Report: Obama offers to read his book aloud to Trump!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Saying, “It’s the least I can do,” former President Barack Obama has offered to read his new book aloud to Donald J. Trump.​
“There’s a lot in there about democracy, governmental norms, and the rule of law,” Obama said of “A Promised Land,” which is being published this week. “I think he’d get a lot out of it being read to him.”​
Obama said that he had thought about sending Trump the audiobook version, but then realized that “there would be no one to help him when he got to a word he didn’t understand.”​
“I’m excited to do this,” Obama said. “There’s nothing more important than education.”​
Acknowledging that it would take a lot of time for Trump to listen to the entire seven-hundred-and-sixty-eight-page book, Obama said, “He has a lot of time on his hands since he stopped going to meetings of the coronavirus task force.”​


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Saying, “It’s the least I can do,” former President Barack Obama has offered to read his new book aloud to Donald J. Trump.​
“There’s a lot in there about democracy, governmental norms, and the rule of law,” Obama said of “A Promised Land,” which is being published this week. “I think he’d get a lot out of it being read to him.”​
Obama said that he had thought about sending Trump the audiobook version, but then realized that “there would be no one to help him when he got to a word he didn’t understand.”​
“I’m excited to do this,” Obama said. “There’s nothing more important than education.”​
Acknowledging that it would take a lot of time for Trump to listen to the entire seven-hundred-and-sixty-eight-page book, Obama said, “He has a lot of time on his hands since he stopped going to meetings of the coronavirus task force.”​

sounds more like a threat than an offer,,,

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