Chris Cuomo now takes ivermectin after ridiculing the right for doing it during Covid

I got COVID before the jab was available. It was nothing.
When the jab was available, I had NATURAL IMMUNITY plus, I knew I would be fine and it was like the flu….and who knows, maybe it was just the flu.

Flu was counted as COVID.
When I finally got Covid, it was from a family member that was vaxxed and boosted.
Ironically, they fell seriously ill with a stay at the hospital, while I suffered what basically amounted to a cold.
No one drank bleach you pathetic brainwashed liar.
Prove your negative dumbass!

Here's mine...

The ruse is over and sadly just 5% of us had enough of a thought process to so state from the beginning.
The shots benefitted about 6% of those who caught Covid. It did not prevent the catching or transmission of it nor did it effect the intensity of the transmission nor the catching . . It was an opportunityb to HYPE Maximim and hinder Trump and treat All Americans in a despicable and unnecessary manner
Cuomo is alive and breathing. There were many that died regretting they didn't get the vaccine.
No one drank bleach you pathetic brainwashed liar.
He asked IF a topical application along the lines of the disinfecting qualities of bleach might have a positive effect
Lying lib loons and their cherished media made up a different scenario of his question
Cuomo is alive and breathing. There were many that died regretting they didn't get the vaccine.
Melodramatic lie and when one is dead they lament nothing
Just another emotional spaghetti throw at the wall
Cuomo tries to say that Rogan was wrong….but had to admit ROGAN WAS RIGHT.

Didnt it seem weird that everyone in media used the HORSE DEWORMER mantra?

Why not dog dewormer? It is in your heartguard if you have a dog. IVERMECTIN.

Why didnt they choose that one to lie.

Now Cuomo says he was lied to. He is vax injured and on ivermectin.

Its always been a great medication used all over the world.

Now the branch covidian realizes it might be his only hope to save himself from the rubbery bs collecting in his body.

It has been said it has a chance to stop long covid, but its not the greatest odds.

Hopefully Im wrong but many covidians might very well regret taking the jab.
Cuomo is alive and breathing. There were many that died regretting they didn't get the vaccine.



Kamala Harris claimed she would never get the vaccine. That was bad, correct? She created vaccine hesitancy.

See, I believed her…so I took her advice from her campaign. She said she would never get the shot….so I also did not.

All I did was listen to Kamala Harris.
Look for more to come.

It's big news to learn and confirm that not only did our gov't. leaders lie to us, but so did medical leaders. :eusa_liar:

Aren't these people supposed to be looking out for our best interest?

It's baffling to me that you can just ignore and gloss over what they done and said when covid was exploding.

Another "conspiracy theory" turns out to be true. :eusa_whistle:
as long as money is the root of all evil they will never be looking out for us


Kamala Harris claimed she would never get the vaccine. That was bad, correct? She created vaccine hesitancy.

See, I believed her…so I took her advice from her campaign. She said she would never get the shot….so I also did not.

All I did was listen to Kamala Harris.
Kamla Harris is on video getting the covid jab

although some parts of it seem faked
I know a few people that took the pill form for humans and recovered after a couple of days. The paste form is for horses but you knew that. Its all about y'all continuing your love for big pharma, nih, fda, cdc. But hey, you got orange mans magic snake injection so have fun with that.

I don't think he knew that. There's still a VERY large proportion of the left who have never heard of the hundreds of millions of successful human treatments with Ivermectin over nearly seven decades, and the award of a Nobel prize in medicine for it's use on humans.

They still think it's hOrSe dEWorMEr! because MSNBC still believes that.

I don't think he knew that. There's still a VERY large proportion of the left who have never heard of the hundreds of millions of successful human treatments with Ivermectin over nearly seven decades, and the award of a Nobel prize in medicine for it's use on humans.

They still think it's hOrSe dEWorMEr! because MSNBC still believes that.


I know a few who took ivermectin and got over covid after 2 days. It is a successful drug.

Chris Cuomo at the very least, admitted that he gave the public misinformation because that is what he was fed by Pharma and the US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

So is he lying about lying, or is he telling the truth about lying?

That is the problem with relying on liars. Did they stop lying? Why did they stop lying.

My opinion is Cuomo is FOLLOWING THE MONEY.



Chris Cuomo’s stance on Ivermectin as a theraputic drug for COVID-19 has done a complete 180, as the news anchor who once said on CNN that anyone promoting it should be “shamed” now says he’s “taking a regular dose” to deal with his own struggles with long-term effects of an infection.

Cuomo shared in January that he’s suffering from “long COVID,” or the long-term lingering effects of a previous infection. This week on the PBD Podcast, a current-events show hosted by Patrick Bet-David, the NewsNation personality said he’s using the antiviral to help with an ongoing inflammatory response and “brain fog.”

“I’ll tell you something else that’s gonna get you a lot of hits,” Cuomo said. “I am taking … a regular dose of Ivermectin. Ivermectin was a boogeyman during COVID. That was wrong. We were given bad information about Ivermectin. The real question is, why?”

How many people were censored from helping others like Christ during Covid? How many died because of the Biden administrations censorship and disinformation about the drug?

Naturally, no one is going to investigate and tell us, just like we know that no one will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity for not disclosing the truth for political purposes.

Then again, all that matters is electing democrats to help preserve democracy, so there is that.
The difference between a conspiracy and reality?

6-12 months on average.

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