REPOST: Still Think the Church Isn't Under Attack? Think Again!! (version 2.0 )

Nope, speaking the Absolute Immutable Truth, Stalinist scumbag.
No, you are making weewee in your panties over one man's embarrassing, paranoid fantasy, because you think your imagined oppression will justify whatever idiotic thing you are about to do or say next.
Precisely! It was Jesus Himself who said not once, but at least TWICE, "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance". I think of the story of the religious ruler who is openly boasting of all he did for G-d in the Temple, and how glad he is that he is not like these "people", and the man who, because of his own sin, beat upon his chest and said "God please forgive me a sinner". Who do you think is going to be looked at in G-d's favor?
So, your god was for the takers...
So, your god was for the takers...
No, those who have sinned. Jesus never came for "good" people. Plenty of "good" people are destined for Hell because their own sin was never dealt with.
A fine illustration of the basic childish immorality at the heart of the christian mythology.
Your problem is you refuse to see the forest amidst the trees. You revel in your own sin and don't want to give it up. Leftists are the most immoral, miserable people around. Always have been.
Yes I do. Do you think these ideas are complicated? They aren't. Hey are simplistic, hamhanded, and childish.
No, it's obvious that you don't get

"Luke 5:29-32

29 Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. 30 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”

31 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
No, it's obvious that you don't get

"Luke 5:29-32

29 Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. 30 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”

31 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

I.E. every human being except for Jesus.

It's not complicated. Believe and live forever or suffer. Childish and immoral.
That's as it should be. Why shouldn't people of Faith be able to influence, let alone serve in elected office?
Exactly right... There will be no religious test is what the constitution says, and that's exactly why that was placed in there for, but the left interprets it in the ways that they want to in which is ace backwards.

We were built on having for the most part a Christian foundation when created this country or founded it, but the sly leftist have been driving that out for decades for their planned agenda's. We are in the thick of it now, so stay tuned.
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At the point of a GUN the government will enforce their religion.. :tank:
That's exactly why you see group's targeting government offices to be hired or elected big time now (the race is on), and you've seen over time how that has since worked out, whether it be at school board's right on up to the Whitehouse.

For year's government service was ignored by most, because the private sector was to lucrative to ignore, and the government of old stayed out of the way and let the private sector work like it should have.

Now we have group's that haven't done so well using the private sector to thrive in or rather next they saw this huge sleeping giant that had a huge powerful gun just sitting there awaiting the taking (everyone off making money, and no one minding or tending to the government store for example), so they jumped at the opportunity for the purpose of using the sleeping giant with that big gun in order to totally transform this nation against it's free capitalist will, and to remove it's social contracts that it once had a clear understanding of between the free capitalist market forces and the government.

Now attention has to be refocused just like it was for the parent's at those school board meetings, and the winning back government offices should be priority one for the American people. The American people have had a belly full of it, and they had best wake up and unify.
According the book based on myth and lies (a.ka. the bible) Jesus had a girl friend who was freaking hooker. Selective choice in religion is a first class bitch
I think it's too likely that Magdalane and her being a hooker is a myth too. It's too 'perfect' as a set up for the forgiveness racket.
Point being, Canucks are trying to control what is being preached at the pulpit and they, nor anyone else, has the right to do that. And the unhinged American left want the same here.
Canadian pagans fear the Word of God
Causing people to fear is the Christian agenda Mac. It's especially egregious when it's done to little children before they are at an age at which they're capable of fully reasoning.

Children are hooked in for life in most cases and that explains why very intelligent adults are still believers. They can't make the break!

That includes many Canadians but still a smaller % than Americans.

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