REPORT: Sanctuary cities received 27 billion from feds each year


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Sanctuary cities receive over $27 billion each year from the federal government, giving President Donald Trump significant leverage over cities such as New York and San Francisco to enforce immigration law, according to a new report. identified 106 sanctuary cities in the United States in their oversight report, released Friday. In all, cities that ignore federal law by harboring illegal immigrants are receiving $27.741 billion in grants and direct payments in fiscal year 2016.

Twenty-two percent of the roughly 11 million illegal immigrants in the United ................................

Report: Sanctuary Cities Received $27 Billion From Feds Each Year

That's a lot of wasted money that each working person pays for via taxes. As your pay check is stripped of taxes don't you think it's time to actually want to put you and or your family first.

Imagine the money saved if we cut back on those taxes, people could spend a little bit more, there might be enough of a pay check left to take a trip/vacation, there might be enough left to buy a new car or home not just by these taxes but the cut back of taxes in many, many areas. Something Trump is working on doing but the fearful rejects who are so conditioned to being enslaved and have been fed pure bs lies and believe it all are having a fit on something that would actually be good for this Country.
He's wasting his time with the threat....

The Supreme Court has already ruled the big Federal govt can NOT threaten the States in our Republic with the threat of with holding federal funds if they do not walk the Federal Walk or threaten them in any way, OTHER THAN the requirements set out to get the funds, in the law, when the law was passed.

If there is no mention of the Sanctuary city or state being excluded, in the law the congress passed that the executive branch is executing, then his suit won't stand.

Congress would have to write a law, get the law passed, with mention that Sanctuary cities are excluded from getting the funds, for the executive branch to execute it.
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He's wasting his time with the threat....

The Supreme Court has already ruled the big Federal govt can NOT threaten the States in our Republic with the threat of with holding federal funds if they do not walk the Federal Walk or threaten them in any way, OTHER THAN the requirements set out to get the funds, in the law, when the law was passed.

If there is no mention of the Sanctuary city or state being excluded, in the law the congress passed that the executive branch is executing, then his suit won't stand.

Congress would have to write a law, get the law passed, for the executive branch to execute it.

Well let's not allow that to stand in the way of rabid frothy mouthed caterwauling.
They also generate multiple trillions of dollars each year for our economy

No they don't these mother fkrs send that chit home to their own Country..... Duuuuhhhh
They pay rent, buy groceries, gasoline, frequent the local diner. With each purchase, they are paying sales tax. In areas with a bunch of them, they contribute a lot to local economies.
I have mixed feelings about them , they need to become citizens and pay taxes, but then again, Trump said it was smart not to pay taxes, and most of the elites get away with tax evasion, off shore accounts, etc. Also Trump is going to cut the taxes for the wealthy and make inheritance and HSA's transferrable and non taxable. I guess that means its ok to not pay taxes, our President is our example.

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