Repub Governors are sabotaging COVID recovery as variants begin to emerge

The anti-masker, anti-vaccine, cult that the GOPQ has created, may lead to more pain for the rest of us, who are trying to abide by medical guidelines issued by the CDC, We have spent months in isolation and away from family and loved ones. Now, these Red State leaders decide that it is time to ignore the best scientific minds in the world. Their ignorance may lead to our pain.
/-----/ " COVID deniers, the anti-lockdown protestors who are now anti-maskers and QAnon anti-vaxxers are a public health menace. "
Oh boo hooo hoo. Hide under your bed and wear a mask for the rest of your life. Or, get the vaccine and move on.
Variants have been occurring for many months, the CDC now saying 3 feet distance in classrooms. How are we to follow these ambiguities when the vaccine has not even been tested on the natural reservoir of COVID-19? How are the variants evolving in the natural reservoir, OP/Einstein?
The republicans sure are dumb, every one of them.

What's so "dumb"? Looks like a solid strategy- make sure that Biden-Harris are ripped to shreds for their COVID failure. Even after Trump had given them magic bullets against the plague on Day One of their failed administration.
What magic bullets did he give us when covid began?

The COVID vaccine was actually developed during the Trump Administration.

The mRNA are quick to develop.

Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades. Interest has grown in these vaccines because they can be developed in a laboratory using readily available materials. This means the process can be standardized and scaled up, making vaccine development faster than traditional methods of making vaccines
Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC
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We've heard this nonsense several times already and the prognistications of doom have not happened.

Georgia was experimenting in human sacrifice, Florida's beaches were the killing fields. Their people are living normal lives while blue states are looking to justify their actions and continue them. It's absurd at this point and, moreover, the data doesnt support it, unless we draw unsupported conclusions, as is the case here.
Democrat governor Cuomo is personally responsible for the deaths and subsequent coverup of over 10,000 nursing home residents and lefties are worried about "republicans creating new vectors". No surprises here.
We've heard this nonsense several times already and the prognistications of doom have not happened.

Georgia was experimenting in human sacrifice, Florida's beaches were the killing fields. Their people are living normal lives while blue states are looking to justify their actions and continue them. It's absurd at this point and, moreover, the data doesnt support it, unless we draw unsupported conclusions, as is the case here.
Your fake data doesn't support masks, the actual data, does support wearing them.
We've heard this nonsense several times already and the prognistications of doom have not happened.

Georgia was experimenting in human sacrifice, Florida's beaches were the killing fields. Their people are living normal lives while blue states are looking to justify their actions and continue them. It's absurd at this point and, moreover, the data doesnt support it, unless we draw unsupported conclusions, as is the case here.
Your fake data doesn't support masks, the actual data, does support wearing them.

What fake data? I didn't cite any data here and I assure you any data I cite, here or anywhere, is not 'fake', nor do I have any idea what you're talking about with respect to the masks comment, as I never referenced masks.

This article is propaganda written by an obvious purveyor of Blue propaganda.

The 'study' is a joke that actually undercuts its own premise, and the premise of this article, in its own conclusions/limitations section.

It's downright ridiculous.

You're generally smarter than this.
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Your “best scientific minds” think that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
The same people, like the OP, that will blame Covid outbreaks on Republicans, are the very same people who applauded BLM events like this one last June in Portland Oregon:

But what strategy would you suggest that the Republicans use to foul things up so the voters will be ready for change during the next election?
I would suggest you continue to listen to trump, run the craziest candidates your u can find for the midterms, and generally just continue to act like complete assholes.

That should do it.
It took verified violations of state and federal Constitutions and laws to defeat him last time...

The way Joe and the Democrats are fu@king up it will take the Democrats a HELLUVA lot more in 2024. You're going to see a revolt against the Democrats the likes you'vseen before before.

Its less than60 days into Joe's administration and already the usually Democrat surrogate fake news media is showing signs of being tired of his lies, bullshit, being an AWOL President, a clown who refers to his VP as 'PRESIDENT', can't walk up stairs, and ells blatant lies likenovaccines existed before he took office....despite getting 2 televised caching shots...and claiming to have been knocked over by a gentle breeze.

If it is wrong to call it the Chinese Virus, why is ok to identify the variants with their country of origin? Such as the UK Variant, the Brazilian Variant and the South African Variant, just more liberal double speak!
If you want to know who your masters are, see who you're not allowed to criticize.

Biden couldn't even bring himself to condemn China's slavery.
It took verified violations of state and federal Constitutions and laws to defeat him last time...
View attachment 470273
Actually you know it is true because I provided you with the link to the story of how Chief Justice Roberts publicly acknowledged that Democrats in Pa violated both state and Federal Constitutions and election as cation laws in the middle of the election, how they bypassed their state legislature to viable rules and processes both UnConstitutionslly and illegally....

....but YOU continue to lie every time, acting as if you have never seen it, never heard it, don't know its true.

YOU are a LIAR....and we BOTH know THAT!

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