Report: Left Mobilizes for ‘Mass Public Unrest,’ ‘Political Apocalypse’ Expected If Biden Loses

You were not in the aisle at Lowes when I was approach by a local politico …
Why do you even have the time of day to pay attention to someone like that in the store aisle? Do your shopping, buy what you need to buy, get out of there and be on your way before your truck and tools get impounded and auctioned off. Hello, have a nice day, bye, I'm busy I've got work to do.
This is unbelievable.

A coalition of leftist groups is “secretly” discussing how to mobilize and prepare for what it envisions as a “political apocalypse” full of violence and chaos if Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden fails to win a landslide victory on November 3, the Daily Beast reported Monday.

President Trump will deploy the national guard and put these commies down.

From your lips to God's ears. :2up:
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
oh, we will accept the outcome of the vote, once all the votes are counted, not a minute sooner!

Don't expect a winner on election night, it's going to take a count all the absentee votes....

and each state has their own cutoffs, and when their state can count them, under their own election laws.....

some states can't even begin counting their absentee ballots until the polls close, at 7 pm on election night..... while some states can begin counting them the minute they get them and clear signatures.... 50 different election laws for the 50 different states, are out there, governing all of this....

It's definitely going to take some time....
you didnt do it last time,,,
and no need to wait if there are enough votes counted on election night to establish a majority,,,
there won't be enough votes counted on election night, to determine a winner if the estimate of 80 million absentee ballot votes is even remotely close....

you try to call a winner on election night, YOU are the one, asking for trouble!
how can you be sure???
Because it is an unusual year, due to COVID, and there are going to be an extraordinary amount of absentee ballots.... the in person voting, will not be enough to determine the end result....

There are some states who have it in their election law that as long as the ballot is post marked on election day, they can receive them, up to 10 days past election day, from the post office....and be counted....

but there are other states that have it that absentee ballots have to be post marked 5 days before election day....

It's just a mish mosh....
Actually they don't count the absentee ballots if Trump wins the in-person vote by more votes than absentee remaining to be counted. The percentages don't warrant it. Course the Democrats will refuse to concede and they will take it to court.
there will not be enough in person votes to determine the race this year....

And no matter who risks calling it early, it isn't certified until all votes are counted, or no matter who conceded to whom....early on, it isn't certified until all the votes are counted, and it really could be someone other than the candidate ahead, early on.....

the new president, will officially be chosen and elector's certified, when all the ballots are counted.... so, it is nothing but egging on civil unrest, to call a victor, too early....imo.

Imagine that....
No way I trust an election with so many ways to cheat unless Trump wins.
This is not going to end well I promise you that,Trump is kicking dem ass in every metric and it shows with public displays of support while SideShow Joe doesnt know where he is half the time.
hide and watch!
and i don;t trust Trump to not abuse his power and to not cheat! He's already done it, with Giuliani, Lev and Igor, in the Ukraine, with the Ukraine president, with the post master general and slowing the post office down, with him passing fake news about absentee voting, with him having Bill Barr take over civil suits against him on personal defamation, to prevent voters from knowing the truth about him, with delaying all lawsuits of congress against him or his bank, so again we won't know the truth before voting....for not letting homeland security and other intel agencies telling us the truth about all the Russian interference and involvement in this 2o2o election, and I do not trust him, to let the citizen votes be counted without him prematurely proclaiming victory beforehand.....etc etc etc.....

so, i guess we are even Steven? :eek:

Who hasnt accepted the results of the 2016 election over the last 3.5 years ya bimbo.
we accepted it.... we just didn't like it, because we knew he was unfit to serve, he cheated by taking help from the Russians and used the stolen goods against his competitor, and we thought he was a traitor, for aiding and abetting the enemy's interference in our elections, and for being a pathological liar, and a promoter of division, from his first day in office.....
Sorry, but the Dems know that Russian Collusion was totally made up.
Hillary was behind it from the beginning.

The GOP senate confirmed that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russian intelligence last month. Your post is a lie.
and yet you post no proof,,,

I thought it was common knowledge. I should never over-estimate the intelligence of a blob supporter.... Assuming you have 2 working brain cells is being generous:

You missed it?
do you have it from a reputable source we can trust???

these are all fake news sites that cant be trusted with cat stories,,,

Marco Rubio's senate committee. It's linked above shit brains.
The second guy he killed, was there with his girlfriend, after Kyle killed the first man, he told his girlfriend he loved her, to stay low, and hidden, he thought the guy with the AR 15, was going to mass kill a bunch of people, he had to go after him, to get the gun away.
Then he shouldnt have assaulted a CHILD with his skateboard, striking Kyle on the back of the head.

Kyle was not shooting anyone at that time, but had fallen down when the skateboard ass hole attacked him.
It seems Pillsbury shot someone before he was assaulted.
You were not in the aisle at Lowes when I was approach by a local politico …
Why do you even have the time of day to pay attention to someone like that in the store aisle? Do your shopping, buy what you need to buy, get out of there and be on your way before your truck and tools get impounded and auctioned off. Hello, have a nice day, bye, I'm busy I've got work to do.
Was doing some fill in work, winding up the last of my time before SS availability, after Corp. shut down branch of wholesaler, I worked for. Did some DoD contractor work, could have kept on, but would have to commute to follow assignments, didn't need the money, nor early morning time behind the wheel to get there and the same time to get home. Took a sales specialist job with Lowes in a department that had been historically performing way below target, as I was known as an expert, coming from 23 years industry specific experience and training and I just wanted something close to home, 8 hours a day at decent pay. Dude approached me at my desk, as customers did, wanted to talk with me specific, away from other department person, which was not unusual. We walked a few feet away to some product as if he had questions and the conversation changed abruptly. He was looking for my non-commercial, military skills, known to military personnel, I had worked with or who worked for me, in uniform. Did I have time? Sure, for a customer, or fellow employee. Once I understood what he wanted, I made it clear I wouldn't give him the time of day, understood who he was, what he did, where he lived and that if anything came up locally after the election, he would be the point man, I would name, relaying the conversation to legitimate authorities, and told him he really needed to think about his hobbies in relation to his elected duties and personal career. Causing him to look around to see who was hearing this (there were several, both company and shoppers) and leaving the store immediately, never gracing our particular store again and took up no more of my time.
He was looking for my non-commercial, military skills, known to military personnel, I had worked with or who worked for me, in uniform
I have no military experience except for occasionally working for contractors. Similar experience, online. Some "anarchist cookbook" fellow emailed me seeking cooperation and/or information on "critical infrastructure" or "CRIT INFR" as he termed it in some cocked-up military-style all caps acronym jargon. I thought at first it was some entrapment scheme to get me in trouble with the FBI, but as I later realized, the FBI was not doing "stings" like that so soon after 9/11/2001. (They were too busy at the time, and they had more than enough trouble on their books without looking for more.)
He was looking for my non-commercial, military skills, known to military personnel, I had worked with or who worked for me, in uniform
I have no military experience except for occasionally working for contractors. Similar experience, online. Some "anarchist cookbook" fellow emailed me seeking cooperation and/or information on "critical infrastructure" or "CRIT INFR" as he termed it in some cocked-up military-style all caps acronym jargon. I thought at first it was some entrapment scheme to get me in trouble with the FBI, but as I later realized, the FBI was not doing "stings" like that so soon after 9/11/2001. (They were too busy at the time, and they had more than enough trouble on their books without looking for more.)
There are strange people out there, totally lacking in good judgment.
There are strange people out there, totally lacking in good judgment.
Sure. Marijuana is assumed to be "legal" at the state level, people drink a lot, do other drugs, associate with the wrong crowd. Sometimes they have other reasons for acting the way they do, which are not immediately apparent to the casual observer.
If that happens....I hope the President will treat these thugs as domestic terrorists.

Gitmo is waiting for them.
well, it is kinda hard to riot and burn stuff during the 6 months of winter
Spraying down with a fire truck in 30 Deg weather cools thing down. At 15 deg you get protest icicles. :auiqs.jpg:
This is unbelievable.

A coalition of leftist groups is “secretly” discussing how to mobilize and prepare for what it envisions as a “political apocalypse” full of violence and chaos if Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden fails to win a landslide victory on November 3, the Daily Beast reported Monday.

Not sure how much of a secret it is, given that leftists keep proudly talking about it in the media.
It's pathetic to watch Hillary Clinton...that scolded us all on the importance of accepting election results when she thought she was a shoo in for the telling Biden not to admit defeat no matter what! Gee, Hillary...what happened to it being un American to do that?

No, see, you misunderstood her. She didn't mean it's Unamerican to dispute election results. She meant it's Unamerican for Republicans to dispute election results.
This is unbelievable.

A coalition of leftist groups is “secretly” discussing how to mobilize and prepare for what it envisions as a “political apocalypse” full of violence and chaos if Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden fails to win a landslide victory on November 3, the Daily Beast reported Monday.

Heard all the same crap about if Obama got elected only it was people on the right. Didn't happen. I'll worry about it when I see it coming up the street.

Yes, but the noticeable difference is that leftists are ALREADY engaging in violent unrest. Right-wingers aren't, and don't.
Do you think the GOP has a plan to stop this madness from the Left when the President is re-elected in November?????

Because something will have to be done if the Left insists with an unrest!

I'm worried, what can I say

I think once Trump doesn't have to worry about an election - and because he's already paid more attention to the divisions of power in the federal system - he'll take much more direct measures.
What's going to happen after November has never happened before in America.

This time, I am in favor of Martial Law, to stop the unrest.

It will be the only way, for a while at least.

What are you expecting to happen that's never happened before? Because violent insurrection, and even civil war, certainly have happened in America before. Martial law has been declared numerous times, for numerous reasons.
Heard all the same crap about if Obama got elected only it was people on the right. Didn't happen. I'll worry about it when I see it coming up the street.
Wait, so when Obama was President, elected Republican Congresscritters were war gaming an insurrection like Paneta did? I dont think they have the balls to do that.

This situation is very different, dude, and methinks you are in denial though I do agree with you that there is nothing really to worry about.

The civilian militia would crush the commie left like bugs.

I think when either the President or the people get serious about putting these insurrections down, the number of combatants on the other side is going to go WAY down, because a lot of the bored, rich, white panty-boys who are currently indulging their fantasies of being Che Guevara are going to suddenly find this all a whole lot less fun.
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
oh, we will accept the outcome of the vote, once all the votes are counted, not a minute sooner!

Don't expect a winner on election night, it's going to take a count all the absentee votes....

and each state has their own cutoffs, and when their state can count them, under their own election laws.....

some states can't even begin counting their absentee ballots until the polls close, at 7 pm on election night..... while some states can begin counting them the minute they get them and clear signatures.... 50 different election laws for the 50 different states, are out there, governing all of this....

It's definitely going to take some time....
you didnt do it last time,,,
and no need to wait if there are enough votes counted on election night to establish a majority,,,
there won't be enough votes counted on election night, to determine a winner if the estimate of 80 million absentee ballot votes is even remotely close....

you try to call a winner on election night, YOU are the one, asking for trouble!
how can you be sure???
Because it is an unusual year, due to COVID, and there are going to be an extraordinary amount of absentee ballots.... the in person voting, will not be enough to determine the end result....

There are some states who have it in their election law that as long as the ballot is post marked on election day, they can receive them, up to 10 days past election day, from the post office....and be counted....

but there are other states that have it that absentee ballots have to be post marked 5 days before election day....

It's just a mish mosh....
So you want the election to be decided in court?
Because that's what will happen.
This is unbelievable.

A coalition of leftist groups is “secretly” discussing how to mobilize and prepare for what it envisions as a “political apocalypse” full of violence and chaos if Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden fails to win a landslide victory on November 3, the Daily Beast reported Monday.

If it's a "secret", how does Breitbart know about it? And if this report is true, how is it that nobody else but Breitbart knows about it.

Robert Mercer, Breitbart's owner, is the same guy who had two books written smearing the Clintons, none of which provide to be true, but both of which lead to endless investigations of the Clintons.

In other words, Breitbart is the essence of the Billionaire Media Fake News. A leader in misleading and lying to the American public.
Heard all the same crap about if Obama got elected only it was people on the right. Didn't happen. I'll worry about it when I see it coming up the street.
Wait, so when Obama was President, elected Republican Congresscritters were war gaming an insurrection like Paneta did? I dont think they have the balls to do that.

This situation is very different, dude, and methinks you are in denial though I do agree with you that there is nothing really to worry about.

The civilian militia would crush the commie left like bugs.

I think when either the President or the people get serious about putting these insurrections down, the number of combatants on the other side is going to go WAY down, because a lot of the bored, rich, white panty-boys who are currently indulging their fantasies of being Che Guevara are going to suddenly find this all a whole lot less fun.

These are not "insurrections". They are the logical result of you electing an unqualified and unprincipled dictator wannabe as President. The white suburban Boogaloo Bois and 4chan arachists will stay hone, having achieved their ends.

But the reality is that Donald Trump has finally created the "American carnage" he spoke of in his inaugural address. Crime is way, way, up, as in unemployment, the debt, and death and disease from the corona virus. This is the worst fuck-up of a presidency in the history of the Republic. Trump makes W look decent and competent in comparison.

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