Representative Cummings Has Passed Away

...and if Mark Meadows tries to come out and say something in favor of this evil racist man -- Rep. Meadows should be ran out of the republican party --- who cares if you thought this uppity n-word was your friend, he was against Trump, that makes him against whites and against America....
I'm kind of curious about this.

Are you trying to justify past statements that were crass when a Republican passed away, or are you trying to justify future crass statements by assigning statements to others?

There will be little doubt that some people will make crass statements regarding the passing of this person. You seem to be trying to use that as a justification for your desire to use such statements in the future.

What does that say to you about yourself?
--------------------------- Free Country for a little while longer and Free Speech for a little while longer and people can say whatever they like for a little while longer CWayne .
R.I.P Elijah
He was good man and was loved by everyone one on both sides of the isle.
He was a lot fairer lib than most of his colleagues and looked at both sides of things.

Which island were they on?

I am astounded that any intelligent human being can claim to have been familiar with the likes of Cummings and then offer up such a disconnect
about his life and habits.

I wish the man no harm.... but in his final years all that proceeded from his mouth was harm. Much of it total falsehood too.


The man really believed he was doing good in his wrong headed thinking ,no matter how wrong it was.

He's a Christian and now it's up to God to judge him.
Not us.
I don't 'judge' baldy to everlasting damnation in 'hell' . I simply judge him to have been a 'pwick' here on 'earth' Peach .
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"Chairman Elijah Cummings was a hero. Just watch any video of him in any hearing and you will understand the power, dignity, and moral fortitude he brought to our country.
Chairman Cummings was a transformational leader: the son of sharecroppers who became a United States Congressman. I feel a profound sense of gratitude to have breathed the same air and walked the same rooms as him. In a Congress whose culture is obsessed with seniority and tenure, Chairman Cummings was uniquely focused on the next generation. Despite having so much stature and power, he had absolutely zero ego. None. He constantly looked to uplift the communities and people whose stories were overlooked and underserved. He was tough and compassionate, and always reminded people that they were never too late to do good.
Chairman Cummings’ insight mattered deeply to me. His moral compass was profound. He used to meditate before every hearing, centering himself spiritually before we made decisions about healthcare, mass incarceration, immigration, and more. Sometimes, after a particularly grueling hearing ended, I’d be walking back to the anteroom and I’d hear an “Ocasio!” coming from the Chair’s seat. He’d be there, pointer finger curled, calling me over. He’d let me know when he thought I did well, or ask me a pointed question, or say something to expand my thinking. People do not do that in Congress, but he actively groomed the next generation: whether it was how carefully he selected his witnesses, to the incredible committee staff he put together - easily one of the best teams on the Hill - or how he never, ever let a person go unseen.
I will miss you, Chairman Cummings. My only hope is that we can continue this work as you wanted, and to do you proud. Rest in Power." - AOC
Glad he is dead, its fun to celebrate the deaths of people you disagree with -- as God intended....Hopefully Ginsberg will also die in keeping with the teachings of Christ...

Now if I were to opine for the impending death of Trump, that would be treasonous and wrong...#MAGA
Actually it's considered a threat and worth a visit from the Secret Service.
I have nothing against Ginsberg.....she seems to be a decent sort.....but she is only hanging on until they can get rid of Trump....and I feel she's gonna stroke out if he wins re-election.

When it comes to Cummings.....I figure he's in the hands of God and he will be judged for his sins.
Trump's death is impending, that isn't a threat you moron......
Yes it is.
Predicting Trump's death implies that there is a plot to kill him.

The person saying as much is automatically a possible suspect.

It's not a prediction. We all die, it's inevitable.

I'm afraid I have to disagree. Everyone's death is inevitable.
Ginsberg's death is impending for obvious reasons. But since no serious health problems have been noted or attributed to the president..
for a person to make a statement that his death is impending is carelessly aggressive and gives the direct impression that there is knowledge of something untoward.

Not smart.


That's not what Biff meant. You're trying to place some "threat" where there is none.

Maybe you should call CNN tip line and tell them about it. I'm sure they'll make a story out of it.
Gorked Out at 2:00 or so this morning. The “shruggle” does not “continues.”
Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings has died
We shall see what far left lunatic takes his place. I’m waiting for a similar announcement about a certain Supreme Court Justice.
He's Burning in Hell Right Now. I never really appreciated the concept of Hell until an Evil man dies.

Generally I like your posts, but your large bold fonts are annoying.
I'm sure his family is very sad.

The above represents the nicest possible thing I can say about him on his passing.
You knew nothing about him except he's a democrat.

You are a sorry human being.
I couldn't stand John McCain or George Bush, but I did not sink as low as some of these guys.
I'm sure his family is very sad.

The above represents the nicest possible thing I can say about him on his passing.
You knew nothing about him except he's a democrat.

You are a sorry human being.

People's true characters always come out when someone they opposed politically dies. Sad :(

In which two Leftists pretend I said something truly vile, when they know people wish ACTUAL death on Republicans in many worse ways every day on their side, and don't bat an eye.

Projection and gaslighting, your stock in trade
Gorked Out at 2:00 or so this morning. The “shruggle” does not “continues.”
Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings has died
We shall see what far left lunatic takes his place. I’m waiting for a similar announcement about a certain Supreme Court Justice.
He's Burning in Hell Right Now. I never really appreciated the concept of Hell until an Evil man dies.

Generally I like your posts, but your large bold fonts are annoying.
He's Burning in Hell Right Now. I never really appreciated the concept of Hell until an Evil man dies!
I guess Rep. Cummings spirit now knows Right-to-Lifers had it right all along, because to get to St. Peter's gate nowadays, one has to walk several miles between the heavenly homes of the unborn who watch with longing eyes for the life they didn't get to live, while he walks up to find out the determination of his afterlife future.

It's too bad abortion enthusiasts don't think of what it's like to pass by the 60 million unborn children's funeral pyres on the first few weeks to have St. Peter tell them their future fate with re to Heaven or Hell. I wouldn't want to be a one of them.

The United States Congress and the Supreme Court took very specific sides against the unborn to insure young women who got pregnant will have to pass their own unborn children on the road to judgment for the kind of life they chose to live while living on garden Earth.

Today, only half of the babies formed in the sacredness of a womb are aborted. Only half of the conceived children of God get to live their lives. :( It's sad for the other half whose lives were snuffed before birth.
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