This is very important report for all US citizens voting in November for president.

Biden is responsible for the Afghanistan debacle. It was a stain on the United States of America. Harris was involved, she is responsible also. We need to elect better leadership than what we have now. TrumpView attachment 1008785
Afghanistan was Trump’s baby all the way. Why release killers before our guys were out of harm’s way?

Biden is responsible for the Afghanistan debacle. It was a stain on the United States of America. Harris was involved, she is responsible also. We need to elect better leadership than what we have now. TrumpView attachment 1008785
In 2020 why did Benedict Donald allow the Taliban to ignore 6 out of 7 of the Doha Accords conditions? Why did he pull out so many troops in 2020 when the Taliban was not meeting the conditions. Weren't our troops the leverage we needed against the Taliban's effort to take over the entire country? That being said, do you think Biden should have redeployed 10's of thousands of our kids to fix what Benedict Donald had fucked up, or was Biden correct in removing the remaining 2,500 troops?
his can prove he did wrong in abandoning Afghanistan.

Do you have any idea the number of troops Trump and Biden each pulled out of Afghanistan?
Do you know which one of the two let loose in Afghanistan thousands of Taliban prisoners?
Which one negotiated a deal in which the Afghan government opposed that prisoner release?

Why don't you look these things up and support your claim about which one is deflecting blame?

It was the so-called great negotiator that delt a major blow to the Afghan government by bowing to the Taliban and omitting Afghan from participating in the withdrawal plans. Yeah, let's put it clearly, Trump sided with the Taliban over the country that American soldiers had been fighting for over the previous 19 years. He's right there in the same class as Hanoi Jane. From the OP's linked article:

Who was president during the withdrawal? LOL you seem to forget. Who was vice president during the withdrawal? LOL you seem to forget!

During Benedict Donald's near unconditional withdrawals or troop reductions during 2020, Afghanistan was spiraling out of control

During Benedict Donald's near unconditional withdrawals or troop reductions during 2020, Afghanistan was spiraling out of control

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ran that withdrawal. They ignored Trump's conditions and just Winged It. What a disaster. The United States looked extremely weak at that point thanks Kamala.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ran that withdrawal. They ignored Trump's conditions and just Winged It. What a disaster. The United States looked extremely weak at that point thanks Kamala.
Sounds like it was General Miller who ran the show.

Another direct Neo-GOP slap at the Military. Why does Benedict Donald and you guys hate the military so much.

"Once President Biden made the decision to have US forces leave the country who designed the evacuation?"

Sec. Austin: (02:01:55)
.....His assessment was that, in order to sustain that and continue to do things that benefited the Afghans, that would require at some point that he increase our presence there in Afghanistan. So, once he made the decision, then of course, from a military perspective, in terms of the retrograde of the people and the equipment, that planning was done by Central Command, and certainly principally, by General Miller. Very detailed planning, and then we came back and briefed the entire interagency on the details of that plan.

Senator Warren: (02:03:03)
Okay. So the military planned the evacuation. Did President Biden follow your advice on executing on the evacuation plan?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:12)
He did.

enator Warren: (02:03:15)
Did President Biden give you all the resources that you needed?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:21)
From my view, he did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:22)
Did President Biden ignore your advice on the evacuation at he point?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:30)
No Senator, he did not.

Senator Warren: (02:03:32)
Did he refuse any request for anything that you needed or asked for?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:37)

Senator Warren: (02:03:38)
So the President followed the advice of his military advisors in planning and executing this withdrawal. As we’ve already established, the seeds for our, or in Afghanistan were planted many, many years ago. So let me ask you one more question, Secretary Austin, knowing what you know now, if we had stayed in Afghanistan for another year, would it have made a fundamental difference?

Sec. Austin: (02:04:05)
Again, it depends on what size you remain in at, and what your objectives are. There are a range of possibilities, but if you stayed there at a forced posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have to reinforce yourself.
Sounds like it was General Miller who ran the show.

Another direct Neo-GOP slap at the Military. Why does Benedict Donald and you guys hate the military so much.

"Once President Biden made the decision to have US forces leave the country who designed the evacuation?"

Sec. Austin: (02:01:55)
.....His assessment was that, in order to sustain that and continue to do things that benefited the Afghans, that would require at some point that he increase our presence there in Afghanistan. So, once he made the decision, then of course, from a military perspective, in terms of the retrograde of the people and the equipment, that planning was done by Central Command, and certainly principally, by General Miller. Very detailed planning, and then we came back and briefed the entire interagency on the details of that plan.

Senator Warren: (02:03:03)
Okay. So the military planned the evacuation. Did President Biden follow your advice on executing on the evacuation plan?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:12)
He did.

enator Warren: (02:03:15)
Did President Biden give you all the resources that you needed?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:21)
From my view, he did.

Senator Warren: (02:03:22)
Did President Biden ignore your advice on the evacuation at he point?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:30)
No Senator, he did not.

Senator Warren: (02:03:32)
Did he refuse any request for anything that you needed or asked for?

Sec. Austin: (02:03:37)

Senator Warren: (02:03:38)
So the President followed the advice of his military advisors in planning and executing this withdrawal. As we’ve already established, the seeds for our, or in Afghanistan were planted many, many years ago. So let me ask you one more question, Secretary Austin, knowing what you know now, if we had stayed in Afghanistan for another year, would it have made a fundamental difference?

Sec. Austin: (02:04:05)
Again, it depends on what size you remain in at, and what your objectives are. There are a range of possibilities, but if you stayed there at a forced posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have to reinforce yourself.
Bottom line, Biden Harris was the administration that pulled the strings behind the debacle of Afghanistan. There's no way around it. They are responsible for the impression of United States weakness which helps Hamas and Russia. What a disaster
Bottom line, Biden Harris was the administration that pulled the strings behind the debacle of Afghanistan. There's no way around it. They are responsible for the impression of United States weakness which helps Hamas and Russia. What a disaster
What did Benedict Donald mean when he said....

Do you have any idea the number of troops Trump and Biden each pulled out of Afghanistan?
Do you know which one of the two let loose in Afghanistan thousands of Taliban prisoners?
Which one negotiated a deal in which the Afghan government opposed that prisoner release?

Why don't you look these things up and support your claim about which one is deflecting blame?

It was the so-called great negotiator that delt a major blow to the Afghan government by bowing to the Taliban and omitting Afghan from participating in the withdrawal plans. Yeah, let's put it clearly, Trump sided with the Taliban over the country that American soldiers had been fighting for over the previous 19 years. He's right there in the same class as Hanoi Jane. From the OP's linked article:

View attachment 1008779
Biden pulled a Saigon deal. Biden should have outsmarted the Taliban. But refused to.
Bottom line, Biden Harris was the administration that pulled the strings behind the debacle of Afghanistan. There's no way around it. They are responsible for the impression of United States weakness which helps Hamas and Russia. What a disaster
One way to measure this is to compare it to Ukraine. Trump was not remotely involved in Ukraine. Russia invaded Ukraine. Biden should have pulled out all stops to end the invasion of Ukraine. Like the US did at Normandy, Italy and Africa in WW2. Trump put restrictions against Ukraine that he did not do to Russia. Biden wants clean hands in Afghanistan but he believed in the Trump plan and followed it. Trump made a bad deal with the Taliban. Biden could have corrected it.
Withdrawals don’t pivot on a dime, especially when the outgoing guy is uncooperative, leaves a shit plan and releases killers!

So when did Biden intend to fulfil his own promises? He did get out managing to leave billions of dollars in arms to the Taliban and could have ensured we got all of that out of Afghanistan. Also why did Biden forget to protect those in Afghanistan the US promised to keep safe?
During Benedict Donald's near unconditional withdrawals or troop reductions during 2020, Afghanistan was spiraling out of control

Benedict Joe failed to correct the course.
Biden pulled a Saigon deal. Biden should have outsmarted the Taliban. But refused to.

At the start of these nation building wars, I had overwhelming doubt that we Americans loved these people enough to be willing to sacrifice our troops over any extended period of time. I seriously doubt the American people would find favor in sending troops back into Afghanistan to clean up Trump's mess.
Benedict Joe failed to correct the course.
Of course he did. He forced the Taliban to extend the truce and had the military plan an evacuation that included a whole host of Afghanis that would have been left behind if we had followed the original Doha Accord May 1st deadline. Or, did you mean he failed to correct all of Donnie Dangerously's fuck ups in the implementation of those Accords by redeploying tens of thousands of young soldier and sending them to war with the Taliban?
Of course he did. He forced the Taliban to extend the truce and had the military plan an evacuation that included a whole host of Afghanis that would have been left behind if we had followed the original Doha Accord May 1st deadline. Or, did you mean he failed to correct all of Donnie Dangerously's fuck ups in the implementation of those Accords by redeploying tens of thousands of young soldier and sending them to war with the Taliban?
I studied that Doha agreement and it did not say to take off dropping people to their deaths. The fact is Biden changed nothing at all in the agreement short of letting the Taliban stay in command longer.
Withdrawals don’t pivot on a dime, especially when the outgoing guy is uncooperative, leaves a shit plan and releases killers!

The Taliban reneged on several portions of Trump's agreement with them. Biden could have pulled out of that. He did not he went ahead with the worst disaster plan ever. Even worse than Vietnam. Kamala Harris's weakness has cost us all dearly. It's going to cost Ukraine their freedom, congratulations.

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