This is very important report for all US citizens voting in November for president.

Well lets check the Doha Time line then. Signed on Feb 29th, 2020. Benedict still in office. The time line for implementation was 135 days from the signing which put us in the middle of summer of 2020. Still the Dirty Don's in office. Troop level down to 8600, abandoned 6 bases and implemented a 5 to 1 prisoner swap between the Afghans and the Taliban. By the time Trumpybear loses the election troop level is down to 4,000 or so but soon he ordered the complete evacuation only to flip flop a few days later and orders the reduction of troops to 2,500 by Jan 15th 2021, just days before Biden takes the oath of office.

Biden was handed an empty bag. His only two choice were to complete the pull out or , thousands of fresh troops into another war with the Taliban.
Yep, Harris Biden really filled that empty bag- with dead soldiers. Way to go
America was built on nation building. It is in our Genes. It seems you say about Biden he failed in his own duty. Let me educate posters on Afghanistan.

It's my point of view that you along with the neo-conservatives haven't learned one thing from our lesson in Vietnam.

I recall how disgusted I felt with the round of French jokes taking place immediately before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It wasn't that I was defending the French in any way, it was just beyond my belief that people actually thought the Iraqis were actually going to be any more grateful than the French had been. That country's Christian population sure paid the price.

Taliban Donald choose sides and trusted them over the country our soldiers had been fighting and dying for during most of the prior two decades. It's no wonder so many generals have come out against him.
Yep, Harris Biden really filled that empty bag- with dead soldiers. Way to go
Soldiers KIA under Biden was the lowest of all president. Not single soldier lost in combat with the Taliban. I'd like to place the blame of that terrorist attack on Benedict Donald because one of the condition of our withdraw was they were suppose to crack down on ISIS and other terrorist groups, but stopping a Suicide bomber is very difficult. Nobody blamed GWHB for the 241 soldier killed by a suicide bombers in Lebanon under the RayGun/Bush. But the GOP was a different animal then.
Soldiers KIA under Biden was the lowest of all president. Not single soldier lost in combat with the Taliban. I'd like to place the blame of that terrorist attack on Benedict Donald because one of the condition of our withdraw was they were suppose to crack down on ISIS and other terrorist groups, but stopping a Suicide bomber is very difficult. Nobody blamed GWHB for the 241 soldier killed by a suicide bombers in Lebanon under the RayGun/Bush. But the GOP was a different animal then.
Harris bidens withdrawal from Afghanistan was such a disaster. Thousands left behind, Marines killed, he droned a family of 13 , our reputation damaged in the world. Our enemies emboldened. We may never recover from this debacle. Thank you Harris Biden
Trump surrendered to terrorists when he freed killers.

Biden was going to free those terrorists when he surrendered Afghanistan to them anyway. Biden Harris did a horrible job in Afghanistan. Biden Harris are traitors receiving money from our enemies.
Harris bidens withdrawal from Afghanistan was such a disaster. Thousands left behind, Marines killed, he droned a family of 13 , our reputation damaged in the world. Our enemies emboldened. We may never recover from this debacle. Thank you Harris Biden
"I started the process....They couldn't stop the process"

Benedict Donald on how he stabbed our Military in the back with his near unconditional withdrawals in 2020.
"I started the process....They couldn't stop the process"

Benedict Donald on how he stabbed our Military in the back with his near unconditional withdrawals in 2020.
Damn that was a debacle performed by the Harris Biden Administration in Afghanistan. Weakened our stance everywhere around the world. You overlooked that the Taliban broke the agreement with us but Harris Biden went ahead with it anyway. Weak
Damn that was a debacle performed by the Harris Biden Administration in Afghanistan. Weakened our stance everywhere around the world. You overlooked that the Taliban broke the agreement with us but Harris Biden went ahead with it anyway. Weak
Nah, it was the back stabbing Benedict Donald who started stabbing our allies, the Kurds, in the back after we/they took ISIS's land. That along with his admiration for Putin and other strongman autocrats, weakened our alliances around the world, Biden has gone a long way to heal the wounds Trumpybear caused. But the world is watching with bated breath.

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