Reports show that 99.995% of arrests are non-lethal.

Since someone (Dana7360 ) noted that 93% of protests are “non-violent”, I thought it would be interesting to look at the statistics for what these protests are screaming about...deaths occurring during arrests.

It looks like there are over 10 million arrests each year, with about 400-600 deaths each year. We will average it to 500. 500 out of 10 million is a 0.005% of arrests that lead to a death of the individual being arrested. So 99.995% of all arrests are non-lethal.

So it certainly seems a lot safer for a black man to get arrested than to attend a BLM riot rally, just ask David Dorn.
Using those statistics its safer for a Black person to be arrested than it is for them to live in Chicago.
Covid and arrests kill almost no one yet it’s the rallying cry for Hate Trump Hate Americans
99.995% - that's the same % of violent crowds foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists from out of town make up.
99.9whatever are non-lethal, you said. You can't know that without knowing how many there are.

Somewhere between 30-60 million interactions per year.

Many articles on this. Here's one.

New Police Shooting Stats Show Law Enforcement Is Not the ...
...number of police interactions a year - Bing
Yes, there are at least 60 million responses from cops each year. If we take that into account, the likelihood of being killed by a cop just by interacting with them is 0.00083%.
Here is another example of the problem. The guy did nothing illegal. He did everything the police asked him to do. He didn't fight with them. They asked him to do something and he did it. When they told him to not come back to the store he said OK. They then decided to arrest him because of something he might do in the future.

Freedom Christopher Pfaendler's Sahuarita Walmart arrest | News Break

It's not just about fatalities.
Its not open season on black people by police. Such a strawman bullshit argument
It's the opposite. The police put up with far too much nonsense from our African population. They (blacks) deserve far more than they get. If, as a black person, you dont like being treated like a thug, start policing your own. Teach your children to respect authority, and you'll start getting respect. No other race has the problems you do. Start looking to yourselves for the problems you create. You are not victims, you are oppressors

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