Ken Buck says he’s no longer going to lie on behalf of GOP


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Ken Buck says he’s ‘not going to lie’ on behalf of GOP

So, all those lies and half-truths you told during your political career were to benefit only yourself and had nothing to do with your party’s pro- billionaire, pro-business, anti-worker, and anti-consumer agenda.

It’s so good of you to finally admit the truth, Mr. Buck.



Ken Buck says he’s ‘not going to lie’ on behalf of GOP

So, all those lies and half-truths you told during your political career were to benefit only yourself and had nothing to do with your party’s pro- billionaire, pro-business, anti-worker, and anti-consumer agenda.

It’s so good of you to finally admit the truth, Mr. Buck.

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I very much appreciate his belated effort, but it's going to take much more than one or ten or fifty people like him. And they're going to have to get their words in front of a LOT of people.

Not holding my breath.
Buck hates "Of the people, by the people and for the people". He hates individual freedoms and liberty. He hates lower taxes and secure borders. He hates cops. He loves big spending-big government. He's a corporate ass kisser. He's no different than the Marxist Democrats that are on the verge of destroying this country. Who needs him. MAGA

Ken Buck says he’s ‘not going to lie’ on behalf of GOP

So, all those lies and half-truths you told during your political career were to benefit only yourself and had nothing to do with your party’s pro- billionaire, pro-business, anti-worker, and anti-consumer agenda.

It’s so good of you to finally admit the truth, Mr. Buck.

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Leslie needs to give up her privilege. From her spouts we know she did. She traded over most of her comforts for the Prog Socialist cult. If she did not, then of course this is the worst of any hypocrisy. And there are endless Progressives who are the same.
I very much appreciate his belated effort, but it's going to take much more than one or ten or fifty people like him. And they're going to have to get their words in front of a LOT of people.

Not holding my breath.
It's liars like Buck, who, over the past five decades brought about our current threat to democracy by trump and his tens-of-millions misinformed trump Nazis.

This threat is not limited to the United States, but encompasses all nations with democratic governments that view this country as an ally against authoritarianism.
Is he going to switch to lying for the Donkey Party now?

Politicians on both sides lie. Which side lies the worst (or the best depending on your point of view), that's debatable.
Buck hates "Of the people, by the people and for the people". He hates individual freedoms and liberty. He hates lower taxes and secure borders. He hates cops. He loves big spending-big government. He's a corporate ass kisser. He's no different than the Marxist Democrats that are on the verge of destroying this country. Who needs him. MAGA

The GOP doesn't support any of the things you claim. They especially don't want a government by the people or for the people.

The GOP has overturned personal freedoms for everyone except white Christians. They lower taxes for the wealthy, they hate the police. The GOP has become the party of big government and record deficits. Every time a Republican is in the White House, Republicans crash the economy

Marxism died in 1989 but you seemed to have missed it. The Democrats aren't Marxists, but they have cleaned up every GOP financial collapse and put the country back on track for the people.

The GOP don't even have a platform or a plan. They're just going with the crazy old fart who thinks he's running against Barrack Obama.
President Trump praised him for his decision, according to the story.

Shows what a tremendous guy the Trumpster is, with the graciousness to salute his political enemies when they do something tremendous.
Good riddance to that idiot. You'll probably catch him on CNN or MSNBC after he leaves.
It's liars like Buck, who, over the past five decades brought about our current threat to democracy by trump and his tens-of-millions misinformed trump Nazis.

This threat is not limited to the United States, but encompasses all nations with democratic governments that view this country as an ally against authoritarianism.
I've seen some of these people say something like, "well, I stayed in so that I could play a role in getting us out of this". The claim appears to be that they thought they could fix it from the inside.

So either they're full of shit or they failed miserably. From the outside, these people look like little more than enablers. Look to world history: The key players in these things aren't the figurehead. One person can't do this. It's the enablers.
Buck hates "Of the people, by the people and for the people". He hates individual freedoms and liberty. He hates lower taxes and secure borders. He hates cops. He loves big spending-big government. He's a corporate ass kisser. He's no different than the Marxist Democrats that are on the verge of destroying this country. Who needs him. MAGA
That's one of your biggest problems. You accuse anybody who doesn't agree with you on every point of hating America. You can't see how childish that is?
I wonder if Buck is hoping for a big position in the 2nd Biden Administration? That would be a logical reason to drink the Sleepy Joe kool aid and back the D's.
I've seen some of these people say something like, "well, I stayed in so that I could play a role in getting us out of this". The claim appears to be that they thought they could fix it from the inside.

So either they're full of shit or they failed miserably. From the outside, these people look like little more than enablers. Look to world history: The key players in these things aren't the figurehead. One person can't do this. It's the enablers.
They are full of shit.
Is he going to switch to lying for the Donkey Party now?

Politicians on both sides lie. Which side lies the worst (or the best depending on your point of view), that's debatable.

Both sides don't lie. Democrats don't have to lie to win elections, because they have programs and plans that WORK for the people.

Republicans don't even have a platform or an agenda. They're good with whatever Trump wants to do. Like pulling out of NATO and letting Putin have the Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic states.

He's good with Xi building alliances and trading relationships with the "shithole" countries in Africa because who needs them????

But keep believing that "both sides are the same".
He's good with Xi building alliances and trading relationships with the "shithole" countries in Africa because who needs them????

Biden is the one who is ok with that. President Trump tried to build friendships around the world, including deepest, darkest Africa.
Both sides don't lie. Democrats don't have to lie to win elections, because they have programs and plans that WORK for the people.

Republicans don't even have a platform or an agenda. They're good with whatever Trump wants to do. Like pulling out of NATO and letting Putin have the Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic states.

He's good with Xi building alliances and trading relationships with the "shithole" countries in Africa because who needs them????

But keep believing that "both sides are the same".
Are both sides the same? In many ways they are the same, in many ways they are different. Do both sides lie? Absolutely! If you don't believe that both sides lie, you are delusional.

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