Report says Biden/Harris are coordinating with Iran on strikes against Israel

We know that is true. The Trump campaign met with a Russian thinking they were going to get dirt on Clinton.

Sure they did...

How exactly does any of this hurt Trump and help Harris?

I'm not saying it helps or hurts either candidate.
What I'm saying is, if they want to hit Israel, they better do it before Trump possibly wins, because he would be the one more likely to respond directly at them, than Biden or Harris would. IMO.
With this, anyone with an IQ over 20 has to agree. You do not have to even guess; all you have to do is look back and see who had them broke and on the verge of collapse, then see who let them off the hook.

If you believe the world is on the verge of you can vote for the Democrats unless you want war, is beyond any thinking individuals realm, lol.

Every POLITICIAN in Europe knows that------------->Trump is the guy that China and Russia will wait to leave office BEFORE they act on their wants and wishes. Harris is the "lets just roll over them" candidate!

I used to be a Democrat; honestly, I was! I even was in the UAW for over 30 years! These Democrats have next to NOTHING in common, with Democrats of years gone past, they are crazy as the day is long.

This is exactly why they CONSTANTLY lambast Trump, and if it wasn't Trump, it would be whoever/whomever was running against them.


Because their whole SHTICK, is to convince Americans...........NOT that they......the Democrats are good, wonderful, or wholesome; but rather whomever their opposition is, is WORSE, lol. Why is that? Because they know they can NOT win on their policies, because their policies SUCK! They NEED to somehow make America HATE their opposition.

So tell us..........looking back, what did you think of HW, and GW Busch? How about Romney? What did you think of Mcain? Can I have a tricky Dick Cheney anyone?

Do you know, that the Left called these people Hitler, war criminals, liars, abusers, and threats to democracy? They DID, look it up! Does this rhetoric sound familiar?

Let me tell everyone, POLITICS SUCK! But what you also need know, is that the people in charge today, are recycling everything they can from the past to hold on to POWER! You are just a vote, and if you get run over by an illegal alien, if you didn't support them, they will be happy you assumed room temperature. If you did support them, they will find a way to resurrect you on the voter rolls, to make your vote count, next time.

It is time we take the country back! When someone tells you that Kamala is the end all, be all, and you should support her even though she has never gotten 1 nation wide vote for anything........remember have you accept this nonsense, they have to convince you that Tulsi and RFK are basically, subversives.

Forget the Lefts FIXATION on Donald Trump, and instead listen to what/why Tulsi and RFK did what they did. You will learn something that will probably change your opinion!

JFK was the last decent Democrat
That got him killed.
You’re ridiculous man-children

It’s already been confirmed that IS destroyers helped shoot down Irani missiles
That doesn't defend against the accusation.

Speak of accusation, where's the link to it OP? Some X participant etc. working off hearsay aint it.
I was just watching Commiela's speech about the attack today. She READ it. She could not even look up one time. It was disgusting. It was a slap in the face to the US and to Israel. She should have some grace, enough to be ashamed.
I was just watching Commiela's speech about the attack today. She READ it. She could not even look up one time. It was disgusting. It was a slap in the face to the US and to Israel. She should have some grace, enough to be ashamed.

We both/all know, that Kamala is a figurehead, just like Joe was. Neither of these 2 people can wipe their a** without their handlers telling them in which direction to wipe, along with what to say while wiping.

A vote for Kamala, is a vote for people who never ran for ANYTHING, but control everything! They never have to run. All they have to do is get the people they control elected. When Joe was deemed EXPENDABLE, they threatened the old guy with the 25th amendment to get him to stop; NOT because it was the best thing for the country, but because it was the best thing for them to stay in power.

Now they have a new vessel.....Mz Kamala. You going to allow this?!?!?!?!?! Just because some idiots are willing, (cough...cough, like IM2aracistbutpretendiamnot, or MACADOOZYTHEPHONYPOLITICALFLOOZY, or maybe even the CANADIAN WET CHICK who's name I refuse to mention........(mainly because she would claim sexism and have me removed) but who is as far Left as STALIN, PUTIN, and her hero who wears BLACKFACE!

We need to fix the USA, then use our diplomacy to fix Mexico, and the point of a F-15 if necessary, especially in the case of Mexico, and their cartels!
But you can rest assured, they will retaliate. At a time of their choosing. And it will be another well-targeted objective once again.

I can understand that they might be reluctant to destroy Iranian nuclear sites.

But we have found out already that underground bunkers aren’t safe for the Iranians.

Let’s start with some huge bunker busters.

All of Obumbler’s hard work to provide a nuclear weapon capacity to the Iranian regime could be eradicated.
Biden put the kiabosh on busters last I read.

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