and under an emerging existential threat, in light of the crystallization of a comprehensive U.S.-Russia-Arab (including Israel) front against [it].”

Iran, MEMRI says, has been showing “considerable military restraint and a halt to long-range missile tests”—the latter in response to the administration’s warning to Iran, after its failed missile launch on January 29, that it had been “put on notice.”


If MEMRI is right, then renewed American involvement is already swaying an actor like Putin away from Iran and toward the camp that seeks a stable, livable Middle East. If Iran is being weakened, intimidated, and pushed into a corner, it can hardly be an attractive ally to any but its most loyal and dependent proxies.

Report: Iran Already Intimidated by Trump

Trump should call the supreme pos and ask do you want some free nukes, if he says yes Trump should say they'll be their in about 20 minutes...

The Iran deal Trump needs to make with the Russians is clear.
March 24, 2017

Caroline Glick


Since President Donald Trump entered the White House, Iran has been his most urgent foreign policy challenge. Unlike Obama, Trump recognizes that Iran’s nuclear program and its threats to US economic and strategic interests in the Persian Gulf and the Levant cannot be wished away.

And so he has decided to deal with Iran.

The question is, what is he supposed to do? Trump has three basic options.

He can cut a deal with Russia. He can act against Iran without cutting a deal with Russia. And he can do nothing, or anemically maintain Obama’s pro-Iran policies.

The first option has the greatest potential strategic payoff. If Trump can convince Russia to ditch Iran, then he has a chance of dismantling the regime in Tehran and so defusing the Iranian nuclear program and destroying Hezbollah without having to fight a major war.

The payoff to Russia for agreeing to such a deal would be significant. But if Trump were to adopt this policy, the US has a lot of bargaining chips that it can use to convince Putin to walk away from the ayatollahs long enough for the US to defuse the threat they pose to its interests.


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