Repub Ken Buck says election deniers are lying to America

College students kneeled and Pence walked out on them. They know Republicans don't care about their plight. (And Democrats barely do)
What is their "plight?" Living in the freest, most opportunity filled nation on Earth while attending college at taxpayer expense?

Of course he is right. trump and his cowardly cult have been lying about the election for three years and calling J6 an unguided Capitol tour is a lie.
Where is his proof?

Oh he has none.
Who the Fck is Ken Buck?

And why should I give a Fck?

The lefties just really really want you to stop talking about the stolen election. The majority of Americans believe it was rigged and they can’t stand that. They can’t prove their case to the American people so they have to resort trotting out the RINOs who hate Trump so much they are willing to lie about 2020 and claim there was “no cheating”.
What is their "plight?" Living in the freest, most opportunity filled nation on Earth while attending college at taxpayer expense?

I could list this all day. For many their plight was getting harrassed with unconstitutional actions like Stop and Frisk.

This got him a story in the Washington Examiner!

And he got to be on Face the Nation.

I wonder why he said that?

Oh, wait . . .
“Repub Ken Buck says election deniers are lying to America”


But conservatives aren’t going to stop lying about the 2020 election – or anything else, for that matter.
President Trump refusing to concede the stolen 2020 election has whipped Democrats into a foaming at the mouth frenzy, it's hilarious.
Looks like this is another case of someone not understanding what the definition of "lying" is.

While I can't see into the hearts and minds of people who believe the election was stolen, I do believe however that there are millions of Americans who truly believe the election was stolen. Whether some of these people are lawmakers and politicians, who knows.
Looks like this is another case of someone not understanding what the definition of "lying" is.

While I can't see into the hearts and minds of people who believe the election was stolen, I do believe however that there are millions of Americans who truly believe the election was stolen. Whether some of these people are lawmakers and politicians, who knows.
The only "evidence" that has ever been presented that the election was stolen was when trump stood behind a podium and lied. And that is not "evidence"...that is trump's Big Lie.
The only "evidence" that has ever been presented that the election was stolen was when trump stood behind a podium and lied. And that is not "evidence"...that is trump's Big Lie.

You're such a liar, I'll bet you have to pay your neighbor to call your dog for you.

I cannot believe tepubs are willing to vote for a bald face liar like trump. Niki Haley is far more qualified to be their nominee. trump, it is very probable, will be a felon prior to the repub nominating convention.

The 2020 election was obviously stolen. Why do you think the MSM has ignored what is going on in GA. and AZ? MI and NY have also uncovered fraud that was never investigated by the FBI. All facts.
Here are some of the Leftists' "lies":

In several states, the rules regarding voting and election procedures were changed by COURTS, Secretaries of State, and even local officials, even though under the U.S. Constitution, election procedures are to be governed solely by the State Legislatures. No wait, that's actually true.

The FBI and Justice Department illegally suppressed information about the "Hunter Biden Laptop," thus denying voters vital information about the integrity of the Democrat candidate. No wait, that actually true.

A large cadre of retired "intelligence" officials published a false letter in every major news source in the country, claiming that the aforesaid "Hunter Biden Laptop" was just "Russian disinformation." No wait, that's actually true.

Leftist billionaires paid for armies of volunteers to go out and canvass ghettoes, nursing homes, and homeless encampments to register to vote, "help" them to vote, and to deliver the ballots to either ballot boxes or the voting places, all in violation of state and federal laws. No wait, that's actually true.

State operatives in virtually every "swing" state prevented true audits of election results, and substituted re-counts of the same fucking ballots, over and over again, to hide the fact that no audits were taking place. No wait, that's actually true.

What were those Republican lies again?

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