Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

Democrats have no problem calling the First Lady a “whore”. Or Sarah Palin and her kids...or the Bush twins etc. Until you reign yourselves have no room to be demanding things of others. Deal with it.

"You"?? :lmao:

I don't have a political party and I've never called anyone anywhere a "whore" or posted anything about any of those entities
Deal with that before you start making shit up. K?

Or prove me wrong and quote it. Right here, right now.
But you fucking well know the left has done exactly that. Can ewe show where ewe have called them out before you get all indignantly drama queenish?

Once again for the re-tarded, it AIN'T MY FUCKING JOB to prove somebody else's baseless point does not exist. It's fucking their job to put legs on it.

Which she can't. And I already know she can't. And now the whole world knows it.
You want an Oscar?

What I want is an apology.

I opened the door for any documentation to prove her point but since I know damn well what I've posted I did that already knowing she can't document it. Just to be fair.

Ewe *DO NOT* get out of the responsibility of a false accusation by alluding to "drama". You fucking FACE UP TO your own responsibility, that's what you do.
I am waiting for your repudiation!
Democrats have no problem calling the First Lady a “whore”. Or Sarah Palin and her kids...or the Bush twins etc. Until you reign yourselves have no room to be demanding things of others. Deal with it.
Yes and the mother fuckers were vile to Palin long before Trump hit the science so they can take their .....bit bit but trump excuses and put the where the moon don’t shine!
Exactly why I find their fake morality laughable.

STILL waiting Blue.

What's taking so long? You must have had a quote in your pocket to accuse me with. Where the fuck is it?


Wassamatta Blue? Search came up empty?

What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? You sit on this board and fling a false accusation at me and think it will --- what, just "go away"?

Can't admit you fucked up, is that it? Can't apologize? Is that beneath you or what?
Search for what? I ignore your incessant imature ranting because it’s a waste of time to read. And because you like to play idiotic word games instead of discussing threads.
Or maybe it’s just your dementia.
Who ever intends on running against her in two years should start now. Use this clip and vow to vote the mother fucker out of office. Bring it up constantly until mother fucker becomes her middle name and hang that albatross around the neck of ever mother fucking muslim in the country.

You mean like the new verb, "to monkey up"?

By the way what in the wide world of Blue Fuck does "Islam" have to do with any of this?
She's a morherfucking Muslim.

Not sure what a "morher" is either but the question stands untouched.

Let's keep a running score of "shit that has no bearing on this fake story".

  1. "Muslim"
  2. "bitch"
  3. "****"
  4. "Morherfucking"
Add more. The day is youngish.
She reaps what she sows. You motherfucking trash don't like it when you get your filthy crap shoved back in your nasty face.
Isn't that exactly their argument for calling Trump the name?
What vile names has Trump called Democrats?
I do hope she cleans up her mouth, its fine at home, well not really, but to say it in front of people. Just because he is a low life doesn't mean its fine to use fowl language in front of people.

What a chickenshit thing to say? What a bird brain! You ducked the question I see. That's a turkey of an expression! Your goose is cooked!

You meant "foul" I hope!
At least she didn’t ‘monkey it up’.
Yeah, he made people act like this.

They have no choice, no control.
The president is an influence, no matter who is in the office.

Hate crimes have gone up.
Public bigotry is up.
People now feel free to curse at minorities working in restaurants, etc.

This is the trump effect.
The man is an ongoing embarrassment.

Regardless, I am responsible for my words and actions.

Are you? Is anyone else?
Sure. But I see nothing wrong with her comment. You rightwingers brought this on, by meekly accepting all of trump’s vulgarities with zero pushback. You own this coarsening of society.
Actually it was Obama who really started to divide americans.
By being Black.
Lol, nope just being his asshole self.
Wassamatta Blue? Search came up empty?

What the fuck is wrong with you exactly? You sit on this board and fling a false accusation at me and think it will --- what, just "go away"?

Can't admit you fucked up, is that it? Can't apologize? Is that beneath you or what?
Search for what? I ignore your incessant imature ranting because it’s a waste of time to read. And because you like to play idiotic word games instead of discussing threads.

Oh no Princess. This one is going to follow you around like a puppy until you TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for it. You hung a false accusation on me and you're -- apparently --- too much of a *WIMP* to woman up to it. Amirite?

Better get busy. The longer you wait, the worse you look. Perhaps instead of "ignoring" what I post you should have considered it before flinging baseless accusations. YA THINK??

Don’t be such a drama queen.

You're in the doghouse until you apologize. Final answer.

I DO NOT play that shit, sister. Fuck with me and you get the horn.
Show me where you spend as much effort reigning in Liberals and I’ll take it back.
Liberals don’t need reigning in.
I do hope she cleans up her mouth, its fine at home, well not really, but to say it in front of people. Just because he is a low life doesn't mean its fine to use fowl language in front of people.

What a chickenshit thing to say? What a bird brain! You ducked the question I see. That's a turkey of an expression! Your goose is cooked!

You meant "foul" I hope!
At least she didn’t ‘monkey it up’.

Or have to attend a public lynching with a friend...
"You"?? :lmao:

I don't have a political party and I've never called anyone anywhere a "whore" or posted anything about any of those entities
Deal with that before you start making shit up. K?

Or prove me wrong and quote it. Right here, right now.
But you fucking well know the left has done exactly that. Can ewe show where ewe have called them out before you get all indignantly drama queenish?

Once again for the re-tarded, it AIN'T MY FUCKING JOB to prove somebody else's baseless point does not exist. It's fucking their job to put legs on it.

Which she can't. And I already know she can't. And now the whole world knows it.
You want an Oscar?

What I want is an apology.

I opened the door for any documentation to prove her point but since I know damn well what I've posted I did that already knowing she can't document it. Just to be fair.

Ewe *DO NOT* get out of the responsibility of a false accusation by alluding to "drama". You fucking FACE UP TO your own responsibility, that's what you do.
I am waiting for your repudiation!
Eye am waiting for (a) documentation or (b) apology becuase (a) does not exist.

Until that happens there is nothing to "repudiate".

As I always say, trot that post in here and plunk it, and I'll defend it. None have been so plunked.
I do hope she cleans up her mouth, its fine at home, well not really, but to say it in front of people. Just because he is a low life doesn't mean its fine to use fowl language in front of people.

What a chickenshit thing to say? What a bird brain! You ducked the question I see. That's a turkey of an expression! Your goose is cooked!

You meant "foul" I hope!
At least she didn’t ‘monkey it up’.

I already used that. Stop stealing! :mad:
Lol, liberals are supporting the religion of hate.
Lol, yeah right. Liberals hate christianity, but for some reason. You love muslims.
I hate Muslims at the same exact level that I hate Christians.
Lol, i see you're a hateful person. You just being a good liberal?
Sorry, but you guys on the Right wrote the book on "hateful" think we're gonna play nice now? :71:
But you fucking well know the left has done exactly that. Can ewe show where ewe have called them out before you get all indignantly drama queenish?

Once again for the re-tarded, it AIN'T MY FUCKING JOB to prove somebody else's baseless point does not exist. It's fucking their job to put legs on it.

Which she can't. And I already know she can't. And now the whole world knows it.
You want an Oscar?

What I want is an apology.

I opened the door for any documentation to prove her point but since I know damn well what I've posted I did that already knowing she can't document it. Just to be fair.

Ewe *DO NOT* get out of the responsibility of a false accusation by alluding to "drama". You fucking FACE UP TO your own responsibility, that's what you do.
I am waiting for your repudiation!
Eye am waiting for (a) documentation or (b) apology becuase (a) does not exist.

Until that happens there is nothing to "repudiate".
So you are on record in repudiation of the left’s insane bad behavior? May I see a link?
Democrats have no problem calling the First Lady a “whore”. Or Sarah Palin and her kids...or the Bush twins etc. Until you reign yourselves have no room to be demanding things of others. Deal with it.
Republicans have no problem calling the First Lady a “man”. Or call Chelsea Clinton a dog. Until you reign yourselves have no room to be demanding things of others. Deal with it.
Yes! Dosas! Just take a look at your signature picture! Before ewe start moralizing like the Pelosi cud chewing ****.
What’s wrong with my sigpic?

Did I alter it? NO.
Is it a photoshop? NO.
Is it an actual photo of Sanders? YES.

So what’s your fucking problem, bitch?
Lol, liberals are supporting the religion of hate.
Lol, yeah right. Liberals hate christianity, but for some reason. You love muslims.
I hate Muslims at the same exact level that I hate Christians.
Lol, i see you're a hateful person. You just being a good liberal?
Sorry, but you guys on the Right wrote the book on "hateful" think we're gonna play nice now? :71:
Since ewe have never played nice! NO!
Democrats have no problem calling the First Lady a “whore”. Or Sarah Palin and her kids...or the Bush twins etc. Until you reign yourselves have no room to be demanding things of others. Deal with it.
Republicans have no problem calling the First Lady a “man”. Or call Chelsea Clinton a dog. Until you reign yourselves have no room to be demanding things of others. Deal with it.
Yes! Dosas! Just take a look at your signature picture! Before ewe start moralizing like the Pelosi cud chewing ****.
What’s wrong with my sigpic?

Did I alter it? NO.
Is it a photoshop? NO.
Is it an actual photo of Sanders? YES.

So what’s your fucking problem, bitch?
Well ****! If you have to ask!
Lol, liberals are supporting the religion of hate.
Lol, yeah right. Liberals hate christianity, but for some reason. You love muslims.
I hate Muslims at the same exact level that I hate Christians.
Lol, i see you're a hateful person. You just being a good liberal?
Sorry, but you guys on the Right wrote the book on "hateful" think we're gonna play nice now? :71:

Apparently they expect their opponents to bring a Colmes to a Limblob fight?

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