Reporter who broke news of Steele dossier used to surveil ex Trump aid calls its claim largely false


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The salacious and unverified opposition research dossier cited by the FBI as its main justification to surveil a top Trump aide contains many claims that are “likely false,” according to the Yahoo News reporter who was among the first to break the news of the dossier’s existence.

The dossier was created by British ex-spy Christopher Steele and funded by the firm Fusion GPS — which was retained by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

Reporter Who Broke News of Steele Dossier Used to Surveil Ex-Trump Aide Calls Its Claims Largely “False”

Oh they are largely false huh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The first to break the news oh boy lets give the fk a metal for it all yaaaay.

And just think created by a " BRITISH EX SPY" . way to go heroes.
It was in the text messages, the agents were waiting for the story to drop so they could use it as a ‘source’. It’s outrageous. And I guarantee you they all knew it was false from the beginning.
Yes, Steele is an excellent link to the Clinton crime family's link to MI6. Mueller should chill.

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