Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

I do hope she cleans up her mouth, its fine at home, well not really, but to say it in front of people. Just because he is a low life doesn't mean its fine to use fowl language in front of people.

What a chickenshit thing to say? What a bird brain! You ducked the question I see. That's a turkey of an expression! Your goose is cooked!

You meant "foul" I hope!
Yeah, he made people act like this.

They have no choice, no control.
The president is an influence, no matter who is in the office.

Hate crimes have gone up.
Public bigotry is up.
People now feel free to curse at minorities working in restaurants, etc.

This is the trump effect.
The man is an ongoing embarrassment.

Regardless, I am responsible for my words and actions.

Are you? Is anyone else?
Sure. But I see nothing wrong with her comment. You rightwingers brought this on, by meekly accepting all of trump’s vulgarities with zero pushback. You own this coarsening of society.
Hypocrisy much....too easy!

obama curses - Google Search

No idea what the point was supposed to be here but it doesn't lead to any such "cursing".

Linking to "Google Search" is the crutch of those with no evidence who want to jump up and down screaming "I GOT A POINT" and then can't flesh it out.

Lotta that going around today.
Honestly, it is the CURE FOR IDIOTS that post crap, and here we have the Chief ABNORMAL on video....but you knew this, or you really are dumber than the low 2 digit IQ freak, that I thought you were@
Exactly what is Israel doing to her relatives in the West Bank?

Killing them and taking their land. Well known fact.

Well known fantasy of libtards you mean. Israel only kills the "Palis" when they try to kill Jews first!

Ever been to the West Bank? I have.

No they are always striking first. The instigate and then kill.

Netanyahu: Yom Kippur War taught us preventive strike always an option

Yeah Palis lobbing rockets first doesn't count

You're a loon

Yes they are the jews of old, but what is new, Jews have always killed other Jews or call them Hebrews or arabs is what they were, but most of them are now Europeans and Russians.

WTF kind of idiocy are you blabbering about now?
groping children:
no big deal, another candidate admitted to it.
Sexual Assault Should Not Disqualify Kavanaugh if Proven, Majority of Republicans Believe
adultery: Trump's porn stars
treason: asking russia for help on hillary's emails, etc.

So you are

- Still asserting that Kavanaugh is STILL 'GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN EVEN MORE INNOCENT' ....

- Hypocritically pointing out the President's affairs BEFORE HE RAN FOR OFFICE while ignoring PRESIDENT Clinton's and the Democrats in office who sexually assaulted and harassed women for DECADES and illegally paid for their silence with our tax dollars through a committee they set up whose soul purpose was to hide these crimes and make the payments instead of stopping the crimes....

- Accusing Trump of doing what Hillary did - PAYING a foreign spy working for the FBI and with the Russians AND Russians for their help in altering the 2016 election that she and the DNC had already altered by rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, and stealing Bernie's nomination (the election should have been Sanders versus Trump)...

You are friggin' hilarious. Was that on purpose or purely accidental?

Democrats here will never criticize the ignorant Muslim whore. She's a female, black, Muslim and democrat. Untouchable.
Calling women whores when you don't like their politics or even religion (bigotry btw) does not uplift the debate, and you actually make her point for her.
Well if she can call the POTUS a motherfucker I see no reason not to call her a ****!

This just tin ---- any man who boinks a woman who's previously given birth, is by definition a motherfucker.

Not that it always produces positive results, mind you....


There's a big difference between mother-fucker and muthafukker. I'm sure you know this. .... Perhaps even by personal carnal knowledge. The egregarious bitch actually did Trump a favor.


I must presume "e-gregarious" is an outgoing person on the internet?

And here I thought that was an infielder for the New York Wankees.
Yes and the mother fuckers were vile to Palin long before Trump hit the science so they can take their .....bit bit but trump excuses and put the where the moon don’t shine!
Exactly why I find their fake morality laughable.

STILL waiting Blue.

What's taking so long? You must have had a quote in your pocket to accuse me with. Where the fuck is it?


Wassamatta Blue? Search came up empty?

What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? You sit on this board and fling a false accusation at me and think it will --- what, just "go away"?

Can't admit you fucked up, is that it? Can't apologize? Is that beneath you or what?
Search for what? I ignore your incessant imature ranting because it’s a waste of time to read. And because you like to play idiotic word games instead of discussing threads.

Oh no Princess. This one is going to follow you around like a puppy until you TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for it. You hung a false accusation on me and you're -- apparently --- too much of a *WIMP* to woman up to it. Amirite?

Better get busy. The longer you wait, the worse you look. Perhaps instead of "ignoring" what I post you should have considered it before flinging baseless accusations. YA THINK??

Don’t be such a drama queen.
You show me where you try to reign in liberals ...and I’ll take it back.
Exactly why I find their fake morality laughable.

STILL waiting Blue.

What's taking so long? You must have had a quote in your pocket to accuse me with. Where the fuck is it?


Wassamatta Blue? Search came up empty?

What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? You sit on this board and fling a false accusation at me and think it will --- what, just "go away"?

Can't admit you fucked up, is that it? Can't apologize? Is that beneath you or what?
Search for what? I ignore your incessant imature ranting because it’s a waste of time to read. And because you like to play idiotic word games instead of discussing threads.

Oh no Princess. This one is going to follow you around like a puppy until you TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for it. You hung a false accusation on me and you're -- apparently --- too much of a *WIMP* to woman up to it. Amirite?

Better get busy. The longer you wait, the worse you look. Perhaps instead of "ignoring" what I post you should have considered it before flinging baseless accusations. YA THINK??

Don’t be such a drama queen.

You're in the doghouse until you apologize. Final answer.

I DO NOT play that shit, sister. Fuck with me and you get the horn. No, you don't evade responsibility for your own words with the "waaah don't be a drama queen" card. You fucked up, YOU acknowledge it.
STILL waiting Blue.

What's taking so long? You must have had a quote in your pocket to accuse me with. Where the fuck is it?


Wassamatta Blue? Search came up empty?

What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? You sit on this board and fling a false accusation at me and think it will --- what, just "go away"?

Can't admit you fucked up, is that it? Can't apologize? Is that beneath you or what?
Search for what? I ignore your incessant imature ranting because it’s a waste of time to read. And because you like to play idiotic word games instead of discussing threads.

Oh no Princess. This one is going to follow you around like a puppy until you TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for it. You hung a false accusation on me and you're -- apparently --- too much of a *WIMP* to woman up to it. Amirite?

Better get busy. The longer you wait, the worse you look. Perhaps instead of "ignoring" what I post you should have considered it before flinging baseless accusations. YA THINK??

Don’t be such a drama queen.

You're in the doghouse until you apologize. Final answer.

I DO NOT play that shit, sister. Fuck with me and you get the horn.
Show me where you spend as much effort reigning in Liberals and I’ll take it back.
Democrats here will never criticize the ignorant Muslim whore. She's a female, black, Muslim and democrat. Untouchable.
Calling women whores when you don't like their politics or even religion (bigotry btw) does not uplift the debate, and you actually make her point for her.
Well if she can call the POTUS a motherfucker I see no reason not to call her a ****!

This just tin ---- any man who boinks a woman who's previously given birth, is by definition a motherfucker.

Not that it always produces positive results, mind you....


There's a big difference between mother-fucker and muthafukker. I'm sure you know this. .... Perhaps even by personal carnal knowledge. The egregarious bitch actually did Trump a favor.


I must presume "e-gregarious" is an outgoing person on the internet?

And here I thought that was an infielder for the New York Wankees.

It's an Android spelling replacement....but..
That's not a bad entry for the urban dictionary! You should put it in!

You rightwingers brought this on, by meekly accepting all of trump’s vulgarities with zero pushback. You own this coarsening of society.
I voted for Hillary. My left-leaning views on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I simply don't feel an obligation to be a transparent hypocrite.
. you’ve spent the past 7 years on this board presenting yourself as Right-leaning and anti-Democrat but you really align with the Left?

Well, ok.
Like a true Muslim terrorist.....
She RAN AWAY from reporters when asked about her comments.

Video all over Twitter..Unreal !
Wassamatta Blue? Search came up empty?

What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? You sit on this board and fling a false accusation at me and think it will --- what, just "go away"?

Can't admit you fucked up, is that it? Can't apologize? Is that beneath you or what?
Search for what? I ignore your incessant imature ranting because it’s a waste of time to read. And because you like to play idiotic word games instead of discussing threads.

Oh no Princess. This one is going to follow you around like a puppy until you TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for it. You hung a false accusation on me and you're -- apparently --- too much of a *WIMP* to woman up to it. Amirite?

Better get busy. The longer you wait, the worse you look. Perhaps instead of "ignoring" what I post you should have considered it before flinging baseless accusations. YA THINK??

Don’t be such a drama queen.

You're in the doghouse until you apologize. Final answer.

I DO NOT play that shit, sister. Fuck with me and you get the horn.
Show me where you spend as much effort reigning in Liberals and I’ll take it back.

It AIN'T MY JOB to look this shit up, it's YOURS. ***YOU*** made the accusation, ***YOU*** must have some basis. WHERE IS IT?

That's why I immediately challenged you to document any such thing. And you can't do it. Because you pulled it straight out of your ASS.

Thanks for showing me what you're made of. DISmissed, coward.
I can hardly wait for the media and her party to call her out for her hateful rhetoric......but will NOT hold my breath waiting....and they complain about Trump....have to love these Muslim radical ABNORMALS!

The radicals took control of the House today. Far left anti-Trumpers and open Socialists are now in charge of the US House of Representatives.

Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib, an open Israel-hater, was sworn in on a Koran today.

And after her swearing in she immediately called on President Trump’s impeachment — the “mother f*cker”!!

The far left crowd LOVED IT and Cheered with delight!....What was that Nancy about DECORUM?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Give this freak a camera, and let her talk.

You can't buy advertising this good. Those suburban women are in for a rude awakening about the results of allowing themselves to be shamed into virtue signalling in the ballot box.

Rashida, celebrating a Boycott, Divestiture, Sanctions resolution against Israel:



You elected an Orange Virus, grifter and shitty human being to pretend-run the country and you want to talk about DECORUM? Go fuck yourself.
Search for what? I ignore your incessant imature ranting because it’s a waste of time to read. And because you like to play idiotic word games instead of discussing threads.

Oh no Princess. This one is going to follow you around like a puppy until you TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for it. You hung a false accusation on me and you're -- apparently --- too much of a *WIMP* to woman up to it. Amirite?

Better get busy. The longer you wait, the worse you look. Perhaps instead of "ignoring" what I post you should have considered it before flinging baseless accusations. YA THINK??

Don’t be such a drama queen.

You're in the doghouse until you apologize. Final answer.

I DO NOT play that shit, sister. Fuck with me and you get the horn.
Show me where you spend as much effort reigning in Liberals and I’ll take it back.

It AIN'T MY JOB to look this shit up, it's YOURS. ***YOU*** made the accusation, ***YOU*** must have some basis. WHERE IS IT?

That's why I immediately challenged you to document any such thing. And you can't do it. Because you pulled it straight out of your ASS.

Thanks for showing me what you're made of. DISmissed, coward. don’t sign my paycheck. Searching for BS for you is not in my job description.

I said Democrats. Of which you claimed to no be one. You sure are offended for not being a whiny liberal.
Calling someone a motherfucker is just Locker Room Talk

There is nothing wrong with that is there Republicans?
I do hope she cleans up her mouth, its fine at home, well not really, but to say it in front of people. Just because he is a low life doesn't mean its fine to use fowl language in front of people.

What a chickenshit thing to say? What a bird brain! You ducked the question I see. That's a turkey of an expression! Your goose is cooked!

You meant "foul" I hope!

You need an editor before you fly off a flock of one-liners.

I'll send you a ................ bill.
Oh no Princess. This one is going to follow you around like a puppy until you TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for it. You hung a false accusation on me and you're -- apparently --- too much of a *WIMP* to woman up to it. Amirite?

Better get busy. The longer you wait, the worse you look. Perhaps instead of "ignoring" what I post you should have considered it before flinging baseless accusations. YA THINK??

Don’t be such a drama queen.

You're in the doghouse until you apologize. Final answer.

I DO NOT play that shit, sister. Fuck with me and you get the horn.
Show me where you spend as much effort reigning in Liberals and I’ll take it back.

It AIN'T MY JOB to look this shit up, it's YOURS. ***YOU*** made the accusation, ***YOU*** must have some basis. WHERE IS IT?

That's why I immediately challenged you to document any such thing. And you can't do it. Because you pulled it straight out of your ASS.

Thanks for showing me what you're made of. DISmissed, coward. don’t sign my paycheck. Searching for BS for you is not in my job description.

Oh you took that job on voluntarily when you singled me out for a false accusation you have zero evidence for.

As I said, that's gonna follow you like a puppy. OWN it.
Well if she can call the POTUS a motherfucker I see no reason not to call her a ****!

This just tin ---- any man who boinks a woman who's previously given birth, is by definition a motherfucker.

Not that it always produces positive results, mind you....

She’s still a ****! Deal wit it.

There's no such thing as a "****". Deal with that.
Democrats have no problem calling the First Lady a “whore”. Or Sarah Palin and her kids...or the Bush twins etc. Until you reign yourselves have no room to be demanding things of others. Deal with it.

"You"?? :lmao:

I don't have a political party and I've never called anyone anywhere a "whore" or posted anything about any of those entities
Deal with that before you start making shit up. K?

Or prove me wrong and quote it. Right here, right now.
But you fucking well know the left has done exactly that. Can ewe show where ewe have called them out before you get all indignantly drama queenish?

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