Repub Kasich AGREES with obama - Take guns from people on no-fly list


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
What a pathetic rino. Since when do we deprive a citizen of constitutional rights just because some bureaucrat puts your name on a list?

Kasich: Keep guns from those on no-fly list

dec 6 2015 Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) says he is in favor of preventing people on the “no-fly list” from being able to purchase guns.

“Well, on the no-fly list, we probably could keep them from getting guns and ought to ban them,” Kasich said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday.

"Of course it makes common sense to say that if you’re on a terror watchlist that you shouldn’t be able to go out and get a gun, although you will be able to get it illegally, but what we have to deal with is the fact that we don’t want to tip somebody off that they’re under review and that we could be gathering critical information to disrupt the plot,” he added.

Republicans in the Senate prevented Democrats from approving a measure last week that would have barred people on federal terror watchlists from buying firearms.
God help us when the bureaucrats start using a arbitrary list to cancel the Bill of Rights for certain people when most of the alleged "intelligence" bureaucrats would probably screw up a laundry list. Didn't the Russians furnish the FBI with the names and address and zip code of the Boston Marathon bombers? Orwell lives.
God help us when the bureaucrats start using a arbitrary list to cancel the Bill of Rights for certain people when most of the alleged "intelligence" bureaucrats would probably screw up a laundry list. Didn't the Russians furnish the FBI with the names and address and zip code of the Boston Marathon bombers? Orwell lives.

I've always said the two biggest threats to our freedom are bureaucracies and lifelong appointed judges. That's because either can make laws against the citizens and we have no redress.
Now conservatives suddenly give a fuck about the no fly list!?
You mean your multi-billion dollar intelligence complex can't be trusted to have even a few real threats on that no-fly list? I thought that was one of Bush's better ideas. When they told the world that Saddam had WMD and al Qaeda contacts they were right on the money though, right?
Conservatives have been all for the no fly list because it only hassled brown faces .

But when it starts to touch guns, ITS AN OUTRAGE !!!
Conservatives have been all for the no fly list because it only hassled brown faces .

But when it starts to touch guns, ITS AN OUTRAGE !!!
So were against it before you are for it.........can you give us some examples of said support from the repubs here
What a pathetic rino. Since when do we deprive a citizen of constitutional rights just because some bureaucrat puts your name on a list?

Kasich: Keep guns from those on no-fly list

dec 6 2015 Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) says he is in favor of preventing people on the “no-fly list” from being able to purchase guns.

“Well, on the no-fly list, we probably could keep them from getting guns and ought to ban them,” Kasich said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday.

"Of course it makes common sense to say that if you’re on a terror watchlist that you shouldn’t be able to go out and get a gun, although you will be able to get it illegally, but what we have to deal with is the fact that we don’t want to tip somebody off that they’re under review and that we could be gathering critical information to disrupt the plot,” he added.

Republicans in the Senate prevented Democrats from approving a measure last week that would have barred people on federal terror watchlists from buying firearms.

Between that and spatchcocking racist fucksticks and Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voters, we'd have a pretty good start...
I've always been against it . It's the craziest thing . No one knows how you get on , and there's no real due process to get off .
I've always been against it . It's the craziest thing . No one knows how you get on , and there's no real due process to get off .

But repubs who are constantly called terrorists by democrat officials......."deniers" who are constantly told they should be in prison cant be against it for the same reason that perhaps zealotry might land them on the list
An American citizen should not be placed on any list, including travel restrictions, unless the government has enough evidence to prosecute for breaking a law. Arbitrary placements on such lists, without even a hearing to provide the opportunity for redress, is especially dangerous if it's going to be used to take away constitutional rights.
What a pathetic rino. Since when do we deprive a citizen of constitutional rights just because some bureaucrat puts your name on a list?

Kasich: Keep guns from those on no-fly list

dec 6 2015 Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) says he is in favor of preventing people on the “no-fly list” from being able to purchase guns.

“Well, on the no-fly list, we probably could keep them from getting guns and ought to ban them,” Kasich said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday.

"Of course it makes common sense to say that if you’re on a terror watchlist that you shouldn’t be able to go out and get a gun, although you will be able to get it illegally, but what we have to deal with is the fact that we don’t want to tip somebody off that they’re under review and that we could be gathering critical information to disrupt the plot,” he added.

Republicans in the Senate prevented Democrats from approving a measure last week that would have barred people on federal terror watchlists from buying firearms.

What a pathetic rino. Since when do we deprive a citizen of constitutional rights just because some bureaucrat puts your name on a list?

Kasich: Keep guns from those on no-fly list

dec 6 2015 Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) says he is in favor of preventing people on the “no-fly list” from being able to purchase guns.

“Well, on the no-fly list, we probably could keep them from getting guns and ought to ban them,” Kasich said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday.

"Of course it makes common sense to say that if you’re on a terror watchlist that you shouldn’t be able to go out and get a gun, although you will be able to get it illegally, but what we have to deal with is the fact that we don’t want to tip somebody off that they’re under review and that we could be gathering critical information to disrupt the plot,” he added.

Republicans in the Senate prevented Democrats from approving a measure last week that would have barred people on federal terror watchlists from buying firearms.

In your opinion, who specially shouldn't be allowed to have a gun?
What a pathetic rino. Since when do we deprive a citizen of constitutional rights just because some bureaucrat puts your name on a list?

Kasich: Keep guns from those on no-fly list

dec 6 2015 Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) says he is in favor of preventing people on the “no-fly list” from being able to purchase guns.

“Well, on the no-fly list, we probably could keep them from getting guns and ought to ban them,” Kasich said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday.

"Of course it makes common sense to say that if you’re on a terror watchlist that you shouldn’t be able to go out and get a gun, although you will be able to get it illegally, but what we have to deal with is the fact that we don’t want to tip somebody off that they’re under review and that we could be gathering critical information to disrupt the plot,” he added.

Republicans in the Senate prevented Democrats from approving a measure last week that would have barred people on federal terror watchlists from buying firearms.

In your opinion, who specially shouldn't be allowed to have a gun?

That's simple, anyone who's rights have been take by a court of law. No short cuts, period.

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