Report: Left Mobilizes for ‘Mass Public Unrest,’ ‘Political Apocalypse’ Expected If Biden Loses

well, it could look like he wins on election day, because Donald scared the pajesus out of his Trumpsters, to vote in person with no fear of covid vs a rigged absentee vote.... even though he votes absentee....
so of course many more democrats who do not listen to Trump's bull shit, will take covid precautions and vote via absentee ballot....
both republicans and democrats would have equally chosen absentee ballot for safety, but Trump is planning some nefarious chicanery and has convinced them to take the risk, and vote in person.....
the only thing remotely nefarious is that in states with large quantities of mail-in ballots, a huge number get tossed for relatively minor things, and some serious things.

Overall, somewhere between 5% to 20% of the mail-in vote will get tossed in all likelihood, while voting in person gets rejected typically less than 1% of the time.

Trump has provoked Democrats to use an inferior vote method by simply saying he did not like it.

But that is kinda like the Dems fault for being so TDS predictable.
Nope. If I hire a security firm to guard my property during a riot, they will be on my premises, guarding, not moving to meet the rioters in the streets, just like the place in Minnesota that put armed guard all over his business property and even on the roof. His place wasn't touched, as those men stayed put.
Kyle wasn't hired for shit. The people he was with did not stay put. They didn't guard crap. If you are assigned guard duty, you guard everything within the limits of you post and quit your post, only when relieved by proper authority. The others guarding just knew they couldn't start shooting if they were shot at, and scattered like disorganized, undisciplined soldier wannabes and left the kid for cool, on his own. The kid should not have been there. It was against the laws of Wisconsin for him to be unsupervised on the streets with a weapon in that state. He could have easily died by misadventure. He only got lucky. I celebrate his luck, he is no hero of the people. He barely got out with his ass and kill two people in street fighting he had no business going to in the first place. Sell it somewhere else, Jim.
And you are wrong. Kyle did stay put at the car dealership till he shot the first moron, and he said he had to leave because he killed someone. The BLM thugs were getting all upset and they began to pursue Kyle who gave ground rather than doing a stand your ground approach.

The BLM rioters chased Kyle down and assaulted him where upon he killed another and wounded another.

It is all self defense, not vigilanteism, dude.
The Rtwingnutjobs keep getting the terms of Militia confused with Vigilantes.
They certainly do. Pretty loose with the description "well regulated" in general.
People defending their property are not vigilantes, dude.

Yes, communities should defend it's property. Detroit did exactly that. But when unwanted help arrives then it's reached the Vigilante mode. And that needs to be stopped as well. That isn't "Militia", that's invaders.
Nope. If I hire a security firm to guard my property during a riot, they will be on my premises, guarding, not moving to meet the rioters in the streets, just like the place in Minnesota that put armed guard all over his business property and even on the roof. His place wasn't touched, as those men stayed put.
Kyle wasn't hired for shit. The people he was with did not stay put. They didn't guard crap. If you are assigned guard duty, you guard everything within the limits of you post and quit your post, only when relieved by proper authority. The others guarding just knew they couldn't start shooting if they were shot at, and scattered like disorganized, undisciplined soldier wannabes and left the kid for cool, on his own. The kid should not have been there. It was against the laws of Wisconsin for him to be unsupervised on the streets with a weapon in that state. He could have easily died by misadventure. He only got lucky. I celebrate his luck, he is no hero of the people. He barely got out with his ass and kill two people in street fighting he had no business going to in the first place. Sell it somewhere else, Jim.
And you are wrong. Kyle did stay put at the car dealership till he shot the first moron, and he said he had to leave because he killed someone. The BLM thugs were getting all upset and they began to pursue Kyle who gave ground rather than doing a stand your ground approach.

The BLM rioters chased Kyle down and assaulted him where upon he killed another and wounded another.

It is all self defense, not vigilanteism, dude.
He should never have been there. I guess he should have gone back into the car lot dealer's building, locked the door behind him, stayed low, observed out the window and intentionally shot dead anybody that attacked into his final defensive position within the limits of his post. He should have used the phone in there to call the police and relay the situation he was left in. The owner of the car lot that would have a 17 year old kid, guard his car lot with an AR, should have the unholy crap beat out of him. Where was he, when he had the kid and his runaway friends guarding his car lot? What kind of adult puts a dumb kid in that position, Jim?
He should never have been there. I guess he should have gone back into the car lot dealer's building, locked the door behind him, stayed low, observed out the window and intentionally shot dead anybody that attacked into his final defensive position within the limits of his post. He should have used the phone in there to call the police and relay the situation he was left in. The owner of the car lot that would have a 17 year old kid, guard his car lot with an AR, should have the unholy crap beat out of him. Where was he, when he had the kid and his runaway friends guarding his car lot? What kind of adult puts a dumb kid in that position, Jim?
That is your opinion from behind your safe little keyboard, dude.

What you would have done had you agreed to guard a friends property is irrelevant.
He should never have been there. I guess he should have gone back into the car lot dealer's building, locked the door behind him, stayed low, observed out the window and intentionally shot dead anybody that attacked into his final defensive position within the limits of his post. He should have used the phone in there to call the police and relay the situation he was left in. The owner of the car lot that would have a 17 year old kid, guard his car lot with an AR, should have the unholy crap beat out of him. Where was he, when he had the kid and his runaway friends guarding his car lot? What kind of adult puts a dumb kid in that position, Jim?
That is your opinion from behind your safe little keyboard, dude.

What you would have done had you agreed to guard a friends property is irrelevant.

What's the matter, you don't care to hear a little bit of reasoning put into a completely unreasonable situation? The Situation involving a 17 year old with an AR should never have happened. Period.
Nope. If I hire a security firm to guard my property during a riot, they will be on my premises, guarding, not moving to meet the rioters in the streets, just like the place in Minnesota that put armed guard all over his business property and even on the roof. His place wasn't touched, as those men stayed put.
Kyle wasn't hired for shit. The people he was with did not stay put. They didn't guard crap. If you are assigned guard duty, you guard everything within the limits of you post and quit your post, only when relieved by proper authority. The others guarding just knew they couldn't start shooting if they were shot at, and scattered like disorganized, undisciplined soldier wannabes and left the kid for cool, on his own. The kid should not have been there. It was against the laws of Wisconsin for him to be unsupervised on the streets with a weapon in that state. He could have easily died by misadventure. He only got lucky. I celebrate his luck, he is no hero of the people. He barely got out with his ass and kill two people in street fighting he had no business going to in the first place. Sell it somewhere else, Jim.
And you are wrong. Kyle did stay put at the car dealership till he shot the first moron, and he said he had to leave because he killed someone. The BLM thugs were getting all upset and they began to pursue Kyle who gave ground rather than doing a stand your ground approach.

The BLM rioters chased Kyle down and assaulted him where upon he killed another and wounded another.

It is all self defense, not vigilanteism, dude.
The second guy he killed, was there with his girlfriend, after Kyle killed the first man, he told his girlfriend he loved her, to stay low, and hidden, he thought the guy with the AR 15, was going to mass kill a bunch of people, he had to go after him, to get the gun away.
well, it could look like he wins on election day, because Donald scared the pajesus out of his Trumpsters, to vote in person with no fear of covid vs a rigged absentee vote.... even though he votes absentee....
so of course many more democrats who do not listen to Trump's bull shit, will take covid precautions and vote via absentee ballot....
both republicans and democrats would have equally chosen absentee ballot for safety, but Trump is planning some nefarious chicanery and has convinced them to take the risk, and vote in person.....
the only thing remotely nefarious is that in states with large quantities of mail-in ballots, a huge number get tossed for relatively minor things, and some serious things.

Overall, somewhere between 5% to 20% of the mail-in vote will get tossed in all likelihood, while voting in person gets rejected typically less than 1% of the time.

Trump has provoked Democrats to use an inferior vote method by simply saying he did not like it.

But that is kinda like the Dems fault for being so TDS predictable.
You do know the democrat and most republican governors expanded absentee ballot to keep their citizens safe from getting the corona virus.

Yet you foolishly believed your new god, who knew how deadly the virus was in January of this year!

He told you, it was safe for you to run around and come to his rallies, he mocked you and us, if you wore a mask, he killed people, through his, this is all a Hoax bull shit.... He encouraged and raged to put your kids back in school so you could go to work....

You can not on Earth, get anyone more evil than this new god that you worship and excuse for every death he's caused.

He also single handedly crushed our economy through his intentional and purposeful, negligence and lies, lies, lies.
This is unbelievable.

A coalition of leftist groups is “secretly” discussing how to mobilize and prepare for what it envisions as a “political apocalypse” full of violence and chaos if Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden fails to win a landslide victory on November 3, the Daily Beast reported Monday.

doesn't seem to be much of a secret.
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
oh, we will accept the outcome of the vote, once all the votes are counted, not a minute sooner!

Don't expect a winner on election night, it's going to take a count all the absentee votes....

and each state has their own cutoffs, and when their state can count them, under their own election laws.....

some states can't even begin counting their absentee ballots until the polls close, at 7 pm on election night..... while some states can begin counting them the minute they get them and clear signatures.... 50 different election laws for the 50 different states, are out there, governing all of this....

It's definitely going to take some time....
you didnt do it last time,,,
and no need to wait if there are enough votes counted on election night to establish a majority,,,
there won't be enough votes counted on election night, to determine a winner if the estimate of 80 million absentee ballot votes is even remotely close....

you try to call a winner on election night, YOU are the one, asking for trouble!
how can you be sure???
Because it is an unusual year, due to COVID, and there are going to be an extraordinary amount of absentee ballots.... the in person voting, will not be enough to determine the end result....

There are some states who have it in their election law that as long as the ballot is post marked on election day, they can receive them, up to 10 days past election day, from the post office....and be counted....

but there are other states that have it that absentee ballots have to be post marked 5 days before election day....

It's just a mish mosh....
you say that now,,but what if it goes the other way???
you just can't call it on election night, even if Biden got the majority of in person votes...
And you actually think he will???? LOL
It's possible....

Especially now that we know Trump knew in January, how deadly this virus was, while lying to all of us, making the virus worse through his spreader events, and through his crashing the economy.y, because for TWO MONTHS he lied to us and gave no warning...when we could have been taking precautions....
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
oh, we will accept the outcome of the vote, once all the votes are counted, not a minute sooner!

Don't expect a winner on election night, it's going to take a count all the absentee votes....

and each state has their own cutoffs, and when their state can count them, under their own election laws.....

some states can't even begin counting their absentee ballots until the polls close, at 7 pm on election night..... while some states can begin counting them the minute they get them and clear signatures.... 50 different election laws for the 50 different states, are out there, governing all of this....

It's definitely going to take some time....
you didnt do it last time,,,
and no need to wait if there are enough votes counted on election night to establish a majority,,,
there won't be enough votes counted on election night, to determine a winner if the estimate of 80 million absentee ballot votes is even remotely close....

you try to call a winner on election night, YOU are the one, asking for trouble!
how can you be sure???
Because it is an unusual year, due to COVID, and there are going to be an extraordinary amount of absentee ballots.... the in person voting, will not be enough to determine the end result....

There are some states who have it in their election law that as long as the ballot is post marked on election day, they can receive them, up to 10 days past election day, from the post office....and be counted....

but there are other states that have it that absentee ballots have to be post marked 5 days before election day....

It's just a mish mosh....
you say that now,,but what if it goes the other way???
you just can't call it on election night, even if Biden got the majority of in person votes...
And you actually think he will???? LOL
It's possible....

Especially now that we know Trump knew in January, how deadly this virus was, while lying to all of us, making the virus worse through his spreader events, and through his crashing the economy.y, because for TWO MONTHS he lied to us and gave no warning...when we could have been taking precautions....
You must have a problem with your memory. I remember Trump having to deal with a fake impeachment.
Every time he attempted to do anything about the pandemic all of you on the left called him a racist.
Trump even brought the virus up in his SOTU address and Nancy Pelosi tore it to shreds.
So do everyone a favor and just STFU.
He should never have been there. I guess he should have gone back into the car lot dealer's building, locked the door behind him, stayed low, observed out the window and intentionally shot dead anybody that attacked into his final defensive position within the limits of his post. He should have used the phone in there to call the police and relay the situation he was left in. The owner of the car lot that would have a 17 year old kid, guard his car lot with an AR, should have the unholy crap beat out of him. Where was he, when he had the kid and his runaway friends guarding his car lot? What kind of adult puts a dumb kid in that position, Jim?
That is your opinion from behind your safe little keyboard, dude.

What you would have done had you agreed to guard a friends property is irrelevant.

What's the matter, you don't care to hear a little bit of reasoning put into a completely unreasonable situation? The Situation involving a 17 year old with an AR should never have happened. Period.
Let's be honest here, Daryl! It shouldn't have to come to citizens defending property from roaming bands of anarchists intent on burning a city to the ground! We have police to make sure that DOESN'T happen! However, when Mayors won't let the police do their jobs...when District Attorneys won't charge rioters...when Governors won't send in the National Guard...then you're going to have armed citizens defending private property and people WILL be shot and killed!
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
oh, we will accept the outcome of the vote, once all the votes are counted, not a minute sooner!

Don't expect a winner on election night, it's going to take a count all the absentee votes....

and each state has their own cutoffs, and when their state can count them, under their own election laws.....

some states can't even begin counting their absentee ballots until the polls close, at 7 pm on election night..... while some states can begin counting them the minute they get them and clear signatures.... 50 different election laws for the 50 different states, are out there, governing all of this....

It's definitely going to take some time....
you didnt do it last time,,,
and no need to wait if there are enough votes counted on election night to establish a majority,,,
there won't be enough votes counted on election night, to determine a winner if the estimate of 80 million absentee ballot votes is even remotely close....

you try to call a winner on election night, YOU are the one, asking for trouble!
how can you be sure???
Because it is an unusual year, due to COVID, and there are going to be an extraordinary amount of absentee ballots.... the in person voting, will not be enough to determine the end result....

There are some states who have it in their election law that as long as the ballot is post marked on election day, they can receive them, up to 10 days past election day, from the post office....and be counted....

but there are other states that have it that absentee ballots have to be post marked 5 days before election day....

It's just a mish mosh....
Actually they don't count the absentee ballots if Trump wins the in-person vote by more votes than absentee remaining to be counted. The percentages don't warrant it. Course the Democrats will refuse to concede and they will take it to court.
there will not be enough in person votes to determine the race this year....

And no matter who risks calling it early, it isn't certified until all votes are counted, or no matter who conceded to whom....early on, it isn't certified until all the votes are counted, and it really could be someone other than the candidate ahead, early on.....

the new president, will officially be chosen and elector's certified, when all the ballots are counted.... so, it is nothing but egging on civil unrest, to call a victor, too early....imo.

Imagine that....
No way I trust an election with so many ways to cheat unless Trump wins.
This is not going to end well I promise you that,Trump is kicking dem ass in every metric and it shows with public displays of support while SideShow Joe doesnt know where he is half the time.
hide and watch!
and i don;t trust Trump to not abuse his power and to not cheat! He's already done it, with Giuliani, Lev and Igor, in the Ukraine, with the Ukraine president, with the post master general and slowing the post office down, with him passing fake news about absentee voting, with him having Bill Barr take over civil suits against him on personal defamation, to prevent voters from knowing the truth about him, with delaying all lawsuits of congress against him or his bank, so again we won't know the truth before voting....for not letting homeland security and other intel agencies telling us the truth about all the Russian interference and involvement in this 2o2o election, and I do not trust him, to let the citizen votes be counted without him prematurely proclaiming victory beforehand.....etc etc etc.....

so, i guess we are even Steven? :eek:

Who hasnt accepted the results of the 2016 election over the last 3.5 years ya bimbo.
we accepted it.... we just didn't like it, because we knew he was unfit to serve, he cheated by taking help from the Russians and used the stolen goods against his competitor, and we thought he was a traitor, for aiding and abetting the enemy's interference in our elections, and for being a pathological liar, and a promoter of division, from his first day in office.....
Sorry, but the Dems know that Russian Collusion was totally made up.
Hillary was behind it from the beginning.

The GOP senate confirmed that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russian intelligence last month. Your post is a lie.
and yet you post no proof,,,
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
oh, we will accept the outcome of the vote, once all the votes are counted, not a minute sooner!

Don't expect a winner on election night, it's going to take a count all the absentee votes....

and each state has their own cutoffs, and when their state can count them, under their own election laws.....

some states can't even begin counting their absentee ballots until the polls close, at 7 pm on election night..... while some states can begin counting them the minute they get them and clear signatures.... 50 different election laws for the 50 different states, are out there, governing all of this....

It's definitely going to take some time....
you didnt do it last time,,,
and no need to wait if there are enough votes counted on election night to establish a majority,,,
there won't be enough votes counted on election night, to determine a winner if the estimate of 80 million absentee ballot votes is even remotely close....

you try to call a winner on election night, YOU are the one, asking for trouble!
how can you be sure???
Because it is an unusual year, due to COVID, and there are going to be an extraordinary amount of absentee ballots.... the in person voting, will not be enough to determine the end result....

There are some states who have it in their election law that as long as the ballot is post marked on election day, they can receive them, up to 10 days past election day, from the post office....and be counted....

but there are other states that have it that absentee ballots have to be post marked 5 days before election day....

It's just a mish mosh....
Actually they don't count the absentee ballots if Trump wins the in-person vote by more votes than absentee remaining to be counted. The percentages don't warrant it. Course the Democrats will refuse to concede and they will take it to court.
there will not be enough in person votes to determine the race this year....

And no matter who risks calling it early, it isn't certified until all votes are counted, or no matter who conceded to whom....early on, it isn't certified until all the votes are counted, and it really could be someone other than the candidate ahead, early on.....

the new president, will officially be chosen and elector's certified, when all the ballots are counted.... so, it is nothing but egging on civil unrest, to call a victor, too early....imo.

Imagine that....
No way I trust an election with so many ways to cheat unless Trump wins.
This is not going to end well I promise you that,Trump is kicking dem ass in every metric and it shows with public displays of support while SideShow Joe doesnt know where he is half the time.
hide and watch!
and i don;t trust Trump to not abuse his power and to not cheat! He's already done it, with Giuliani, Lev and Igor, in the Ukraine, with the Ukraine president, with the post master general and slowing the post office down, with him passing fake news about absentee voting, with him having Bill Barr take over civil suits against him on personal defamation, to prevent voters from knowing the truth about him, with delaying all lawsuits of congress against him or his bank, so again we won't know the truth before voting....for not letting homeland security and other intel agencies telling us the truth about all the Russian interference and involvement in this 2o2o election, and I do not trust him, to let the citizen votes be counted without him prematurely proclaiming victory beforehand.....etc etc etc.....

so, i guess we are even Steven? :eek:

Who hasnt accepted the results of the 2016 election over the last 3.5 years ya bimbo.
we accepted it.... we just didn't like it, because we knew he was unfit to serve, he cheated by taking help from the Russians and used the stolen goods against his competitor, and we thought he was a traitor, for aiding and abetting the enemy's interference in our elections, and for being a pathological liar, and a promoter of division, from his first day in office.....
Sorry, but the Dems know that Russian Collusion was totally made up.
Hillary was behind it from the beginning.

The GOP senate confirmed that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russian intelligence last month. Your post is a lie.
and yet you post no proof,,,

I thought it was common knowledge. I should never over-estimate the intelligence of a blob supporter.... Assuming you have 2 working brain cells is being generous:

You missed it?
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
oh, we will accept the outcome of the vote, once all the votes are counted, not a minute sooner!

Don't expect a winner on election night, it's going to take a count all the absentee votes....

and each state has their own cutoffs, and when their state can count them, under their own election laws.....

some states can't even begin counting their absentee ballots until the polls close, at 7 pm on election night..... while some states can begin counting them the minute they get them and clear signatures.... 50 different election laws for the 50 different states, are out there, governing all of this....

It's definitely going to take some time....
you didnt do it last time,,,
and no need to wait if there are enough votes counted on election night to establish a majority,,,
there won't be enough votes counted on election night, to determine a winner if the estimate of 80 million absentee ballot votes is even remotely close....

you try to call a winner on election night, YOU are the one, asking for trouble!
how can you be sure???
Because it is an unusual year, due to COVID, and there are going to be an extraordinary amount of absentee ballots.... the in person voting, will not be enough to determine the end result....

There are some states who have it in their election law that as long as the ballot is post marked on election day, they can receive them, up to 10 days past election day, from the post office....and be counted....

but there are other states that have it that absentee ballots have to be post marked 5 days before election day....

It's just a mish mosh....
Actually they don't count the absentee ballots if Trump wins the in-person vote by more votes than absentee remaining to be counted. The percentages don't warrant it. Course the Democrats will refuse to concede and they will take it to court.
there will not be enough in person votes to determine the race this year....

And no matter who risks calling it early, it isn't certified until all votes are counted, or no matter who conceded to whom....early on, it isn't certified until all the votes are counted, and it really could be someone other than the candidate ahead, early on.....

the new president, will officially be chosen and elector's certified, when all the ballots are counted.... so, it is nothing but egging on civil unrest, to call a victor, too early....imo.

Imagine that....
No way I trust an election with so many ways to cheat unless Trump wins.
This is not going to end well I promise you that,Trump is kicking dem ass in every metric and it shows with public displays of support while SideShow Joe doesnt know where he is half the time.
hide and watch!
and i don;t trust Trump to not abuse his power and to not cheat! He's already done it, with Giuliani, Lev and Igor, in the Ukraine, with the Ukraine president, with the post master general and slowing the post office down, with him passing fake news about absentee voting, with him having Bill Barr take over civil suits against him on personal defamation, to prevent voters from knowing the truth about him, with delaying all lawsuits of congress against him or his bank, so again we won't know the truth before voting....for not letting homeland security and other intel agencies telling us the truth about all the Russian interference and involvement in this 2o2o election, and I do not trust him, to let the citizen votes be counted without him prematurely proclaiming victory beforehand.....etc etc etc.....

so, i guess we are even Steven? :eek:

Who hasnt accepted the results of the 2016 election over the last 3.5 years ya bimbo.
we accepted it.... we just didn't like it, because we knew he was unfit to serve, he cheated by taking help from the Russians and used the stolen goods against his competitor, and we thought he was a traitor, for aiding and abetting the enemy's interference in our elections, and for being a pathological liar, and a promoter of division, from his first day in office.....
Sorry, but the Dems know that Russian Collusion was totally made up.
Hillary was behind it from the beginning.

The GOP senate confirmed that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russian intelligence last month. Your post is a lie.
and yet you post no proof,,,

I thought it was common knowledge. I should never over-estimate the intelligence of a blob supporter.... Assuming you have 2 working brain cells is being generous:

You missed it?
do you have it from a reputable source we can trust???

these are all fake news sites that cant be trusted with cat stories,,,
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
oh, we will accept the outcome of the vote, once all the votes are counted, not a minute sooner!

Don't expect a winner on election night, it's going to take a count all the absentee votes....

and each state has their own cutoffs, and when their state can count them, under their own election laws.....

some states can't even begin counting their absentee ballots until the polls close, at 7 pm on election night..... while some states can begin counting them the minute they get them and clear signatures.... 50 different election laws for the 50 different states, are out there, governing all of this....

It's definitely going to take some time....
you didnt do it last time,,,
and no need to wait if there are enough votes counted on election night to establish a majority,,,
there won't be enough votes counted on election night, to determine a winner if the estimate of 80 million absentee ballot votes is even remotely close....

you try to call a winner on election night, YOU are the one, asking for trouble!
how can you be sure???
Because it is an unusual year, due to COVID, and there are going to be an extraordinary amount of absentee ballots.... the in person voting, will not be enough to determine the end result....

There are some states who have it in their election law that as long as the ballot is post marked on election day, they can receive them, up to 10 days past election day, from the post office....and be counted....

but there are other states that have it that absentee ballots have to be post marked 5 days before election day....

It's just a mish mosh....
you say that now,,but what if it goes the other way???
you just can't call it on election night, even if Biden got the majority of in person votes...
And you actually think he will???? LOL
It's possible....

Especially now that we know Trump knew in January, how deadly this virus was, while lying to all of us, making the virus worse through his spreader events, and through his crashing the economy.y, because for TWO MONTHS he lied to us and gave no warning...when we could have been taking precautions....
so if in jan we "knew it was deadly" - what about this at the end of feb?

now go fuck off.
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
no one is begging for any of this.... it stems from a University simulation.... and this group is trying to figure out how they can accomplish their goals, if the simulation of violence study, turns out to be true....
better to just accept the outcome of the vote and stop acting like spoiled children,,,
oh, we will accept the outcome of the vote, once all the votes are counted, not a minute sooner!

Don't expect a winner on election night, it's going to take a count all the absentee votes....

and each state has their own cutoffs, and when their state can count them, under their own election laws.....

some states can't even begin counting their absentee ballots until the polls close, at 7 pm on election night..... while some states can begin counting them the minute they get them and clear signatures.... 50 different election laws for the 50 different states, are out there, governing all of this....

It's definitely going to take some time....
you didnt do it last time,,,
and no need to wait if there are enough votes counted on election night to establish a majority,,,
there won't be enough votes counted on election night, to determine a winner if the estimate of 80 million absentee ballot votes is even remotely close....

you try to call a winner on election night, YOU are the one, asking for trouble!
how can you be sure???
Because it is an unusual year, due to COVID, and there are going to be an extraordinary amount of absentee ballots.... the in person voting, will not be enough to determine the end result....

There are some states who have it in their election law that as long as the ballot is post marked on election day, they can receive them, up to 10 days past election day, from the post office....and be counted....

but there are other states that have it that absentee ballots have to be post marked 5 days before election day....

It's just a mish mosh....
you say that now,,but what if it goes the other way???
you just can't call it on election night, even if Biden got the majority of in person votes...
And you actually think he will???? LOL
It's possible....

Especially now that we know Trump knew in January, how deadly this virus was, while lying to all of us, making the virus worse through his spreader events, and through his crashing the economy.y, because for TWO MONTHS he lied to us and gave no warning...when we could have been taking precautions....
so if in jan we "knew it was deadly" - what about this at the end of feb?

now go fuck off.

The president knew and his cabinet and administration knew... our executive branch gvt knew.

Wash that filthy mouth, out with soap.
He should never have been there. I guess he should have gone back into the car lot dealer's building, locked the door behind him, stayed low, observed out the window and intentionally shot dead anybody that attacked into his final defensive position within the limits of his post. He should have used the phone in there to call the police and relay the situation he was left in. The owner of the car lot that would have a 17 year old kid, guard his car lot with an AR, should have the unholy crap beat out of him. Where was he, when he had the kid and his runaway friends guarding his car lot? What kind of adult puts a dumb kid in that position, Jim?
That is your opinion from behind your safe little keyboard, dude.

What you would have done had you agreed to guard a friends property is irrelevant.
Also my opinion from having manned a crew-served weapon with a live belt in the feed-tray as part of organized effort to control civil disturbance in a major US city. We got everybody off the streets, the good, bad, ugly, questionable, sightseers, helper wannabes, everybody out of area of operation, just in case we had to use force on bad guys in hiding. Civil disturbance operations are no place for untrained, undisciplined unorganized amateurs. They get in they way. Simple as that.
He should never have been there. I guess he should have gone back into the car lot dealer's building, locked the door behind him, stayed low, observed out the window and intentionally shot dead anybody that attacked into his final defensive position within the limits of his post. He should have used the phone in there to call the police and relay the situation he was left in. The owner of the car lot that would have a 17 year old kid, guard his car lot with an AR, should have the unholy crap beat out of him. Where was he, when he had the kid and his runaway friends guarding his car lot? What kind of adult puts a dumb kid in that position, Jim?
That is your opinion from behind your safe little keyboard, dude.

What you would have done had you agreed to guard a friends property is irrelevant.

What's the matter, you don't care to hear a little bit of reasoning put into a completely unreasonable situation? The Situation involving a 17 year old with an AR should never have happened. Period.
Let's be honest here, Daryl! It shouldn't have to come to citizens defending property from roaming bands of anarchists intent on burning a city to the ground! We have police to make sure that DOESN'T happen! However, when Mayors won't let the police do their jobs...when District Attorneys won't charge rioters...when Governors won't send in the National Guard...then you're going to have armed citizens defending private property and people WILL be shot and killed!
Mayors do not send in the National Guard. Mayors do not have any, only Governors and Adjutant Generals.
The second guy he killed, was there with his girlfriend, after Kyle killed the first man, he told his girlfriend he loved her, to stay low, and hidden, he thought the guy with the AR 15, was going to mass kill a bunch of people, he had to go after him, to get the gun away.
Then he shouldnt have assaulted a CHILD with his skateboard, striking Kyle on the back of the head.

Kyle was not shooting anyone at that time, but had fallen down when the skateboard ass hole attacked him.

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