REPORT: Over A Million Households Have Risen To Middle Class Under Trump

Ignorant right wing dupes getting duped yet again by their trash mills.

Anytime you see some creative wording instead of standard measures (real median income growth here) you can be pretty sure someone is spinning facts.
You guys can’t govern .. go away losers

Wtf? How does that make any sense as a reply to what you quoted?

Article is a bullshit Trumpster puff piece that misrepresents economic facts, but that’s ok because someone can’t govern?
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Ignorant right wing dupes getting duped yet again by their trash mills.

Anytime you see some creative wording instead of standard measures (real median income growth here) you can be pretty sure someone is spinning facts.
You guys can’t govern .. go away losers

Wtf? How does that make any sense as a reply to what you quoted?

Article is a bullshit Trumpster puff piece that misrepresents economic facts, but that’s ok because someone can’t govern?

This is outstanding. Just goes to show that America made the right decision in electing a smart White business man as president.

REPORT: Over A Million Households Have Risen To Middle Class Under Trump, According To Census Data


The leftists are throwing a tantrum; if America does well it lowers their ability to gain power. democrats want a recession, They want YOU to lose your job, your house, everything, democrats want misery and pain for the average American. Doesn't matter whether it's Bernie Maduro, Elizabeth Maduro, or Beta Maduro, they all have the same plan for America.
This is not what you guys think it is. Seriously. As time passes, just as gradually as it has passed with this first round of tax bracket bumps, the same will happen to existing middle class. Except it'll get higher faster until it peaks. And all the while your purchasing power continues to diminish worse than it already has.

I'll say it one last time, then I'm not gonna bother anymore, if you still don't get it or want to get it, if sitting around dick waving is more entertaining, then, you deserve the outcome. They adopted Chained CPI into the tax plan. Chained CPI is a way of measuring CPI which strategically understates inflation's effect on the standard of living. Chained CPI also increases the inflation tax. The inflation tax, btw, is not even a tax on real wages. It's a tax on the illusionary gains in income caused by inflation. They don't even vote on it, that's why the politicians love it so much. This in turn pushes people into higher tax brackets over time because of the use of Chained CPI to adjust tax brackets. Very gradually. It is regressive and it is insidious. Hardly noticable at first. Unfortunately, the hardly noticable part is passing. Sooner than later everyone will feel the pain of higher tax brackets. Like really sooner than later.
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Ignorant right wing dupes getting duped yet again by their trash mills.

Anytime you see some creative wording instead of standard measures (real median income growth here) you can be pretty sure someone is spinning facts.
You guys can’t govern .. go away losers

Wtf? How does that make any sense as a reply to what you quoted?

Article is a bullshit Trumpster puff piece that misrepresents economic facts, but that’s ok because someone can’t govern?


You really think that’s a flattering pic of you?
How are you morons going to MAGA??? You have a lying pervert , a crooked slime bag, in our WH now and 2 perverts
on our SC We are in deep shit all thanks to racist garbage who call themselves republicans
How are you morons going to MAGA??? You have a lying pervert , a crooked slime bag, in our WH now and 2 perverts
on our SC We are in deep shit all thanks to racist garbage who call themselves republicans
Lol fake news
How are you morons going to MAGA??? You have a lying pervert , a crooked slime bag, in our WH now and 2 perverts
on our SC We are in deep shit all thanks to racist garbage who call themselves republicans
Most excellent! You're.....

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