REPOST: Still Think the Church Isn't Under Attack? Think Again!! (version 2.0 )

Point being, Canucks are trying to control what is being preached at the pulpit and they, nor anyone else, has the right to do that. And the unhinged American left want the same here.
The point is and was, the church not being permitted to destroy lives based on it's agenda of causing people to fear the supernatural nonsense.
Stopping the church's abuse was a slamdunk even for Conservatives in Canada. That's progress.
The point is and was, the church not being permitted to destroy lives based on it's agenda of causing people to fear the supernatural nonsense.
Stopping the church's abuse was a slamdunk even for Conservatives in Canada. That's progress.
That's not progress, that's persecution. Canadian "Conservatives" are not REAL Conservatives, not by a long shot. What you want is wholesale slaughter of those who proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior.
That's not progress, that's persecution. Canadian "Conservatives" are not REAL Conservatives, not by a long shot. What you want is wholesale slaughter of those who proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior.
I've suggested several times that Canada's conservatives and also most of the world's rightists would still fall to the left of even America's Democratic party on the important big issues.

I reallly don't think either side of the political spectrum in Canada can say it 'owns' religious superstitious beliefs.

At least not religious beliefs that extend to extremism. Most nowadays would say they are believers but wouldn't go any further into it than that. Our churches are being turned into hostels or second hand stores, as is happeninig throughout the Christian world.
I've suggested several times that Canada's conservatives and also most of the world's rightists would still fall to the left of even America's Democratic party on the important big issues.

I reallly don't think either side of the political spectrum in Canada can say it 'owns' religious superstitious beliefs.

At least not religious beliefs that extend to extremism. Most nowadays would say they are believers but wouldn't go any further into it than that. Our churches are being turned into hostels or second hand stores, as is happeninig throughout the Christian world.
And that's the "falling away" that Jesus warned about. We are heading towards the End times.
And that's the "falling away" that Jesus warned about. We are heading towards the End times.
The 'falling away' is a reality but it's because Christianity hasn't kept abreast of modern science. If the bible's second edition was intended to do that, it's all past due with superstitioius impossibilities.
Your talking point mush now be in not taking your bibles literally. That's fine to do that because it has the effect of distancing Christian nonsense from reality.

Not even any of the modern religions are capable of keeping up with science.

I do worry about America fulfilling prophesy by starting a nuclear war. Or even just Americans denying climate change that will ultimately bring about the same disasterous effects.

But: The end times message is going to need some revision on account of humans surviving both possibilities in small numbers. And add to that the fact that'HE' doesn't come.

To the topic: The church is definitely under attack by highly informed and educated critics who are very vocal on the issue. Even the best of the pro side such as Jordan Peterson are being destroyed by the facts.

When Jordan was asked if he believed in Jesus rising from the dead, he said it would take him 40 hours to answer the question.
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The 'falling away' is a reality but it's because Christianity hasn't kept abreast of modern science. If the bible's second edition was intended to do that, it's all past due with superstitioius impossibilities.
Your talking point mush now be in not taking your bibles literally. That's fine to do that because it has the effect of distancing Christian nonsense from reality.

Not even any of the modern religions are capable of keeping up with science.

I do worry about America fulfilling prophesy by starting a nuclear war. Or even just Americans denying climate change that will ultimately bring about the same disasterous effects.

But: The end times message is going to need some revision on account of humans surviving both possibilities in small numbers. And add to that the fact that'HE' doesn't come.

To the topic: The church is definitely under attack by highly informed and educated critics who are very vocal on the issue. Even the best of the pro side such as Jordan Peterson are being destroyed by the facts.

When Jordan was asked if he believed in Jesus rising from the dead, he said it would take him 40 hours to answer the question.
Your problem is you refuse to accept the Truth of Scripture. That's why everyone who rejects Christ is doomed to the Lake of Fire
You should fear hell.
Christianity isn't even on board with the 'hell' threat anymore Mac. And fwiw, church leaders of many denominations aren't on board with creation in the tradional sense of the fantasy beliefs.

Most of the obvious nonsense such as Adam and Eve has been reduced to illiteral beliefs.
The Big Boat? Two of every species of dinosaurs?
(see the latest 'kinds' backsliding)
Christianity isn't even on board with the 'hell' threat anymore Mac.
Ok, you say so

do you think everyone will be rewarded the same even if they hate God or refuse Jesus as their Savior?
That's their problem, they don't. I bet when the time comes to receive the mark, they will do it with gusto!!
You got it

I am not a good Christian because I dont love my enemies and I dont care if libs burn in Hell or not
True Christianity still preaches on the doctrines of Hell and the Creation Account.
True as in those brands of Christians who are still clutching 'literal' beliefs in their bibles. Now the minority, absent the big mainstream religions.
Ok, you say so

do you think everyone will be rewarded the same even if they hate God or refuse Jesus as their Savior?
No rewards coming Mac. Only huge penalties for those who waste their lives anticipating the next life that isn't coming.
True as in those brands of Christians who are still clutching 'literal' beliefs in their bibles. Now the minority, absent the big mainstream religions.
the big mainstream religions are just that-religions. Not the one and true way to G-d. Religion is man's vain and feeble way of TRYING to get to G-d through works, being a "good" person, etc. but that's not what Scripture teaches. The Bible teaches that mankind is basically evil, sinful, and dead-spiritually. ONLY Christ's bloody sacrifice on the Cross can secure your Salvation. All you have to do is not be dumb enough to reject it.

Already happening North of the Border this will have far reaching issues with churches who DARE tell the truth about all sexual sin, including homosexuality, fornication, adultery, etc. and G-d's design for human sexuality. There are many who wish to do away with the 1st Amendment here because it actually protects the Church from the government, not the other way around.
Meanwhile Islam and every other cult is worshipped by the Left.
There is not one topic the Left support that the is not agreed with by the right that is not anti-Biblical. Not one. No generalization. Not one.

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