Representative Cummings Has Passed Away

Baltimore Received $1.8 Billion from Obama’s Stimulus Law.
Where did all that money go?
Why do they still have all of the same old Democrat problems with poverty, crime and corruption?

A corrupt Black Democrat Congressman stealing Federal funds from his district????

Say it ain't so!

Let the virtue-signalling begin.
Bet they ban Trump from the funeral.
Some probably already wish he had waited till September next year to die so they could use it against Trump.
I never celebrate a death because with each death someone will miss him dearly.

But that someone is not me.

He was an arrogant racist asshole who had been being paid by taxpayers way too long.

And he was ugly as a mule.
He defended fellow Rep. Mark Meadows over racism and said they were friends, and yet Trump attacked Cummings whenever he had the chance.

Trump would later take other shots at him about Baltimore and his home. Will he take the high road this morning? Or attack him in death like he did McCain?

The Media certainly is fawning over the death of that racist, moronic piece of crap.
Thoroughly surprised Trump took the high ground here. Thank goodness. One of the few times during his presidency.
68 years old , that's the new 27 isn't it ?? And he musts been messed up as he had the Best taxpayer paid 'doctors' that OUR Taxpayer money can buy .

He was at Johns Hopkins hospital. What makes you think your taxpayer money had anything to do with him specifically?

All congressmen have the top-notch government health insurance.
Not that they shouldn't...


They pay for that insurance as does every government employee. When I worked for the DoD, I had the exact same health insurance as my wife had at her company, yet I paid through the nose for it![/------------------------------ thank , but 'baldy' had medical care and it worked fine in my this case Admiral ,

Would you mid trying that again in English this time, please!
R.I.P Elijah
He was good man and was loved by everyone one on both sides of the isle.
He was a lot fairer lib than most of his colleagues and looked at both sides of things.
Succumbing to a long standing health issue is never rewarding unless the pain outweighs the happiness of life itself. He was a loyal democratic socialist that hated Trump.
However, despite our political differences I am forced to say.....
RIP w/o prejudice
Trump knows when to show traditional respect required in these situations. I wonder what Dems responses would be if Trump passed at this time. The Liberal media would be going nuts with glee and wouldn't be afraid to show it. A send off for Cummins would be simple, just flush and hope his head didn't clog the pipes.
He defended fellow Rep. Mark Meadows over racism and said they were friends, and yet Trump attacked Cummings whenever he had the chance.

Trump would later take other shots at him about Baltimore and his home. Will he take the high road this morning? Or attack him in death like he did McCain?

It took me awhile to find a thread on Cummings death, because there are none in first three pages in Current Events or Politics, and I haven't seen there is "Breaking News" section of the forum at all.

So, Cummings dies and you talk about Trump? That's it?

I suggest that we all take a moment to remember ALL the good he's done for Baltimore over the last 23 years to turn that city into the vibrant, thriving, shining example of Democrat leadership that it is today. Let's talk about all the great legislation he wrote, sponsored, and passed in Congress.

Oh, there aren't any?

When I was growing up, my parents were telling me something like "if you can't say anything nice about someone then don't say anything at all". So here goes... Silence.

One thing that puzzles me... What did he have on Hillary?
...and if Mark Meadows tries to come out and say something in favor of this evil racist man -- Rep. Meadows should be ran out of the republican party --- who cares if you thought this uppity n-word was your friend, he was against Trump, that makes him against whites and against America....
I'm kind of curious about this.

Are you trying to justify past statements that were crass when a Republican passed away, or are you trying to justify future crass statements by assigning statements to others?

There will be little doubt that some people will make crass statements regarding the passing of this person. You seem to be trying to use that as a justification for your desire to use such statements in the future.

What does that say to you about yourself?
R.I.P Elijah
He was good man and was loved by everyone one on both sides of the isle.
He was a lot fairer lib than most of his colleagues and looked at both sides of things.

Which island were they on?

I am astounded that any intelligent human being can claim to have been familiar with the likes of Cummings and then offer up such a disconnect
about his life and habits.

I wish the man no harm.... but in his final years all that proceeded from his mouth was harm. Much of it total falsehood too.

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Glad he is dead, its fun to celebrate the deaths of people you disagree with -- as God intended....Hopefully Ginsberg will also die in keeping with the teachings of Christ...

Now if I were to opine for the impending death of Trump, that would be treasonous and wrong...#MAGA
Actually it's considered a threat and worth a visit from the Secret Service.
I have nothing against Ginsberg.....she seems to be a decent sort.....but she is only hanging on until they can get rid of Trump....and I feel she's gonna stroke out if he wins re-election.

When it comes to Cummings.....I figure he's in the hands of God and he will be judged for his sins.
Trump's death is impending, that isn't a threat you moron......
Yes it is.
Predicting Trump's death implies that there is a plot to kill him.

The person saying as much is automatically a possible suspect.

It's not a prediction. We all die, it's inevitable.
Glad he is dead, its fun to celebrate the deaths of people you disagree with -- as God intended....Hopefully Ginsberg will also die in keeping with the teachings of Christ...

Now if I were to opine for the impending death of Trump, that would be treasonous and wrong...#MAGA
Actually it's considered a threat and worth a visit from the Secret Service.
I have nothing against Ginsberg.....she seems to be a decent sort.....but she is only hanging on until they can get rid of Trump....and I feel she's gonna stroke out if he wins re-election.

When it comes to Cummings.....I figure he's in the hands of God and he will be judged for his sins.
Trump's death is impending, that isn't a threat you moron......
Yes it is.
Predicting Trump's death implies that there is a plot to kill him.

The person saying as much is automatically a possible suspect.

It's not a prediction. We all die, it's inevitable.

I'm afraid I have to disagree. Everyone's death is inevitable.
Ginsberg's death is impending for obvious reasons. But since no serious health problems have been noted or attributed to the president..
for a person to make a statement that his death is impending is carelessly aggressive and gives the direct impression that there is knowledge of something untoward.

Not smart.


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