Reps Lauren Boebert & Matt Gaetz both say they'll nominate Trump to be Speaker Of The House when (if?) the GOP take back the House in 2023

Could happen, she has had a good run
Most successful Speaker of her era
Most successful at what? Ruining America with liberal laws? You libs are for a higher minimum wage which would bankrupt businesses. You libs want more environmental laws which would send more jobs to China. At least the Chinese have picked the right side on jobs versus the environment.
Most successful at what? Ruining America with liberal laws? You libs are for a higher minimum wage which would bankrupt businesses. You libs want more environmental laws which would send more jobs to China. At least the Chinese have picked the right side on jobs versus the environment.
Nancy Pelosi has passed more significant legislation than the last three Republicans Speakers combined
Apparently, they are both dumb as sh.t and that leaves me out. I think attractive people have a brain and not noodles between their ears.
If that were true, you'd love democrats and hate republicans but it's the opposite, you looke the noodles.......just admit it.
That doesn't make it good.......there in lies the issue.
Actually it does

Pelosi passed

Economic Stimulus/TARP
COVID stimulus

Your turn
Show any significant accomplishments of Hastert, Boehner or Ryan (Do you really want to talk about Hastert?)
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Their master plan is to make Trump Speaker of the House and then Impeach Biden AND Harris at the same time thus making Trump President again

Deviously stupid
Biden is an easy one to "castaway". Harris is a hard one to impeach since she does nothing. :rolleyes:
It takes 2/3 of the Senate to remove from office. Which means you'll need about 1/3 of Democrats to vote for removing Biden and Harris.

Stick with the 2024 fantasizing, it's a whole lot more realistic and people won't call you dumb for bringing it up.
Biden is so unpopular with America 100% of the Senate will vote to impeach, no matter how much Xi protests
Trump as Speaker? That'd be EPIC! :D

President Biden has a much deeper understanding of issues related to the economy, the environment, healthcare, COVID, foreign policy

Trump not only didn’t understand, but was unwilling to learn. He couldn’t read and wouldn’t listen to briefings longer than one page.

In 2017, I was hoping Donnie would grow into the job. So much for that! :rolleyes-41:
The idea of putting that moron back in the White House ought to be enough motivate voters to make sure he never is in government again

Yep, Trump would lose 2024 by 10-12 million votes. But don't put it past red state legislatures to throw out the votes they don't like and reinstall their Cheeto Jesus.
Actually it does

Pelosi passed

Economic Stimulus/TARP
COVID stimulus

Your turn
Show any significant accomplishments of Hastert, Boehner or Ryan (Do you really want to talk about Hastert?)

Ahh Denny the Diddler. Can't believe that bastard is already out of jail. 😠


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