Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Another dumbass comment. It also let's illegals get to and from American jobs they should not have, it gives them the "semblance" of legality and being citizens. I allows them to open bank accounts illegally and too many other things to mention to a know nothing moron. Sheeese.

And when you are going to start going after the major employers that employ these illegals? When are you going to start locking them up as well. I suggest you start with Rump and his Kids and Son-in-Law and many of his business associates and donors.
One thing at a time...

Driver's Licensing is merely the mechanism du jour, to attack Sanctuary status in various jurisdictions...

Time to begin spanking those who stand with Illegal Aliens rather than their fellow countrymen...

You know... in a way sure to make them notice... their Sanctuary State pocketbooks... :21:

Maybe it's time to start locking up the employers where they won't need the drivers licenses, housing rentals, etc.. We can start with Rump Industries.
...Maybe it's time to start locking up the employers where they won't need the drivers licenses, housing rentals, etc.. We can start with Rump Industries.
That would be just fine.

Please proceed.

Meanwhile, whatever can be done to put Sanctuary Jurisdictions in a Hurt Locker is both appropriate and timely.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Lol, they should all be arrested.
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.
Only you do not want illegals deported and the border sealed

both of which can and should be done
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

The right to drive on our roadways funded by our taxpaying CITIZENS is a privileged reserved for real Americans. Using a drivers license as wetback bait in LefTard run shitholes should be prohibited. I thought you wanted us to stop incentivizing the human cockroaches?
That is obviously not true

Non citizens have always been allowed to use our roads. Anybody using our roads buys gas and those taxes pay for the roads
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?
No, that's not the point. The point is a Driver's License is used to show citizenship in a state on voting day. They're not supposed to have driver's license as it has been for a century
No it doesn’t.

Legal non citizens have always been allowed to get a license. The license shows you are Jose Jimenez, your voter registration shows you are allowed to vote.
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base
I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base
I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you
Your lib friend wants to punish employers and I pointed out what it will take to do it

Keep your bridge since your probably paid more for it than it was worth
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base

Seal up the Border: Most Illegal Immigrants come through the ports. They don't sneak in or climb the walls. Most come in with some form of Visa and overstay their welcome or they have falsified paperwork. "BUILD THAT WALL" needs to be changed to "Do a better job at the ports of entry" and enforcing the Visas. Beefing up the Ports of Entry would garner support from both Dems and Reps if present correctly. "BUILD THAT WALL" is just silly. But without the enforcement this can never be done.

Yes, we need to deport all known illegal aliens. But only after due process. The problem we have is, our Immigration Courts are overloaded and are at least a couple of years behind. We need to temporarily get at least twice the Immigration Courts going and get rid of the surplus of waiting court cases. This is doable.

As I state, the Uber Rich may run their mouths about this but they make billions by hiring these people. They pay them less than min wage, give them zero or almost zero benefits. And when the Illegal complains about it, the Uber Rich will be the first to call ICE to have their very own company raided. Then they just import the next batch. It's supposed to be illegal to hire these people already but it's just not enforced. Remember that Chicken Processing plant in the South? If ICE can discover who is and who isn't illegal, HR should be able to do so during the hiring process. Yet not one single Manager even got a cross look.
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base
I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you
Your lib friend wants to punish employers and I pointed out what it will take to do it

Keep your bridge since your probably paid more for it than it was worth

If the Bridge was built by a Rump Industries, just wait for the next high wind and instant recycled cement and chinese steel.
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base

Seal up the Border: Most Illegal Immigrants come through the ports. They don't sneak in or climb the walls. Most come in with some form of Visa and overstay their welcome or they have falsified paperwork. "BUILD THAT WALL" needs to be changed to "Do a better job at the ports of entry" and enforcing the Visas. Beefing up the Ports of Entry would garner support from both Dems and Reps if present correctly. "BUILD THAT WALL" is just silly. But without the enforcement this can never be done.

Yes, we need to deport all known illegal aliens. But only after due process. The problem we have is, our Immigration Courts are overloaded and are at least a couple of years behind. We need to temporarily get at least twice the Immigration Courts going and get rid of the surplus of waiting court cases. This is doable.

As I state, the Uber Rich may run their mouths about this but they make billions by hiring these people. They pay them less than min wage, give them zero or almost zero benefits. And when the Illegal complains about it, the Uber Rich will be the first to call ICE to have their very own company raided. Then they just import the next batch. It's supposed to be illegal to hire these people already but it's just not enforced. Remember that Chicken Processing plant in the South? If ICE can discover who is and who isn't illegal, HR should be able to do so during the hiring process. Yet not one single Manager even got a cross look.
Sealing the border will stop about half of the illegal alien invasion

but yes we need to follow up on visa overstays which are the other half of the invasion
Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base
I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you
Your lib friend wants to punish employers and I pointed out what it will take to do it

Keep your bridge since your probably paid more for it than it was worth

If the Bridge was built by a Rump Industries, just wait for the next high wind and instant recycled cement and chinese steel.
Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base
I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you
Your lib friend wants to punish employers and I pointed out what it will take to do it

Keep your bridge since your probably paid more for it than it was worth

If the Bridge was built by a Rump Industries, just wait for the next high wind and instant recycled cement and chinese steel.
If the Bridge was built by a Rump Industries

It wasnt
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base

Seal up the Border: Most Illegal Immigrants come through the ports. They don't sneak in or climb the walls. Most come in with some form of Visa and overstay their welcome or they have falsified paperwork. "BUILD THAT WALL" needs to be changed to "Do a better job at the ports of entry" and enforcing the Visas. Beefing up the Ports of Entry would garner support from both Dems and Reps if present correctly. "BUILD THAT WALL" is just silly. But without the enforcement this can never be done.

Yes, we need to deport all known illegal aliens. But only after due process. The problem we have is, our Immigration Courts are overloaded and are at least a couple of years behind. We need to temporarily get at least twice the Immigration Courts going and get rid of the surplus of waiting court cases. This is doable.

As I state, the Uber Rich may run their mouths about this but they make billions by hiring these people. They pay them less than min wage, give them zero or almost zero benefits. And when the Illegal complains about it, the Uber Rich will be the first to call ICE to have their very own company raided. Then they just import the next batch. It's supposed to be illegal to hire these people already but it's just not enforced. Remember that Chicken Processing plant in the South? If ICE can discover who is and who isn't illegal, HR should be able to do so during the hiring process. Yet not one single Manager even got a cross look.
Sealing the border will stop about half of the illegal alien invasion

but yes we need to follow up on visa overstays which are the other half of the invasion

No, it's already been recorded that 90% of the illegals come in through the ports of entry. And it's not just the overstaying of the Visas it's also the fake entry papers.
Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base
I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you
Your lib friend wants to punish employers and I pointed out what it will take to do it

Keep your bridge since your probably paid more for it than it was worth

If the Bridge was built by a Rump Industries, just wait for the next high wind and instant recycled cement and chinese steel.
Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base
I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you
Your lib friend wants to punish employers and I pointed out what it will take to do it

Keep your bridge since your probably paid more for it than it was worth

If the Bridge was built by a Rump Industries, just wait for the next high wind and instant recycled cement and chinese steel.
If the Bridge was built by a Rump Industries

It wasnt

Then maybe it will meet code and have used US Steel for the rebarring. And maybe he didn't pay too much for it. Must have been a Union Job :113:
Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base

Seal up the Border: Most Illegal Immigrants come through the ports. They don't sneak in or climb the walls. Most come in with some form of Visa and overstay their welcome or they have falsified paperwork. "BUILD THAT WALL" needs to be changed to "Do a better job at the ports of entry" and enforcing the Visas. Beefing up the Ports of Entry would garner support from both Dems and Reps if present correctly. "BUILD THAT WALL" is just silly. But without the enforcement this can never be done.

Yes, we need to deport all known illegal aliens. But only after due process. The problem we have is, our Immigration Courts are overloaded and are at least a couple of years behind. We need to temporarily get at least twice the Immigration Courts going and get rid of the surplus of waiting court cases. This is doable.

As I state, the Uber Rich may run their mouths about this but they make billions by hiring these people. They pay them less than min wage, give them zero or almost zero benefits. And when the Illegal complains about it, the Uber Rich will be the first to call ICE to have their very own company raided. Then they just import the next batch. It's supposed to be illegal to hire these people already but it's just not enforced. Remember that Chicken Processing plant in the South? If ICE can discover who is and who isn't illegal, HR should be able to do so during the hiring process. Yet not one single Manager even got a cross look.
Sealing the border will stop about half of the illegal alien invasion

but yes we need to follow up on visa overstays which are the other half of the invasion

No, it's already been recorded that 90% of the illegals come in through the ports of entry. And it's not just the overstaying of the Visas it's also the fake entry papers.
That has not even been alleged by any credible source much less proven

but if we do both types of law enforcement the question is moot

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