Republican bill will do away with overtime after 40 hours of work

As long as it's the choice of the employee and not the employer, I am fine with this.

Given our current state of employment, chances are it won't be.

"That proposal has to get out!"

"The project is behind schedule!"

"Didin't you just have a day off last month?"

"Can't you take care of that on your own time?"

"You're not a team player!"
Here's to a quick defeat of this abortion-of-a-bill, as quickly as may be practicable.

The Pubs in Congress - many of them in-bed with Corporatists - aren't fooling anybody with this one.

The 75-year-old Overtime Laws were passed for a good reason and they have withstood the test of time for good reason, as well.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it - and - from the Little Guy's perspective, this ain't broke.

End of convo.

This 75-year-old legislation is one of only a handful of surviving protections that the union-busting Pubs haven't managed to kill-off or neutralize during the past couple of decades.

Leave it the hell alone.

We see a lot in the earliest posts here about 'Choice'.


If an employee is to be given Comp-Time rather than Overtime Pay, then let it be the CHOICE of the EMPLOYEE rather than the Employer, as it has been for the past 75 years.

These Corporatists (and their whores sitting in various legislatures) have to be bitch-slapped upside the head every so often, to keep the worst of their greed in-check.

Here's hoping that we witness another such Grand Bitch Slap at them, in this context, in the coming weeks.

The bill said it will be A CHOICE of the employee....geesh! Find out more about something before blabbing about how bad it would be!
As long as it's the choice of the employee and not the employer, I am fine with this.

Given our current state of employment, chances are it won't be.

"That proposal has to get out!"

"The project is behind schedule!"

"Didin't you just have a day off last month?"

"Can't you take care of that on your own time?"

"You're not a team player!"

and so if they throw those out and they decide to not take time off, guess what? That employer is obligated in increasing his payroll.
As long as it's the choice of the employee and not the employer, I am fine with this.

Given our current state of employment, chances are it won't be.

"That proposal has to get out!"

"The project is behind schedule!"

"Didin't you just have a day off last month?"

"Can't you take care of that on your own time?"

"You're not a team player!"

You must work for a pretty shitty company if you think this is what it would be like. I don't feel that way and I've been at the same job for 20 yrs.
Here's to a quick defeat of this abortion-of-a-bill, as quickly as may be practicable.

The Pubs in Congress - many of them in-bed with Corporatists - aren't fooling anybody with this one.

The 75-year-old Overtime Laws were passed for a good reason and they have withstood the test of time for good reason, as well.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it - and - from the Little Guy's perspective, this ain't broke.

End of convo.

This 75-year-old legislation is one of only a handful of surviving protections that the union-busting Pubs haven't managed to kill-off or neutralize during the past couple of decades.

Leave it the hell alone.

We see a lot in the earliest posts here about 'Choice'.


If an employee is to be given Comp-Time rather than Overtime Pay, then let it be the CHOICE of the EMPLOYEE rather than the Employer, as it has been for the past 75 years.

These Corporatists (and their whores sitting in various legislatures) have to be bitch-slapped upside the head every so often, to keep the worst of their greed in-check.

Here's hoping that we witness another such Grand Bitch Slap at them, in this context, in the coming weeks.

The bill said it will be A CHOICE of the employee....geesh! Find out more about something before blabbing about how bad it would be!

Along with some serious whining and a healthy serving of guilt from the boss.
How is providing more options doing away with?

Not an OPTION if your employer doesn't want to pay overtime you are shit out of luck

" in which the employer has offered and the employee has chosen to receive compensatory time in lieu of monetary overtime compensation; and entered into knowingly and voluntarily by such employees and not as a condition of employment."

/end thread

Understand what they are saying. If an employer does not want to pay overtime then overtime won't be offered. If someone is willing to work over time for extra money and someone else is willing to work for comp time, then the employee who wants the paid overtime will just never get it. The option must be taken away for everyone.
Not an OPTION if your employer doesn't want to pay overtime you are shit out of luck

" in which the employer has offered and the employee has chosen to receive compensatory time in lieu of monetary overtime compensation; and entered into knowingly and voluntarily by such employees and not as a condition of employment."

/end thread

Understand what they are saying. If an employer does not want to pay overtime then overtime won't be offered. If someone is willing to work over time for extra money and someone else is willing to work for comp time, then the employee who wants the paid overtime will just never get it. The option must be taken away for everyone.

Wouldn't work. You see the employee will to work for comp time would actually TAKE the comp time denying the employer his work during said Comp time. Further if extra work is needed the employer may offer comp time but the employee may refuse meaning the employee works that time as OVERTIME.
Here's to a quick defeat of this abortion-of-a-bill, as quickly as may be practicable.

The Pubs in Congress - many of them in-bed with Corporatists - aren't fooling anybody with this one.

The 75-year-old Overtime Laws were passed for a good reason and they have withstood the test of time for good reason, as well.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it - and - from the Little Guy's perspective, this ain't broke.

End of convo.

This 75-year-old legislation is one of only a handful of surviving protections that the union-busting Pubs haven't managed to kill-off or neutralize during the past couple of decades.

Leave it the hell alone.

We see a lot in the earliest posts here about 'Choice'.


If an employee is to be given Comp-Time rather than Overtime Pay, then let it be the CHOICE of the EMPLOYEE rather than the Employer, as it has been for the past 75 years.

These Corporatists (and their whores sitting in various legislatures) have to be bitch-slapped upside the head every so often, to keep the worst of their greed in-check.

Here's hoping that we witness another such Grand Bitch Slap at them, in this context, in the coming weeks.

The bill said it will be A CHOICE of the employee....geesh! Find out more about something before blabbing about how bad it would be!

Along with some serious whining and a healthy serving of guilt from the boss.


There will always be bad bosses.

My last job, the boss was making employees work overtime and changing the numbers in the computer to add it the next weeks pay, so they never got overtime pay.

An employee turned him in to his boss, and he was fired.
It's the choice. The option. Liberals want to remove as many choices as possible.

Well yeah!!! We have to be "fair". If little Timmy has a couple of extra cookie crumbs on his napkin, that isn't fair to Bobby who only had a cookie with no extra crumbs. Daycare will need to start weighing cookies by the microgram to make sure that each child gets their "fair share". After all, it's only "fair".
I've been in the work force for 39 years. Ever since I can remember, certain jobs had overtime and certain jobs had comp time. It just depended on the individual company's policy.
Boy you would think there is a war to prevent workers from making any money in this country. The mandate has reduced many people to part time hours and now this.
Bend over and grab your ankles!

If you are one of the millions of workers who count on overtime to stretch your paycheck, including the 59% of US workers paid by the hour, it’s time to tell House Republicans, “Don’t cut my overtime with your so-called Working Families Flexibility Act (H.R. 1406).”

The bill would allow employers to stop giving workers any extra pay for overtime work and instead substitute “comp time.”

1. “Comp Time” means a pay cut—Workers compensated with time off rather than cash would see a reduction in their take-home pay.

2. “Comp Time” means mandatory overtime—“Comp time” legislation would make mandatory overtime less expensive for employers. Under “comp time” legislation, employers may be able to receive the benefits of overtime work at no additional cost to themselves.

3. “Comp Time” means more unpredictable work schedules for employees—Making mandatory overtime cheaper for employers would keep workers on the job longer and result in more unpredictable worker schedules and, for workers with children, higher day care costs.

5 Things You Need to Know About the ?Comp Time? Bill

Comp time has been around for years and is really popular with workers. The part you seem to not understand is that the time off has to be pre approved by the union or the worker, that the worker cannot accumulate more than 1 month of comp time, and that company actually has to pay for any comp time not taken. The employee can also opt out at will, and the employer has to pay all accrued hours within a month.

Feel free to pretend it is a bad idea though, it probably makes you feel smart. Or, if you actually want to be smart, read the actual bill.

Text of H.R. 1406: Working Families Flexibility Act of 2013 (Reported by House Committee version) -
Bend over and grab your ankles!

If you are one of the millions of workers who count on overtime to stretch your paycheck, including the 59% of US workers paid by the hour, it’s time to tell House Republicans, “Don’t cut my overtime with your so-called Working Families Flexibility Act (H.R. 1406).”

The bill would allow employers to stop giving workers any extra pay for overtime work and instead substitute “comp time.”

1. “Comp Time” means a pay cut—Workers compensated with time off rather than cash would see a reduction in their take-home pay.

2. “Comp Time” means mandatory overtime—“Comp time” legislation would make mandatory overtime less expensive for employers. Under “comp time” legislation, employers may be able to receive the benefits of overtime work at no additional cost to themselves.

3. “Comp Time” means more unpredictable work schedules for employees—Making mandatory overtime cheaper for employers would keep workers on the job longer and result in more unpredictable worker schedules and, for workers with children, higher day care costs.

5 Things You Need to Know About the ?Comp Time? Bill

They gotta keep trying. They haven't rolled back the entire 20th Century yet.

Read the bill and point out what, exactly, is bad about it.

Text of H.R. 1406: Working Families Flexibility Act of 2013 (Reported by House Committee version) -

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