Repub House passes bill preventing scientific advice to EPA


House Passes Bill that Prohibits Expert Scientific Advice to the EPA

While everyone’s attention was focused on the Senate and the Keystone XL decision on Tuesday, some pretty shocking stuff was quietly going on in the House of Representatives. The GOP-dominated House passed a bill that effectively prevents scientists who are peer-reviewed experts in their field from providing advice — directly or indirectly — to the EPA, while at the same time allowing industry representatives with financial interests in fossil fuels to have their say. Perversely, all this is being done in the name of “transparency.”

Read more: House Passes Bill that Prohibits Expert Scientific Advice to the EPA | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

Money talks.

My bet is that RWs will actually agree that science should have no voice in government decisions.

If you want to believe certain junk science like global warming, go ahead but that hoax shouldn't be used to make government decisions.

What they need to do is defund the EPA.
so do you think if they did that,that private industry would take it upon themselves to make sure they dont pollute?.....because i sure as hell soon as it comes between making a buck or doing something that might cost something but cuts their pollutants.....i dont trust anyone of them to chose to keep their pollutants down...

As it is, the EPA has no power. Offenders just pay their little fines and go right on polluting our water and air.

If the EPA has no power, how can they issue fines?
Well, the upside of this is that those wascally wepublicans have not yet brought forth articles of impeachment for... uh..... ahhhhh, erm, BENGHAZI!
And the downside being you completely ignored the previous post

It's called personal freedom.. I can contribute what I want to, when and where I want to. YOU don't dictate how I manage flow of thought when I read a thread. Some things don't interest me, others do. If you don't like it, then tough shit for you.
"Board members may not participate in advisory activities that directly or indirectly involve review or evaluation of their own work".

Reviewing and/or evaluating your own work while sitting on the Board.

What's so fucking difficult to understand about this, brotch? :slap:

This means that a scientist who had published a peer-reviewed paper on a particular topic would not be able to advise the EPA on the findings contained within that paper. That is, the very scientists who know the subject matter best would not be able to discuss it.

Read more: House Passes Bill that Prohibits Expert Scientific Advice to the EPA | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building


That's what you get when you cherry pick.

Don't worry though. The other knee jerk, reactionary RWs will soon be along to say we should defund the EPA.

Oh wait ^^^ Never mind.

Seems you left wing tree huggers will soon be along. Oh wait. That's why we have the EPA.
My bet is that RWs will actually agree that science should have no voice in government decisions.

Actually the EPA shouldn't exist to begin with (no Constitutional authority), so nobody should be having a say in what the EPA hears.

I didn't thank you because I agree with you. I don't. I thanked you because you are sticking with your principles, and I respect that. :thup:
I didn't thank you because I agree with you. I don't.....

Why not? Do you know of some portion of the US Constitution that I'm missing which gives the US Government (and especially, unregulated executive departments) ANY power over such things?

House Passes Bill that Prohibits Expert Scientific Advice to the EPA

While everyone’s attention was focused on the Senate and the Keystone XL decision on Tuesday, some pretty shocking stuff was quietly going on in the House of Representatives. The GOP-dominated House passed a bill that effectively prevents scientists who are peer-reviewed experts in their field from providing advice — directly or indirectly — to the EPA, while at the same time allowing industry representatives with financial interests in fossil fuels to have their say. Perversely, all this is being done in the name of “transparency.”

Read more: House Passes Bill that Prohibits Expert Scientific Advice to the EPA | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

Money talks.

My bet is that RWs will actually agree that science should have no voice in government decisions.

If you want to believe certain junk science like global warming, go ahead but that hoax shouldn't be used to make government decisions.

What they need to do is defund the EPA.
Damn right we need to defund the EPA! That'll get us back on equal footing competing with China!

Before I refute what you said, please provide a source for that picture and whatever was taking place at the time. If you think I believe that's what it's like on a normal day, you have discounted any claim you have.
You've gotta be kidding.
smog in beijing - Google Search

And here's some good news for Beijing from just a couple of days ago!
Dangerous Smog in Beijing Down Slightly in 2014 Discovery News
Well, the upside of this is that those wascally wepublicans have not yet brought forth articles of impeachment for... uh..... ahhhhh, erm, BENGHAZI!
And the downside being you completely ignored the previous post

It's called personal freedom.. I can contribute what I want to, when and where I want to. YOU don't dictate how I manage flow of thought when I read a thread. Some things don't interest me, others do. If you don't like it, then tough shit for you.
Oh....yay, another one of those huh

Pardon me for pointing out how asinine your contribution was, since the previous postclearly stated the nature of the legislation.
You are more than welcome to continue to look you were:eusa_hand:
My bet is that RWs will actually agree that science should have no voice in government decisions.

Actually the EPA shouldn't exist to begin with (no Constitutional authority), so nobody should be having a say in what the EPA hears.
But since they do, I just thought it only make sense that they were scientists.
I's DC. It's not supposed to be logical
So let's g's straight. Scientists can't converse with the EPA but the polluters can? Why not just let the polluters write the laws too? That would surely result in more jobs. LMAO

House Passes Bill that Prohibits Expert Scientific Advice to the EPA

While everyone’s attention was focused on the Senate and the Keystone XL decision on Tuesday, some pretty shocking stuff was quietly going on in the House of Representatives. The GOP-dominated House passed a bill that effectively prevents scientists who are peer-reviewed experts in their field from providing advice — directly or indirectly — to the EPA, while at the same time allowing industry representatives with financial interests in fossil fuels to have their say. Perversely, all this is being done in the name of “transparency.”

Read more: House Passes Bill that Prohibits Expert Scientific Advice to the EPA | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

Money talks.

My bet is that RWs will actually agree that science should have no voice in government decisions.

If you want to believe certain junk science like global warming, go ahead but that hoax shouldn't be used to make government decisions.

What they need to do is defund the EPA.
so do you think if they did that,that private industry would take it upon themselves to make sure they dont pollute?.....because i sure as hell soon as it comes between making a buck or doing something that might cost something but cuts their pollutants.....i dont trust anyone of them to chose to keep their pollutants down...

As it is, the EPA has no power. Offenders just pay their little fines and go right on polluting our water and air.
ok....then why have it?...if they just fine,but do not enforce,are they then not doing what they are supposed to do,like stop polluting?..........
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That's the old EPA. The new EPA is a strong arm of Obama's war on America, not a protector of our environment. While our coal is still being used, it's not being used by us. The EPA tried to shut down the nuke plant near us because a pollutant was so negligible it couldn't be measured. The EPA rules say it needs to be measured so first they tried to shut the whole works down, then they tried to get them to pay an exorbitant "little" fine.(tax)
The Titanium plant did shut down because the electric bill was higher than their profit margin. This is about putting the middle class out of work.

Nuddley, stop lapping up Obamaspeak with a spoon. Obama doesn't give a shit about American air. His plan was to auction off polluting rights to the biggest bidder. (tax) The skyrocketing fines (tax) levied on the smaller companies, gets transferred to the customer. We get to pay an extra 1,000 a year for heat so our power plant can do exactly the same thing it did before Obama deployed the EPolice.

It's a win win for our tax czar. More money to redistribute to his friends. While no electric is a real possibility for our farms, homes, and businesses. Yay regulations and taxes and unemployment......
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House Passes Bill that Prohibits Expert Scientific Advice to the EPA

While everyone’s attention was focused on the Senate and the Keystone XL decision on Tuesday, some pretty shocking stuff was quietly going on in the House of Representatives. The GOP-dominated House passed a bill that effectively prevents scientists who are peer-reviewed experts in their field from providing advice — directly or indirectly — to the EPA, while at the same time allowing industry representatives with financial interests in fossil fuels to have their say. Perversely, all this is being done in the name of “transparency.”

Read more: House Passes Bill that Prohibits Expert Scientific Advice to the EPA | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

Money talks.

My bet is that RWs will actually agree that science should have no voice in government decisions.
I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself on the Internet. Have you ever noticed that whenever you sit behind a keyboard, some idiot starts typing?
Business should be allowed zero input into any laws regarding the environment. Big business cares nothing for our environment and feel that a few lives getting sick is an even trade for profit. I do not trust ame3rican corporations to do anything positive as far as our water and air are concerned.

House Passes Bill that Prohibits Expert Scientific Advice to the EPA

While everyone’s attention was focused on the Senate and the Keystone XL decision on Tuesday, some pretty shocking stuff was quietly going on in the House of Representatives. The GOP-dominated House passed a bill that effectively prevents scientists who are peer-reviewed experts in their field from providing advice — directly or indirectly — to the EPA, while at the same time allowing industry representatives with financial interests in fossil fuels to have their say. Perversely, all this is being done in the name of “transparency.”

Read more: House Passes Bill that Prohibits Expert Scientific Advice to the EPA | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

Money talks.

My bet is that RWs will actually agree that science should have no voice in government decisions.

If you want to believe certain junk science like global warming, go ahead but that hoax shouldn't be used to make government decisions.

What they need to do is defund the EPA.
so do you think if they did that,that private industry would take it upon themselves to make sure they dont pollute?.....because i sure as hell soon as it comes between making a buck or doing something that might cost something but cuts their pollutants.....i dont trust anyone of them to chose to keep their pollutants down...

As it is, the EPA has no power. Offenders just pay their little fines and go right on polluting our water and air.
ok....then why have it?...if they just fine,but do not enforce,are they then not doing what they are supposed to do,like stop polluting?..........

Fining is how they enforce. At least civil enforcement.

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