Reps Lauren Boebert & Matt Gaetz both say they'll nominate Trump to be Speaker Of The House when (if?) the GOP take back the House in 2023

Trump listened to briefings all the time. His beloved son in law, his tremendous lawyer Rudy, and others visited foreign capitals and gave him the 411 on issues constantly.

Trump rarely listen to briefings. He has too short an attention span. He also trusts his instincts based on watching TV over the recommendations of experts
He's an ignorant, impulsive, vulgar bully.. and you want him to be Speaker of the House?

Being Speaker is like herding cats
You are not the boss of members of Congress and you must negotiate behind the scenes, compromise, make concessions until you get the votes you need.

Trump lacks those skills
Being Speaker is like herding cats
You are not the boss of members of Congress and you must negotiate behind the scenes, compromise, make concessions until you get the votes you need.

Trump lacks those skills
The whole idea there is that it would put him second in line of succession to the Presidency
CAll #1:

".....Marjorie Taylor Green is the smartest and toughest Republican in the House..."

"..... a person like this, so deeply in the hearts and minds of an absolutely adoring, sycophantic and obedient party."

CALL #2:

"You arrogant snobs think that we are all a bunch of dumb hicks blindly following what you call his “lies."

"Trump listened to briefings all the time. His beloved son in law, his tremendous lawyer Rudy.....gave him the 411 on issues constantly."
Trump won't have to run! CCP loses the House and Senate, Trump Speaker, impeach Biden and Harris

It takes 2/3 of the Senate to remove from office. Which means you'll need about 1/3 of Democrats to vote for removing Biden and Harris.

Stick with the 2024 fantasizing, it's a whole lot more realistic and people won't call you dumb for bringing it up.
HAMAS started as an Islamic charity, and because Israelis are great humanitarians, they supported them. Then, under the antisemitic Muslim Brotherhood, HAMAS become the anti-Israel antisemitic terrorist group it is today.

Blaming Israel for Hamas - is there ANYTHING that leftists don’t blame Israel for? - would be as if we supported the Red Cross in its work to help in crises, and then some racist haters used it to morph into the Red Spread, a communist organization trying to kill America, and the. having people like that Israel-hating poster say “well….YOU created the Red Spread.”
Trump rarely listen to briefings. He has too short an attention span. He also trusts his instincts based on watching TV over the recommendations of experts
And Biden is too brain-defective to even understand briefings, or what is going on at all, He didn’t even know that his own DOJ wants to give $450,000 to ilelgals.
Lisa’s post is fact.
Yours is feelings.
See the difference?
Rightwinger's is FACT.

And Biden is too brain-defective to even understand briefings, or what is going on at all, He didn’t even know that his own DOJ wants to give $450,000 to ilelgals.
Yet Biden repeatedly demonstrates that he has a complex understanding of the issues
Something Trump was unable to demonstrate
Rightwinger's is FACT.

Who cares? Americans were enjoying the best economy in decades under Trump until the communists released the virus that Fauci was funding.

Now we have the worst inflation in 30 years, unaffordable gas prices, major supply disruptions, an upcoming winter where people won’t be able to afford heat, Americans being given so much money they don’t have to work, a horrific surge of illegals at the border, Taliban terrorists emboldened by Biden’s idiocy, but hey…..we are sticking it to the rich!
Yet Biden repeatedly demonstrates that he has a complex understanding of the issues
Something Trump was unable to demonstrate
OMGl Your statement shows such delusion that there’s no sense in arguing. Biden can’t even find his way to his chair.
OMGl Your statement shows such delusion that there’s no sense in arguing. Biden can’t even find his way to his chair.
Its a fact
In interview after interview Biden is able to demonstrate a complex understanding of the issues

Trump would make a few statements and then start making shit up that his staff would later correct
HAMAS started as an Islamic charity, and because Israelis are great humanitarians, they supported them. Then, under the antisemitic Muslim Brotherhood, HAMAS become the anti-Israel antisemitic terrorist group it is today.

Blaming Israel for Hamas - is there ANYTHING that leftists don’t blame Israel for? - would be as if we supported the Red Cross in its work to help in crises, and then some racist haters used it to morph into the Red Spread, a communist organization trying to kill America, and the. having people like that Israel-hating poster say “well….YOU created the Red Spread.”
Holy shit. Yea. Sure.
It takes 2/3 of the Senate to remove from office. Which means you'll need about 1/3 of Democrats to vote for removing Biden and Harris.

Stick with the 2024 fantasizing, it's a whole lot more realistic and people won't call you dumb for bringing it up.

Actually, it takes 2/3 of those present not 2/3 of the body. Scheduling the trial during a nambla convention might reduce the number of D's in washington significantly
Of course, it would never happen.

But if Mr. Trump were the Speaker for even only one day, can you imagine what Nancy's reaction would be?

How delicious it would be to see the shock on her face as that super rich woman glumly gets into her private jet to return to her premium ice cream and facial enhancement appointments.
Of course, it would never happen.

But if Mr. Trump were the Speaker for even only one day, can you imagine what Nancy's reaction would be?

How delicious it would be to see the shock on her face as that super rich woman glumly gets into her private jet to return to her premium ice cream and facial enhancement appointments.
If Republicans take the House, Pelosi will not be Speaker regardless

She will still be a member of the House and Minority leader
If Republicans take the House, Pelosi will not be Speaker regardless

She will still be a member of the House and Minority leader

What makes you think the old bag just wouldn't quit the House instead?

She's older than Sleepy Joe, for goodness sakes, why take a powerless position at her age?

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