Report: Marxist Black Lives Matter Co-founder Bought Four Homes since 2016

We hearTrump is grifting, how about this?

Looks like the BLM upper crust is buying up homes faster than the black mob can burn businesses
and cop cars down.

There's good money in the racial extortion business. Funny world where a black Marxist revolutionary
turns into a real estate tycoon. Capitalism always wins.
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Another FAKE THREAD. BLM stands for Black Lives Matter. It doesn't stand for Go Live In A Commune And Renounce All Wealth.
It actually stands for BLACKS LOVE MONEY! but I guess you forgot or ignored the fact that Patrice Khan Cullors is an avowed enemy of capitalism and a black Marxist revolutionary turning her black rage
into profitable real estate investments which is just a wee bit hypocritical and hurts her credence like
Tiger Woods' driving skills hurts his insurance rates (and broken bones).

Hey, your ignorant incredulous stupidity is understandable when you look and see how other Marxist Communist leaders who have climbed to the top of the totem pole have lived (Stalin, Castro, Mao) as they
resided in palaces with billions of dollars stashed away in Swiss banks while urging the subjects to
fight the capitalist pigs tooth and nail.

Oh...wait. It's not understandable at all. You're just another chump who believes whatever she/he
is told.
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Another FAKE THREAD. BLM stands for Black Lives Matter. It doesn't stand for Go Live In A Commune And Renounce All Wealth.
Yeah... But... If donations to help the "Black Lives Matter" issues is being used to buy homes, that don't help black lives... That's a bit of an odd pickle to be in.

I'm not saying that's what happened... I am saying that the optics aren't good.
The Corporations that donated to BLM should feel ashamed.
BLM is not a Civil Rights organization, it's a racist group.
They incite hate, fear and violence.
Cultural Marxism is the use of race as a tool to divide people to create a Marxist totalitarian government.
We hearTrump is grifting, how about this?
And what have you and other Republicans said about Trump grifting?
I have nothing to say about that. That money is going to good use. The BLM leader wants to live in a white neighborhood. A very expensive white neighborhood.
You don't even try to hide your racism. Or your hypocrisy.
What racism? Quote a racist post of mine. I'll wait. As far as the hypocrisy, Trump is putting the money into a political agenda. The BLM crook, personal gain. No hypocrisy.
BLM is just a new brand of the Race Baiting Hustle. Same Grift, New Grifters. There's a lot of money to be made by sowing grievances and blackmailing people into paying you to not publicly target them.
We hearTrump is grifting, how about this?
And what have you and other Republicans said about Trump grifting?
I have nothing to say about that. That money is going to good use. The BLM leader wants to live in a white neighborhood. A very expensive white neighborhood.
You don't even try to hide your racism. Or your hypocrisy.
What racism? Quote a racist post of mine. I'll wait. As far as the hypocrisy, Trump is putting the money into a political agenda. The BLM crook, personal gain. No hypocrisy.
You said they want to live in a White neighborhood. Is there something wrong with that, racist? What is a White neighborhood, anyway? Define it.

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