Biden was hellbent on leaving Afghanistan — ignoring military advice, NATO objections and Afghan pleas: House report

He was also guilty of the possession of secret documents taken while he was V.P. but he was too feeble and mentally impaired to prosecute. We have a feeble mentally impaired president who is dangerous but protected by the democrat party, the federal judiciary and the media and immune from prosecution or even criticism while the Country is in danger.
Beat Fat Elvis

How about those 600+ classified documents they had to raid for.
He was also guilty of the possession of secret documents taken while he was V.P. but he was too feeble and mentally impaired to prosecute. We have a feeble mentally impaired president who is dangerous but protected by the democrat party, the federal judiciary and the media and immune from prosecution or even criticism while the Country is in danger.
Diaper boy is the perfect president for the DEEP STATE, he just mumbles, shits and signs; this is what Harris will also do. Trump strays from the Davos course and irritates these people which is why they attack him non-stop for 7 years.

Dietrich Bonehoffer ( A priest in Nazi Germany) watched his people turn from Artists and Poets into Criminals and Cowards with the rise of the Nazi regime. He tried to "EDUCATE" the masstards but they were hell bent on the propaganda and he was hanged. Same thing here in the USA with the mentally ill Left , they went from dope smoking tards to seething spite filled Trump hate based on Deep State programming. Its the same rich families that do this every time. They are responsible for every conflict over the last 200 years yet the people never catch on and allow themselves to get caught up in the painfully obvious brainwashing pushed by the media.

If it was Ron Paul rather than Trump, all of the blue haired liberal freaks would be screaming to murder Ron Paul or whomever was resisting the Deep State hegemony.

Fat Elvis' Doha Agreement with the Taliban sealed the fate of the government of Afghanistan. His US troop reduction from 15,000 to 2,500 and releasing 5,000 Taliban prisoners did what fuckups?

President Biden had the balls after 20 years to get out. Fat Elvis just kept shaking his penis after pissing.
Perhaps the families of the dead military people that really did not have to were at the beach Joe lays his keester on and Joe's secret service protection left him we would see karma and justice take place.
Biden deliberately ignored the violation of the tripwires Trump had put in place. Biden willingly abandoned Bagram.

This is 100% on Biden-Harris.

President Biden was so hellbent on getting out of Afghanistan that he rebuked any advice to the contrary, ignored the pleas of the Afghan government and disregarded objections from US allies.
That was the one of the main takeaways from the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s more than two-year investigation into America’s chaotic, deadly Afghanistan withdrawal, according to a blistering report released Sunday.
“During his decades-long tenure as a Delaware US senator, eight years as vice president of the United States and nearly four years as president, Mr. Biden has demonstrated distrust of America’s military experts and advisors and has prioritized politics and his personal legacy over America’s national security interests,” the roughly 350-page report asserted.
His administration consistently lied to and misled the American public to try to convince it to support his consequences-be-damned view that the US should swiftly end its 20-year war in Afghanistan, the review said.
Former President Donald Trump’s administration had previously created and entered into the Doha Agreement with the Afghan government and the Taliban to end the US war in Afghanistan.
But Biden forged ahead with little deference to the terms of the agreement — no matter the cost — though he would later blame the same document for forcing his hand, the report found.
The Doha Agreement, made in 2020, held that the US would withdraw its troops from Afghanistan if the Taliban met certain obligations.
For example, the terrorist group was responsible for “cutting ties with al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, ceasing attacks on US and coalition troops, reducing violence against Afghan forces and starting negotiations with the Afghan government,” according to the report.
But Biden’s reckless, blind determination pushed aside the agreement’s critical details, the document said.
On Feb. 4, 2021, then-State Department spokesman Ned Price announced that the US would begin the review to assess the Taliban’s adherence to the Doha Agreement to evaluate whether the US should imminently withdraw from Afghanistan.
But “in his testimony before the committee, contrary to his public statement, Mr. Price asserted the Taliban’s adherence to the Doha Agreement was in fact ‘immaterial’ to the Biden-Harris administration’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan,” the document found.
The administration’s “lies” and “misrepresentations” only continued, the report said.
“Missing from press releases was information related to the Taliban’s failure to adhere to the Doha Agreement, the ongoing presence of terrorism in Afghanistan, the capabilities of the Afghan government and military with and without U.S. support, and dissent from NATO allies on the US plan to withdraw,” according to the report.
“The Taliban were in breach of key elements of the Doha Agreement, [though] the Biden-Harris administration claimed to be assessing the Taliban’s compliance therewith,” the report said.

This is a political document that has no basis in reality. Trump signed what his former national security advisor called a surrender document. Trump then withdrew troops faster than scheduled even as the Taliban violated the agreement. The3 House GOP is corrupt.

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